Title: Three Simple Words
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: C, lover100
Prompt: 74, Slick
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto couldn't remember his desire for the Doctor ever running so high. He hadn't been able to wait long after getting the Time Lord back to his flat to remove the other man's clothes; he'd nearly ripped them from the Doctor's body in his haste.
What was it about the Doctor that could inflame him to such passion? He'd never felt like this with anyone else -- not even Jack, and he'd thought at one time that Jack was the one man he could ever be sexually attracted to.
But what he'd felt for the immortal was nothing compared to the attraction that pulled at him each time he looked at the Doctor. There was something about the Time Lord that he couldn't resist -- and that he didn't want to question.
There was no need to question urgency like this, Ianto told himself as he leaned over to hook his arm under the Doctor's knees, sweeping the slender man up into his arms.
Silently and swiftly, he made his way to the back of the flat and into the bedroom, carrying the Time Lord to their bed and laying the other man down on the covers. The Doctor moved over, making room for him, their eyes meeting in silent acknowledgement.
It was always thrilling to realize that the Doctor wanted him just as much as he wanted the other man. He'd never known desire like this -- and he never wanted to feel it for anyone else. The Doctor was the only person he intended to be with for the rest of his life.
Ianto pushed that thought away as quickly as it entered his mind. He wasn't going to let anything that could turn his thoughts away from what was going to happen between them in the next few minutes cloud his mind. The serious thinking could wait until later. It had no place in his thoughts now; all he needed to focus on was the Doctor.
A button flew from his shirt as his trembling hands worked to loosen his tie; he hated these shirts at times for the mere fact that it took so long to get out of them. How many of them had he ruined by not being patient enough to work the buttons free? He had no idea.
The Doctor was holding out his arms, a welcoming smile on his face. Ianto wasn't sure just how he managed to strip out of his clothes while his eyes took in the vision that was presented to him, but within moments, he was leaning over the Time Lord, their gazes meeting and holding.
He reached for the tube of lubricant on the bedside table without thinking about it; that had become second nature to him now. And it was always there, just where he'd left it.
Leaning down, Ianto brushed his lips across the softness of the Time Lord's mouth, still not saying anything. He uncapped the lube, squeezing a generous amount onto his fingers. He'd learned the hard way that not using enough lube could cause problems.
He still remembered the first time he'd discovered the consequences of that -- he'd told the Doctor that he wanted to make him scream, but he'd meant that in a very different way than what had happened. A scream of passion was miles away from a scream of pain, and he never wanted to hear the Doctor utter the latter again.
The Doctor's body arched up against his hand as he pressed one finger inside the other man, followed quickly by a second. Ianto watched the Doctor's face, mesmerized by the pleasure he could read in his lover's expression.
He wondered if he would always feel this way when he made love to the Doctor; captivated by the way the Gallifreyan took such pleasure in being touched, and gratified by the knowledge that he could give the Time Lord that pleasure.
Slowly, taking his time, he worked his fingers in and out of the Time Lord, wanting to make sure that he was fully prepared before entering him.
The Doctor was soft and slick inside; Ianto almost didn't want to pull his fingers out. There was something incredibly sensual about touching the other man so intimately; with anyone else, it would almost have felt obscene. With the Doctor, it just felt .... right.
Ianto closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, taking in the sight of the man under him. The Doctor was gazing up at him, his cheeks flushed, his lips parted, his dark eyes fixed on Ianto's face.
Without saying a word, Ianto shifted his position slightly, pulling the Doctor close against him as he pushed inside the other man, melding their bodies together in one quick thrust. He gasped, his eyes widening, his body going tense and taut.
It was always like this when he took the Doctor; that incredible sensation of being seared from the inside out when he slid into the tight, slick heat of the Time Lord's body. No one had ever made him feel like this before; but then, no one else was like the Doctor.
He closed his eyes, thrusting his hips forward, beginning to work up a slow, steady rhythm. Was he melting into the Time Lord, becoming fused with him, their bodies not two people, but one separate entity? It certainly seemed that way; he was lost in the sensations flowing between the two of them, as though they were the only beings in the world.
Those long legs were wrapped around him, the Doctor's thighs squeezing his sides; the sensation of being caught in a velvet vise only drove him on to harder thrusts, his breath coming faster, his senses starting to spiral.
He couldn't keep this up for long; soon, the wave would break, cresting over them both and leaving them exhausted and panting, lying breathless in each other's arms.
Ianto cried out as the Doctor's nails dug into his shoulders; with one more thrust, he let himself go, wrapping his arms around the Time Lord and nearly collapsing on top of the other man. He dimly heard the Doctor's own soft cry joining his own.
It was always like this when they made love; Ianto had the sensation of falling, drifting, being lost utterly in another person. He'd never had that before, not with anyone. It was only further proof to him that the Doctor was his soul mate, the person he was destined to be with.
Propping himself up on one elbow, he gazed down at the Time Lord, raising a hand to brush a few errant strands of damp hair away from his face. He always looking at the Doctor after they'd made love; somehow, the Gallifreyan always seemed even more beautiful to him at those times.
He was reluctant to pull out of the Doctor just yet, but he knew that he had to sooner or later. As much as he wanted them to stay entwined forever, he didn't want to cause the Doctor any discomfort -- and they could always make love again later, he told himself with an inner smile.
"I love you," he said softly, the three words hanging in the air between them.
Three simple words, Ianto reflected, words that he'd never said to anyone else with as much sincerity as he uttered them to the Doctor. He'd said them before, to other people, but had he ever really meant them as much as he did now? He didn't think so.
"I love you, too," the Doctor whispered, reaching out to place a hand against Ianto's cheek. "More every day. More every moment."
Ianto could feel his eyes filling with tears; he hadn't expected to hear those words from the man he loved, though he knew that the Doctor meant them sincerely, from his hearts. One thing he knew about this man -- the Doctor would never lie to him, not about something like this. He could always put his trust in the Time Lord.
There were no other words that he could say, nothing that could express all the emotions he was feeling at the moment. He could only wrap his arms more tightly around the Doctor and pull the other man against him, closing his eyes and burying his face against the Doctor's hair.
Those three words seemed to circle the room around them, locking them into a protective cocoon of their own making. And maybe, Ianto told himself as he pressed a kiss against the Time Lord's cheek, those were the only words they needed to hear, at least for the moment.***
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