Title: Adrenalin
By: MrBrightside
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Rating: PG
Summary: Ten/Jack fluff.***
Jack stepped onto the TARDIS, adrenalin rushing through his veins. He looked around the console room, an eerie silence enclosing him. A crash in the corridor jolted him out of his thoughts.
"Jack! I'm the Doctor," the Doctor started up on high-speed, "Well, you obviously know that, but there we go. You don't know me, you knew old big-ears. Old Niney. I'm Tenny. In this regeneration, I really like bananas, you know. I mean, they're just awesome! Good source of potassium too. Did I ever tell you about that giant banana on–"
"Doctor. Shut the hell up and kiss me."***
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