Title: Repairs
By: karaokegal
Wordcount: 150
Rating: PG
Spoiler for Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Summary: A moment from Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.
Did he fix you?
Jack answered with a typically egotistical response, because that’s what they expected, but Owen’s question re-opened the same wound that had been cut into his being when the Doctor casually pointed out his essential wrongness in the universe.
His immortality must be an affront to everything that Dr. Harper had studied and believed in all his adult life. It’s one thing to accept aliens and another to sanction a man who can’t die.
Owen had always gotten under his skin, pissed him off, refused to give in to the charm that Jack used like money, especially when it was the only currency he had. Owen, with his own deluxe package of demons must have taken a look around the Hub and reckoned that the man who’d hired that lot was more fucked up than all of them put together.
He’d never forgive him for knowing that.
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