Title: Enchantment
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ianto Jones
Fandom: CSI: Vegas/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
How long had it taken them to make it into the bedroom and get out of their clothes? Greg didn't know, but it seemed as though it had taken no time at all. And within seconds, he'd been swept into a world of such bliss that he didn't ever want to come back to reality.
He moaned as Ianto thrust into him again, their bodies straining against each other. He hadn't expected them to be entwined like this so quickly, but it seemed that once their clothes were off, their caution had gone away along with them.
There were no physical barriers between them now; they were skin to skin, Ianto buried so deeply inside him that Greg almost felt they were part of each other. He'd had his share of lovers, but never anyone who had taken him to the heights that Ianto did.
How could anyone in Ianto's past have given this man up? Greg thought as his nails scored down the smooth skin of his lover's back. He never wanted to give this up. He wanted to stay here, in Ianto's bed, in his arms, for the rest of their lives.
That wouldn't be possible, and he knew it. But for the moment, he was locked in Ianto's embrace, and he could dream about staying here forever, never leaving this room or this bed. He could only hope that Ianto felt the same, but Greg was fairly sure that he did.
He was so close to the edge .... Only a few more seconds now, another few thrusts and he would be flying through the stars, then falling to the ground and hoping that Ianto's arms would catch him before he fell too hard, that he would be wrapped in loving care.
Greg didn't want to break the spell that seemed to be woven around them, the enchantment that held them so close together. He felt as though he was existing in a world far beyond reality, a world that he wanted to stay inside for as long as he possibly could.
His hips moved with Ianto's as the other man thrust into him again, deeper and harder than before -- and with that one movement, Greg could see explosions of colored stars behind his closed eyelids, a myriad of sparks shooting through his mind and body.
Dimly, he heard Ianto's moan as the other man came in a warm rush inside him; he wrapped his legs more tightly around his lover's waist, not wanting to let Ianto go before he was ready to relinquish the feeling of being filled. This was too good to give up easily.
Ianto's arms were around him, the other man lying more heavily on top of him now, then shifting position slightly so that they were lying beside each other. Greg's legs were still wrapped around his waist; he had no intention of letting Ianto slip out of him before he had to.
"That was incredible," Ianto whispered, his voice soft and husky. "I don't think you'd be capable of simple garden-variety lovemaking. I think every time with you would get better and better." He raised a hand to stroke Greg's hair, his grey eyes focused and intent on Greg's face.
"I don't think you're capable of that, either," Greg managed to say, feeling that he was still too scattered to make any words come out coherently unless he concentrated on what he was saying. "You're amazing," he concluded, unable to think of anything else to say.
"Somehow, I think this is only going to be the first time we're saying that to each other," Ianto told him with a soft laugh, moving a hand to Greg's thigh. Reluctantly, Greg loosed his grip around Ianto's waist, letting the other man slide slowly out of him.
What was it about Ianto that made him feel he was still lost in a world of enchantment, even when they were no longer joined? Maybe it was the way those amazing eyes seemed to take everything about him in at once, all the way down to the depths of his soul.
"You have such a serious look on your face," Ianto told him, smiling as he lay back against the pillows. He raised a hand to trace the heart-shaped outline of Greg's upper lip, smiling when Greg took that finger into his mouth and sucked at it gently.
When he released Ianto's finger, Greg took a deep breath, trying to marshal his thoughts into coherent speech. "I was just thinking that you make me feel like I'm in some kind of dream world. Like we're locked away from reality -- and I want it to stay that way."
"We can't stay locked away from the world, love," Ianto told him with a sigh. "I wish we could, but we both have jobs. And we can't survive, either in the real world or in our fantasy one, without them. But we'll always have this to come home to."
"Will we?" Greg asked, holding the other man's gaze steadily. "This isn't just a fling, is it, Ianto? Because I want more than that. I don't want us to be work colleagues who just slept together once and then moved on. I don't want to just walk away from you."
"I don't want you to," Ianto said, his voice gaining strength as he spoke. "I care about you, Greg. I-I think I might be falling in love with you. It might be too soon to say that, but I know that I want you here, with me, whenever you can be. And whenever you want to be."
Greg nodded, blinking as tears rushed to his eyes. "I do want to be here," he whispered, his voice catching in his throat. "I just .... I don't want to be your dirty little secret, Ianto. I don't want to be something you feel like you have to hide. I can't live like that."
"You'll never have to." Ianto's tone was decisive; Greg couldn't doubt what he was saying. "I would never make anyone I was involved with do that, Greg. I'm not ashamed of loving a man, or of being involved with him. You'll never have to hide our relationship."
Greg nodded, swallowing hard before he spoke again. "I did for a long time when I was in Vegas. There was a rule in the crime lab about people working on the same shift not dating -- and he didn't want anybody to know, anyway. He wanted to pretend to be straight."
"A lot of men do that," Ianto murmured, squeezing Greg's hand sympathetically. "They're wrong to be like that, but it's the way society has raised them to think. And if he didn't appreciate you and feel proud to be with you, then he wasn't worth being involved with."
"I know." Greg's voice was stronger now; he pushed the memories of Nick out of his mind, locking them away. He was already starting to forget what he'd thought he had felt for Nick for so long; all of those feelings were now concentrated on Ianto.
The enchantment around them was starting to dissipate; Greg hated to leave that world they'd created and come back to stark reality. But he would have had to do it sometime, he thought with a sigh. No fantasy could last forever, no matter how hard he might try.
"Why the sigh, love?" Ianto asked, raising his brows in question and looking concerned. "Don't try to think of problems where none exist right now, Greg. We're together, and we care for each other -- and for the moment, that's the only thing that matters with us."
"I was just thinking that I feel like we're in this little enchanted wonderland, just the two of us -- and I don't want it to end," Greg told him, feeling a little embarrassed. "I know it has to, because we've got other parts of our lives to get back to. But I don't want this to go away."
"It won't," Ianto said, smiling as he raised a hand to caress Greg's cheek. "This is going to last, Greg. And even though we have to go back to the real world once in a while, this one is always going to be waiting for us. I feel the enchantment too, you know."
"I don't see how you couldn't," Greg said with a soft laugh. "It's all around us. I feel like I can actually open a door and look from one world to another -- and that I'm a part of both of them. But right now, I'd a lot rather stay in this one. At least for a while."
Ianto laughed along with Greg, sliding his arms around the young man's waist and pulling him close for a heated, steamy kiss. When he finally raised his head, he murmured softly against Greg's lips, the words barely audible. "Let's stay in this world for as long as we can, all right?"
"I've got no objection to that," Greg whispered as Ianto's mouth came down on his again. He stretched his body against the other man's, luxuriating in the feeling of being wrapped in Ianto's arms, knowing that they had the rest of the day to stay here in bed.
They would have to leave this realm of enchantment and go back to the real world sooner or later; he was fully cognizant of that fact. But he would put that moment off for as long as he could, and hope that they would keep coming back to their enchanted wonderland for a long time to come.***
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