Title: Revival
By: karaokegal
Pairing request: Owen/Doctor. (Your choice of which one.)
Wordcount: 200
Rating: G"Well what have we here?"
It was hardly an auspicious beginning, since Owen couldn't honestly say what he was or how he'd managed to end up being alive, once again.
"Owen Harper," he said, since he was at least sure of that much.
"I'm the Doctor," came the reply.
“Jack’s Doctor?”
The broad grin gave way to a look of confusion.
“Martha’s Doctor?” he tried hopefully, which only seemed to compound the bewilderment. The Doctor shook his head so vociferously it made his curls bounce.
“Sorry, Owen.”
“It’s OK,” he said, actually meaning it, even if he didn’t understand.
“Good, good. Shall we take a look around then? Not sure where we are, exactly. Crab nebula, maybe. Or possible the Lobster. Some sort of crustacean anyway. Should be something interesting out there.”
With that, the door of the impossible vessel opened and Owen found himself following in the wake of yet another hero in a ridiculous coat. This time he felt oddly comforted by the fact, possibly wanting to touch it and wondering if there was the possibility of touching the man underneath.
Owen Harper had found his Doctor.
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