Title: Above Average
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 30_sex_scenes
Prompt: 2, Vibrator
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor moaned and squeezed his thighs around Ianto's waist as the young man collapsed on top of him, panting and gasping. He was completely worn out; he'd just made love to the Time Lord for the second time that night.
"You're insatiable," he whispered into the Doctor's ear when he was capable of speaking without gasping for breath. "I wish there was some way that I could keep up with you. If only I had more stamina than the average garden-variety human ...."
"You are far and above the average human, Ianto," the Doctor told him, reaching up to cup his lover's cheek. "And you satisfy me more than anyone else ever has. But there are times when other things do come in handy, you know."
"You mean the vibrators?" Ianto asked, though he knew perfectly well what the Time Lord meant. He didn't mind using the sex toy, but it always made him feel inadequate, as though he wasn't giving his lover enough satisfaction on his own.
"Of course I do," the Doctor told him, a frown appearing between his brows. "I know you feel that you should be able to keep going yourself, but I don't think any human can keep up with me, Ianto. Your body wasn't made to be multi-orgasmic."
"Tell that to Sting," Ianto said with a soft laugh, shaking his head. "I know that I shoudn't feel inadequate -- but I do. I feel like I should be able to give you as many orgasms as you need without you having to resort to using a sex toy."
"You give me plenty of satisfaction, love," the Doctor murmured, pulling Ianto down for a gentle kiss. "I don't mind using a vibrator now and then. Besides --" he squirmed under the other man, as though to accentuate his point -- "at the moment, I rather need it."
Ianto could see the Time Lord's point -- his cock was still hard, his body obviously still in need. There was no way that he was going to leave his lover like this -- and besides, he told himself, he did enjoy watching the Doctor being pleasured.
Rolling off the other man, he went to the "toy box" at the foot of the bed, opening it and searching for one of the vibrators. His eyes roamed over the assorted collection of sex toys, a smile curving his lips as memories went through his mind.
Ah, there was the one he wanted, bright purple and on the large side. Picking it up, he closed the box and climbed back onto the bed, looking down at the Doctor. Was it his imagination, or did the Time Lord almost look as though he was in pain?
Ianto couldn't help feeling guilty; he shouldn't have kept his lover waiting this long. Reaching for the tube of lubricant that was sitting on the bedside table, he quickly used it to slick the vibrator before he moved it between the Doctor's spread thighs.
"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, love," he whispered as he leaned down to brush his lips across the Doctor's mouth again. "I hope this makes up for it." With those words, he pressed the vibrator forward, hearing the Doctor's soft gasp as he was penetrated.
The Time Lord's hips arched upwards, his eyes closing as Ianto thrust the vibrator deep inside him. Ianto was trying to move slowly, careful not to be too enthusiastic -- he knew all too well how much it could hurt to have a sex toy shoved in too hard.
But the Doctor was moaning and raising his hips, obviously wanting more. Ianto complied, moving the vibrator more quickly, settling into a rhythm. He knew that he couldn't keep it up for too long, but hopefully it would give the Doctor what he needed.
He'd set the vibrator on a low speed when he'd first entered the Doctor with it; now, he turned it to the highest setting, watching the Time Lord intently. The Doctor's eyes opened wide, a startled gasp coming from his throat.
"Does that feel good, love?" Ianto asked, a smile tugging at his lips. He didn't really need to ask that question -- the Doctor was trembling, one hand on his cock, obviously close to the edge. It was obvious that he was enjoying what Ianto was doing to him.
"You know it does," the Doctor gasped, his eyes widening as his hips bucked upwards. Ianto could tell that he was on the edge; just a few more thrusts with the vibrator and the Doctor would finally come, spent and satiated.
If only he could give his lover that release himself .... but no, he wasn't going to think about that, Ianto told himself, pushing that regret to the back of his mind. He satisfied the Doctor as much as was humanly possible. The Time Lord had told him so many times.
He wasn't inadequate for his lover's needs. They were well-matched, as the Doctor had insisted too many times for Ianto to count. It was just that the Doctor sometimes needed more than one go-round, and a human couldn't always provide that.
Thank goodness for sex toys, Ianto told himself, smiling at the thought. Without them, he wouldn't feel so secure in his relationship -- the doubts would get to him too much, and he probably wouldn't have had the confidence to be with the Time Lord.
Only a few more thrusts now .... Ianto pushed the vibrator deeper inside the Doctor, twisting it slightly. The Time Lord gasped, his hips bucking upwards again; Ianto could sense that he was on the very edge of his climax, his body hovering on the precipice.
Taking a deep breath, he withdrew the vibrator slightly, then pushed it in again, angling the sex toy so that it would brush against the Time Lord's prostate. If anything would push him over the edge, that would be it -- and Ianto wanted to watch every expression on his lover's face.
The Doctor's back arched, his body seemingly suspended in time for a split second before he cried out, his hips jerking in response to what Ianto was doing to him. His long, slender fingers clutched at the sheets, his body spasming as he came.
Ianto couldn't take his eyes off the Doctor; there was nothing like watching the man he loved give himself over to physical pleasure. The only thing that could possibly be better would be if Ianto was inside him, sharing that pleasure with him.
He eased the vibrator out of the Doctor's body, turning it off and laying it on the bedside table. Laying down next to the Doctor, he took his lover into his arms, pulling the other man close and cradling him against the warmth of his body.
The Doctor snuggled into Ianto's embrace, resting his head against his young lover's shoulder. His breath was warm against Ianto's skin; the younger man closed his eyes, breathing deeply, feeling his body relax as the Doctor's arms wrapped around his waist.
"That was marvelous, Ianto," the Doctor murmured, sounding sleepy and sated. "You see, sex toys can come in handy at times. Though I'll admit that I much prefer having you inside me, there's nothing wrong with augmenting our sex life a bit."
"There certainly isn't," Ianto laughed, smoothing the Doctor's hair back from his forehead and bowing his head to brush his lips across his lover's cheek. "There's something incredibly sensual about watching you come like that. Even if I'm not the one giving you that pleasure."
"But you are, love," the Doctor told him, pressing his lips to the sensitive hollow at the base of Ianto's throat. "Just because you were using a sex toy doesn't mean that you weren't directly responsible for the pleasure I was feeling. I just hope you enjoyed it, too."
Ianto considered those words, realizing that the Doctor was right. He had been the one to give the Doctor that pleasure, even if he'd had a bit of help from the vibrator. And he had to admit that he'd thoroughly enjoyed doing it.
"I enjoyed just watching you and knowing I was making you come," he murmured, closing his eyes and pulling the Doctor closer to savor the feel of that slender body nestled close against his own. "And I'm enjoying having you in my arms now even more."
"That makes two of us," the Doctor said softly, yawning as he spoke. Ianto looked down at his lover with a smile, brushing his lips across the Doctor's forehead again. The Doctor was right about them, he told himself. Together, the two of them were certainly far above average.***
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