Title: Slightly Psychic Confessions
Author: Casira
Pairing: Rose/Doctor/Jack
Rating: AO
Summary: Getting caught with slightly psychic paper in one's hands can be a dangerous thing indeed.***
Getting caught with slightly psychic paper in one's hands, Rose discovered that day, was an incredibly dangerous thing to do if Jack was in the room.
"So," he said casually as he walked in, giving Rose a smirk as she considered the Doctor's ever-useful card. "In all honesty, what would you think about the prospect of having sex with me?"
She didn't get any further than gaping at him before he'd strolled past, snatched the paper out of her hands, and stopped a few steps away to give it a good look. The Doctor, who'd been half-submerged beneath the TARDIS controls, pushed himself back out far enough to stare at him along with her; Rose noticed this, and blushed furiously.
"Looks like it just says 'oh, my God'," Jack read. He folded it back up and grinned at her. "Is that a good 'oh, my God' or a bad 'oh, my God'?"
"That's a 'none of your business'," Rose said, snatching the paper back. She couldn't resist flipping the holder open again to see his reaction, though, which she read over once before sputtering at him. "I--"
The Doctor's eyebrows lifted in silent question.
"'She'd do it'," Rose read, and stared at him. "Bit presumptuous, don't you think?"
Jack, still smirking, leaned against a beam. "Well, would you?"
Without comment, the Doctor reached up and deftly plucked the paper away. Rose gasped, but it was too late; he'd opened it, read it, quirked his eyebrows just slightly, then passed it back to Rose. All the while, Jack was peering close. "What did it say?"
The Doctor smiled mysteriously and disappeared beneath the console again, completely ignoring Jack's cajoling, "Oh, come on...."
Rose, for her part, was busy studying the paper again, and feeling mildly put out. "How come it's blank?" she asked.
From beneath the controls there was the sound of the sonic screwdriver casually at work. "Some of us," the Doctor said, "have better self-control than others."
"Oh, and so much fun that is," Rose shot back. "I'd love to know why you're so mum about it--"
Jack reached out and took the paper from her hands before she could blink.
"Ah-hah," he said, while Rose flushed scarlet and tried to take it back. Jack merely raised the paper high above his head and let her swing ineffectually at it until she felt foolish, and gave up. "Seems she's got some theories."
There was no reaction but from the screwdriver, which had just, very quietly, switched off.
"Our Rose thinks the good Doctor's too uptight to ever actually talk about sex. Which I didn't need the paper to guess." He gave her a look, then kept reading. "And she wonders exactly what you're hiding under that stoic exterior...."
The Doctor pushed himself back out again. "Since when," he asked, "am I stoic?"
"When it comes to stuff you don't want to talk about, you might as well be a rock for all the good it does to ask," Rose replied. She pulled the paper out of Jack's hands and read the single line that had just appeared, feeling it hard to repress a naughty little smile. "But our Jack here wouldn't mind trying to make you as hard as one."
"Give me that," Jack muttered, tugging it away from her. Rose grinned.
"So, Doctor," she said, kneeling down beside him on the floor. "You wanna play truth or dare?"
"Trust me," Jack said from over her shoulder; Rose glanced up to see him reading the card in precise detail. "She wants to."
The Doctor looked at him too, then back at Rose. His expression was inscrutable; his eyes flicked over hers several times before he silently held one hand up. Jack slipped the card into his palm, which he held there, unread, for several seconds before offering it to Rose.
She looked at it there for a long moment, unsure suddenly of what exactly it was she'd just asked for.
"I'd open it," the Doctor told her, "before you erase what I just said."
His voice was quiet and level, but intense enough that she instantly obeyed. His words were still there, clear and striking on the page -- and she flushed as she read them all... twice... while feeling a long shiver tingle down her spine.
In her hands, his thoughts were slowly melting into wordlessness.
"Oh, do tell," Jack said, crouching beside her and trying to read over her shoulder. She was less concerned about that than the warmth of his breath against her neck; he was sitting very close. And the Doctor didn't look away from her when he asked Jack, "What did she say, then?"
Rose blinked, trying to focus on the paper before her. There weren't any letters now; the entire sheet had begun to stain vivd red. She closed the holder before anything could resolve into words, then made herself meet the Doctor's eyes again.
"Whatever all that was," Jack translated, "I think it was a yes...."
The Doctor's expression changed subtly -- just enough that it seemed to be a prompt. And Rose, who'd been holding her breath, let it out and leaned forward to answer with a soft, definitive kiss.
The Doctor seemed to pause under her touch, then his lips curved, and everything she'd said about him being stoic melted away, too; he was smiling. She only let the touch last for a few moments, just long enough to feel the warmth of it, then drew back a fraction to see his response.
God, his eyes just glowed.
His hand had lifted to her shoulder, and his thumb was tracing up and down her neck in a softly intimate slide, when he spoke again. Something in her felt as much as heard the low intensity in it. "You still haven't answered Jack, you know," he said, making her look. Jack was still sitting beside them, his mouth open a little, openly staring -- but when Rose met his eyes, he almost blushed.
She worked her way around a word or two, thought better of it, then reached for the slightly psychic paper again -- and the Doctor's other hand came down atop hers, stopping her and distracting her in equal measure.
"No more cheating," he murmured.
Rose stared at him, feeling her heart beat faster. She'd never admit it, but there was something fiercely intimidating about that gaze -- even as unguarded and naked as it was, she couldn't even begin to guess what was still hidden beneath. All she could get a grasp on was his intensity, how sharply he perceived everything, how all of it was focused on her--
She wanted, desperately, to kiss him again. Instead, she forced herself to turn to Jack, who looked just as hungry as the Doctor, and just as intriguing -- and felt herself reaching out for him.
Jack slid easily into her touch, curling one arm around her back and holding on tightly as he met her kiss. He wasn't cautious at all. Gentle pressure eased her mouth open; she felt his tongue stroke against hers as the Doctor's hand slowly moved up the entire length of her arm. Rose felt a low, deep ache unwind within her, and only parted reluctantly for a single gasp of air.
The Doctor's hand had lifted further, stroking her hair now and making her head tilt wantonly under the pressure. "Oh," she said softly. A hint of a laugh lingered in her words. "Does that count as an answer?"
Only a dangerous laugh answered her -- and the touch of lips against her skin, in light, inflaming touches down the whole line of her neck. She shut her eyes, not sure what she'd do if she actually saw the Doctor kissing her that way, with his eyes shadowed now and fingers wandering -- but Jack, who was clearly watching in her absence, had just let out a low, rough moan at the sight. Rose tightened her hand on his shoulder in reflexive response, pulling him into another kiss.
This one was truly open; this one was wanting. Their tongues were tangling, his hands and body hot where they pressed against her. And everywhere Jack wasn't, the Doctor was -- his hands sliding over her with something like reverence, tracing every curve with clever fingers until she was trembling to the core. When his and Jack's hands intertwined over her heart (and gently stroked the swell of her breast in the bargain), her whole body arched up with the need to get closer.
Something about the motion and their pressure against her very quickly took their course, however, and they all went tumbling backwards. Rose landed with a thud and a gasp, but couldn't bother to complain -- not with two very solicitous companions swiftly reaching out to be sure she was all right. "I'm fine," she managed to say, feeling sure she'd lost at least half of the phrase somewhere in thin air. "Just touch me...."
Jack looked ready to set right to it, but the Doctor slid one hand beneath her shirt first, resting on her stomach while he studied her. Rose couldn't decide what was more maddening -- his fingertips teasing just below her breasts, or the slow, bright burn in his eyes as he stared. "We'll have to take this off," he said, tugging the shirt slightly upward. "Roll it up behind your head."
At the realization that they weren't going to make it anywhere near a bed, Rose made a small, strange noise even she didn't recognize, and did as he said. It felt strangely intimate all of a sudden to be doing so -- why, she wasn't sure, when they'd just been tangled so close -- but she still felt exposed when she wriggled out of the shirt and tried to settle down, the lumpy pseudo-pillow providing minimal comfort. In the end, though, she didn't much care, because Jack had bent his head to her exposed navel and begun to tease at her skin with an entirely-too-talented tongue, while the Doctor's hand crept back up her body and curved over one breast, feeling incredibly warm even through the fabric of her bra. "So soft...." he murmured.
"God," Rose breathed while he stroked her, and reached up for him, catching at his collar. When she did, she pulled hard. "Get this... off...."
Jack, upon those words, looked up from his ministrations to give Rose a wicked grin, and reached up to help. The Doctor's eyes shut as they both divested him of his coat -- then Rose sat up and stared as Jack ran both hands underneath the jumper, sliding it up and over the Doctor's head. His fingers skimmed over the Doctor's skin, teasing at him, and the look they gave each other once the shirt was discarded was -- well....
Rose watched as the Doctor took Jack's chin in his hand, holding him there, and then -- after his eyes flicked back to Rose, while a sly smile curved the very edges of his lips -- he bent forward and kissed him.
Rose gulped, reflexively startled at the sight. Almost despite herself, though, she kept watching. And they kept kissing. Jack melted into it, curving under the Doctor's hands in some strange, subtle way he hadn't done with her. They kept touching and touching, and breathing faster --
Holy... Rose thought in fragments, feeling the low burn within her flare even higher when the Doctor's hand dropped low, and Jack gasped into his mouth. That's. Oh.
She watched for a few more helplessly-aroused seconds, then reached behind herself. She'd be damned if she let them get that distracted --
The Doctor glanced away from Jack just long enough to see what she was doing, and so he saw her bra slide down off her shoulders. When his eyes went wide, Rose smiled and reached out a hand.
"Come on," she said softly.
He didn't wait an instant.
All at once, he was everywhere -- bare chest to bare chest, hands caressing her back, kisses on her forehead, her cheek, just at the corner of her mouth. Over his shoulder, Rose glimpsed Jack shedding his own shirt and making short work of his jeans; she couldn't concentrate on him for long, though, before the Doctor did something deliciously wicked to the sensitive skin just below her ear, and she arched and keened in his arms, her eyes fluttering shut.
"Oh, come on now," she heard Jack murmur, in a voice very close to her ear. "Don't I get a turn?"
She managed to open her eyes just enough to see Jack lightly stroking one hand up and down the Doctor's back, making one distinct detour even lower before he let go and slid close. He'd spread out their discarded clothes across the grate, and when the Doctor moved back just enough to give her room to adjust, Jack helped guide her onto them, pillowing her head again and stroking back her hair. She looked down at him then, seeing everything this time, and bit back a moan of appreciation.
Jack, for his part, looked entirely too pleased at what he could see of her himself.
"You look," he told her while one hand drifted over her skin, "like a goddess."
Rose laughed, her cheeks flaming, and turned her head a little; she'd put one hand to her forehead in embarrassment. "No, I--"
"Ssh," Jack whispered against her mouth, kissing her swiftly. Then he moved down a little, so the next words brushed out against her collarbone. "It's true."
And he stopped talking then, for his mouth and tongue were busy elsewhere, with the soft licks and teasing nips making her go just as speechless. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and her hips moved restlessly, and even as they did the Doctor's hands were right there --
"Oh," she breathed in, as she felt him tug her jeans carefully over her hips, sliding touches all the way down her thighs and calves as he worked them off. She made herself meet his eyes again when he was done; somewhere in the midst of all this he'd undressed the rest of the way, and his skin was teasing along hers as he laid beside her, even while Jack's hand slid ever closer to where she wanted it most. The sensations were so good she wanted to lose herself in them, but there was something about the way the Doctor was looking at her....
"Rose," he whispered as he pressed himself close; she could feel heat and hardness against her, and her heart skipped a beat -- or three. Jack's fingers began to stroke her then, low and deep and in perfect, aching counterpoint to the Doctor's voice, which certainly didn't make it any easier to breathe. "Are you...."
"What?" she whispered. He didn't reply, but his unnervingly intense look hadn't changed; he seemed to be waiting for something. And so she extended one hand, running her fingers into his short-cropped hair and then cradling his head to draw him closer. Suddenly she could see that spill of his thoughts again on the page, and remembered--
"Yes," she whispered into his mouth. "I want this too."
And this time she could nearly taste the truth of his words as he kissed her for good.
The sweet, heated darkness of it, the depth and need, the almost naive -- but anything but innocent -- way he was touching her all washed through her like a tidal wave. Rose felt herself straining toward him, craving more, and then she was moving -- rolling so one knee was braced on someone's jumper and the other against the grate, with the Doctor's lean body beneath hers and Jack behind her, touching, stroking, helping guide her as they shifted and -- oh --
The Doctor entered her so gently she almost couldn't believe it was happening except for the look on his face, which was, in that instant, pure wonder.
Then she lifted just a little so to sink back down around him, and the obvious pleasure coursing through him made his eyes drift shut and his mouth fall open in an incomprehensible whisper. And now he was beginning to respond.
Rose felt the rhythm of Jack's breaths against her as her head tipped back; her world was filtering down to his hands on her and the Doctor inside her, thrusting ever less carefully as his expression betrayed the long, slow break of his self-control. Rose kept her eyes open to watch it happen, shaking a little as he dragged his eyes open again to stare right back. And just when she was sure they couldn't get any closer to the verge without falling, Jack reached down to touch her and the Doctor both where they were joined -- and reality simply fell apart.
She'd never come like this before -- so aware of everything, every slickened slide and brush of sweaty skin, each cry and ragged breath, the slightly-awkward, bruised-knee, trembling, moaning incandescence of it all. The pleasure crashed through her so hard it was only Jack's strong arms keeping her from falling, and she could feel it echo in the tremors in his own body, as he rocked against her and breathed something awed into her hair when he followed her over the edge. But it was the Doctor who caught her eyes and held her. There was something so knowing and intimate about the look in his eyes that when he touched her face as he came, she could swear she felt just what he did -- something sweet and aching and so intense that it filled her senses completely.
I want to know you, she could hear him murmur, in the words she'd read just moments before. Hold you. Be within you. See you shining....
Yes, she replied silently. Yes.
Everything crested in a wave of brilliance, and then she was falling, landing half on metal and half on soft cotton, and tangled in the warmth of both Jack's and the Doctor's arms.
No one, for quite a long time, said a single word.
It was Jack who finally broke the companionable silence, after he'd reached for his shirt to roll back up behind his head, and tried, very carefully, to stretch. "I think," he said, his voice warm and a little rough, "that answers that question."
Rose laughed quietly against the Doctor's shoulder, curling closer and watching as Jack, now on the Doctor's opposite side, propped himself back up again to murmur a question. She wasn't sure what secrets were possibly left to be told, but what she heard him say into the Doctor's ear made her laugh: "What did she really say about me, though?"
The Doctor just smiled mischievously, reached above his head for the slightly psychic paper, and flung it so far across the room they couldn't even see where it finally landed. Jack fell back down onto the floor with a loud laugh of his own.
"All right -- you win," he said. "Next time, no cheating."
Rose grinned and reached for Jack's hand, lacing their fingers together over the Doctor's double heartbeat and holding on.
"Next time," she said, "we'll say it all ourselves."
And even though the Doctor didn't add another word, the smile still on his lips then said it all.***
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