Title: All I Want For Christmas
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50episodes
Prompt: 49, Treasure
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto snuggled down amongst the covers, his arms wrapped around the Doctor's waist. Now that the two of them could sleep soundly again, the Time Lord seemed to sleep more than usual, but Ianto didn't blame him. His lover needed the rest.
He himself slept a great deal lately, too, as though his body was trying to catch up on all the sleep it had lost when the disturbing dreams that the Master had filled his mind with kept him from slumber. But tonight, his thoughts kept him awake even as the Doctor slept in his arms.
He'd been thinking about Christmas for the past few days, wondering what the two of them would do to celebrate the holiday. This was the first time he'd really had a chance to contemplate what Christmas could be like for them this year.
They'd celebrated Christmas together before, of course. It was hard to believe that he'd been with the Doctor for so long; it didn't seem possible that time had flown as quickly as it had. Time really could fly when you were in love, he told himself with an inward smile.
They would see many, many more Christmases together, Ianto told himself, stretching out his lean body under the warmth of the blankets and pulling the Doctor more closely against him. But this would be their first holiday season as what they had become.
He knew from what the Doctor had told him in the past that a good many of his regenerations had happened around the Christmas season; he didn't blame the Time Lord for feeling rather apprehensive about this holiday. But that was no longer a concern.
There would be no more new bodies, no more wondering what he was going to end up with next for the Doctor. There would be no death of a personality that he loved; there would be no fears of losing this body that he was so fond of and that Ianto loved beyond any other.
And as for himself ..... Ianto smiled at the thought. They were both immortal now; the Doctor no longer had to worry about his immortality taking on different forms, and he himself had been granted a life beyond his wildest dreams. What better Christmas presents could they have?
There was no better present for him than the man who was sleeping in his arms. The Doctor was his treasure, his present every day of his life. He needed nothing and no one else to make him happy; he had all that he wanted right here beside him.
What else could he possibly want? Ianto's brow furrowed as he tried to think of anything else he could possibly say that he actually wanted as a Christmas present, but try as he might, there wasn't one thing that he could bring to mind.
He had the man he loved in his arms; he was immortal; he had bonded with the Doctor. There wasn't a single thing that he could ask for that he didn't already have; material things had ceased to mean much to him, and he was content with everything in his life.
Of course, there were the bigger things -- peace in the galaxy, all of the different races and planets living in harmony with each other. His lips twisted in a wry smile; that would never happen, no matter if he and the Doctor wished for it until eternity came to a close.
If only those things could be had for the price of nothing more than a Christmas wish, Ianto thought, a sigh slipping from his lips without him realizing it. They weren't something that was simply going to be given to anyone just because they were wished for.
But if he and the Doctor were vigilant, then maybe they could help move the galaxy towards that goal, he told himself, the sigh replaced by a smile. That was what they were here for, wasn't it? Maybe they could bring some peace to the galaxy. They would certainly try.
Was this how Jack had felt when he'd become immortal? Ianto hadn't really talked to his former lover about their respective feelings at their newfound states -- Jack hadn't seemed to want to discuss anything other than what it was like to be immortal.
His inner feelings were something he kept to himself -- and Ianto couldn't really blame him for that. It was a bit strange to realize that even though they were more alike than ever now, there was an even wider gap between himself and Jack than there had been before.
Jack was a part of his past, and one that would be kept firmly where it belonged. His present and all of his future were with the Doctor, spread out in front of him in a glittering picture that he hoped would hold much more happiness than he could imagine.
Their life together wouldn't always be easy. He was fully aware of that; he'd known it from the moment he'd chosen to step into the Tardis and leave his life on Earth behind for good. But they had each other, and that was really all that mattered to either of them.
The life that he led now was so different from anything he'd experienced before; there was no feeling of being inferior, no worry nagging at his heels that he wouldn't live up to some expectation or other. All he had to do was to be himself.
The Doctor accepted him just as he was, frail humanity, faults and all. Only he wasn't so fragile now, was he? Ianto lifted one hand in front of his face, studying it, turning it over and spreading his fingers wide, marveling at the fact that his body looked no different.
Yet he was different. He was immortal now; he could be killed, but he would always come back. There might be instances where he couldn't come back -- beheading, for instance. But he didn't want to think about that; the possibility of his happening was remote.
He treasured this new life that he'd been given -- and he would never forget that it was due to this man in his arms that he'd been given that life. If he hadn't fallen in love with the Doctor and chosen to spend his life with the Time Lord, he wouldn't have been granted this gift.
Most people would wish for what he had above all else, Ianto mused, tightening his arms around the Doctor and holding him closer. But he'd learned when he had first met the Time Lord that there were more important things in life than making it last longer.
It didn't matter how long he was here -- as long as he lived what life he was granted to the fullest. He didn't know why fate had smiled on him and given him the gift of immortality, but he was going to make the most of it in every way he could.
And that, for him, meant being by the Doctor's side and loving him for all of eternity. The gift of eternal life would mean nothing without the Doctor in that life -- in his arms, in his heart. Most people would think that he couldn't have been given a greater gift, but he knew better.
The gift of immortality was nothing compared to the precious gift that lay sleeping in his arms. Ianto looked down at the Doctor, smiling as he did so. The Time Lord hadn't looked this relaxed and comfortable in a long time; the sleep was obviously doing him good.
This was all he needed to make him perfectly happy this holiday season, he told himself, knowing that he'd never had a truer thought in all of his life. As long as he had the Doctor wrapped in his arms and they were together, he needed nothing else. Ever.
The man in his arms was a treasure beyond price, a gift that he would never have dreamed he could be lucky enough to have. Whatever aspect of fate had smiled on him by bringing the two of them together, he would be grateful to that fate forever.
Spending Christmas on a pleasure planet would be nice, he thought, stroking gentle fingers through the Doctor's hair. It would be a respite for both of them, a chance to let themselves relax before they went back out into the galaxy and encountered new situations.
Ianto closed his eyes, reminding himself to mention that to the Doctor when they awoke in the morning. Really, all he wanted for Christmas was to be with his love, both of them safe and happy. In the end, that was all it would take for him to have a joyous holiday season.***
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