Title: Make A Little Magic
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3
Prompt: 34, Magic
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Dearest Ianto,
It seems that I'm spending much more time separated from you than I'd planned, but unfortunately, that's something I can't control. There are times when I can't stay with you, beloved, and we both know that. But you know in your heart that I never want to leave, and that I'll return to you as soon as I possibly can.
Being away from your arms is literally painful for me, and I can only imagine how you feel, left alone there in Cardiff. I'm grateful that you at least have Jack to talk with, and your job to keep you occupied. I don't want you to sit in our home and feel that you've been abandoned, as that isn't the case.
Yes, our home. I look at that small flat tucked into the city of Cardiff as my home, more than any other place I've ever been. Obviously, it's not a home in the way that Gallifrey was, but Gallifrey is no more. I can never return home, and I've known that for more years -- more centuries, actually -- than I care to remember. But you've given me a new home, Ianto. In your heart, in your arms, and within those four walls.
I never would have that I could feel that way about any place. No matter where I've roamed across the universe, I've never found a place where I felt completely comfortable, as though the place that I was in somehow retained something of myself within it even when I wasn't there. But our flat feels as though it was made specifically for the two of us.
There are so many memories within those walls. If we ever have to find another place to live, I'll miss that flat terribly. I look at it whenever I'm there, gazing at the walls, at the furniture, even at the view through the windows, and I have a specific, crystal-clear memory for each of those objects, views and vantage points.
We've made so much magic within those four walls, haven't we? My memories of the times we've spent wrapped in each other go with me each time I have to leave; in fact, it's those memories that keep me going when I'm far away from you. I wrap myself in them every night, and the knowledge that I'll soon be with you again keeps me warm through the lonely nights when I have to try to sleep without the comfort of your arms around me.
Before I met you, I had long since given up on having that sort of magic in my life. I'd had it, to some extent, with Jack -- but you know how that ended. He walked away from me, as everyone eventually does, after promising me forever. And for a very long time, I resented him for doing that. It took you to make me let go of that bitterness.
I wish that I could stay with you, my darling. But you know that there are times when that isn't possible -- and there are also times when you can't go with me. I won't let you put yourself in the path of danger, Ianto. I know that you do it every day in your job, but that's a completely different medium than what you'd find yourself involved in were you to come with me.
I know that it may feel as though I've abandoned you, Ianto, but you must know that isn't true. I would never leave you for longer than I must, and I will always come back to you. There isn't anyone in the universe, or in any time, who I'd rather be with. There never has been, and there never will be. Rest assured of that.
I've said this many times before, but I'll say it again. You've given me something that no one else has ever offered me. As many people as I've cared for in all the years of my life, there has never been anyone who has given of themselves so openly and so fully. I had never expected that from any person I'd fancied, least of all a human. Others may have tried to give me what you do, but they've never come close.
But you are unlike anyone else I've ever known, Ianto. Every being is unique, but you .... your heart and soul carry something in them that I've never found in any other being, anywhere in the universe, in any time. You have the largest capacity for love, for giving of yourself, that I've ever seen. It's a rare quality, beloved. I hope you never lose it.
We'll make that magic again when I return, my love. I'll be back with you sooner than you may think -- in fact, I'm on my way now. I've spent the past few hours in anticipation of how it will feel to be back in your arms, to spend the nights beside you in bed, knowing that I only have to turn over to see your face on the pillow beside me.
I hope that this will be the last time for a while that I have to leave you. I know it's hard for you, beloved -- it's hard for me, as well. Making it through the long, lonely nights when I'm away from you may very well be the hardest task that's ever been given to me, in all my years of existence. But we all have our trials to bear, and being separated from you seems to be mine. I'll continue to make it through those separations as best I can.
Yes, there will be times when I'll allow you to come along with me. But those times will more than likely be few and far between -- for the sole reason that I couldn't bear it if anything were to happen to you. I can face danger myself, but if I were to inadvertently throw you into something that could cause you harm I would never forgive myself.
I'll be with you soon, Ianto. There is a smile on my face when I write those words, and I can feel my hearts nearly wanting to jump out of my chest in anticipation. They just may do that -- jump right into your arms when I see you again. I wouldn't be surprised in the least. They -- and I -- know where I belong.
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