Title: A Perfect Fit
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ianto Jones
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 40, Alternate Universe
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
It was amazing how right it felt to be here in Wales.
Greg looked up from his desk, stretching his arms out in front of him. He was here late, catching up on some paperwork, and waiting for Ianto to show up.
His boyfriend was out at a crime scene, and he couldn't help but feel slightly worried about the man he loved. But Ianto knew how to take of himself. He had, after all, been a member of the infamous Torchwood -- he had faced a lot of dangerous situations.
Yet there was always the definite possibility that his luck might run out, Greg thought with a shudder. They wouldn't always be safe, not with the jobs they had.
But so far, they were doing okay. He'd keep his fingers crossed.
Living in Wales wasn't really all that different from Vegas, really, he told himself with a smile. Less to do, but he was glad of that.
He'd never been one to spend money gambling, so he didn't miss that about Vegas. But when he'd been younger, he had enjoyed going out to all the clubs. Of course, now that he had a few more years under his belt, even that didn't seem so much fun any more.
Cardiff suited him. It felt like a perfect fit, even though he'd been unsure about being here at first. But now that Ianto was in his life, he never wanted to leave this city.
He fit in here; people respected him. His reputation as a CSI had followed him across the pond; he'd felt more respected here from the first than he ever had in Vegas.
The people he'd worked with in Vegas still remembered him as the dorky, somewhat irreverent kid he had been when he'd first started working at the crime lab. Yes, they'd grown to respect him, but they also joked about him -- and there were times when he didn't like that.
Cardiff almost seemed like an alternate universe in terms of the respect he got here. People never made fun of him. They joked with him, not about him.
And he had found the love of his life here, as well.
There were times when he felt like he was living in an alternate universe, but more often, he felt that his life up until now had been in that state.
He'd found his real home here in Cardiff, and his life had truly started once he'd settled into that home. The life he'd lived in Vegas had been fun, and he had learned a lot, but it was like an alternate universe now, a time and place that he had left far behind.
Greg smiled as he bent over his reports again, then glanced up at the clock. Ianto should be here within the next hour or so, and he still had work to do.
This was the universe that he fit into, and he never wanted to be anywhere else.***
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