Title: Detachment
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack, et al.
Wordcount: 100
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for 51stcenturyfox who wanted some Post-Exit Wounds fic. Submitted for mmom Day 1.Jack held on to his two remaining employees, understanding their sorrow and pain, but unable to completely share it.
He thought of Owen, and the tragedy of a missed sexual opportunity. Not the nicest thing to think at a time like this, but the only one that broke through the numbness. Each of Jack’s losses had diminished his ability to feel the next one.
Ianto and Gwen both looked at him with the clear expectation that they’d be the ones to provide comfort, but Jack shook his head and walked away.
He’d mourn Owen the only way he could.
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