Title: Tighter, Tighter
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack Harkness/John Hart
Rating: R
Wordcount: 230
Notes: Icon Prompt from vanillafluffy. Thanks to michelleann68 and evila_elf for extremely speedy beta. Post-ep for Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.
Warning: Corset kink.
Summary: Two years may be gone, but Jack will never forget this.Five seconds after John disappeared into the Rift, Jack started feeling the acute pain of his absence. No one had ever been able to get to him like his old partner in time and crime. He brushed off the team and went looking for place to hide from himself and wallow in memories for a few hours.
The fucking. The fights. The corset.
John standing there, naked but for the 51st century’s equivalent of canvas of whalebone, his already slender torso further compressed by the fabric, daring Jack to increase the tension.
“Tighter,” he’d gasp.
John possesed exquisite breath control, along with a deep masochistic streak, which made a nice offset to his inherent sadism. Jack could work him for hours with a vibrating dildo that had reduced seasoned whores to gibbering wrecks in under five minutes.
Jack sat alone in the darkness of a rented room engrossed in the memory, specifically the sight of that beautiful cock, proudly erect against the tightened corset, bobbing slightly as Jack held the toy between his legs.
In spite of all that sensation being applied to John’s body, it was always Jack who came first, so aroused by the sight he barely needed to touch himself. For years afterwards, even when he’d lost everything including two years of his life, that one memory was enough to get him off.
Some things never changed.
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