gle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});Title: Don't Look Now
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Life On Mars/Torchwood
Pairing: Gene Hunt/Jack Harkness
Wordcount: 175
Rating: PG13Gene didn’t know which he liked less; the look this so-called “Captain” was giving his DI, emphasis on the his or the slightly dazed look that Tyler had on his face in response.
The last thing he needed was some pseudo-military operation from Cardiff of all places, coming in to screw up a bust he’d been working on for months, claiming something about illegal aliens, much less to have DI Tyler letting his frilly side out just because some other ponce in a long coat gave him the kind of smile usually reserved for a pimp turning out a new girl just off the bus from nowhere.
On second and even third thought, which was far more attention than he wanted to be giving the matter, it was the look that Jack Harkness gave him that made him wish he had the fellow alone in an interrogation room.
Then he could ask Harkness where the hell he got off looking at another man that way and why the hell it made him feel like this?
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