Title: All of My Heart
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 34, Heart
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto opened his eyes, blinking at the bright sunlight that was streaming into the window of the hotel room. This was the first time in a while that he and the Doctor had stayed on a pleasure planet, and he was enjoying it thoroughly.
Waking up to sunlight was always nice; it was one of the things he missed when he awakened in their bedroom on the Tardis. But that was a small price to pay for the life that he shared with his beloved Time Lord, he told himself with a smile.
He looked down at the man sleeping soundly in his arms, a smile curving his lips. He loved the Doctor more every day; just looking at the other man made his heart feel as though it was expanding in his chest, his love for the Doctor growing with each passing moment.
That wasn't possible, of course. Ianto knew that his heart couldn't literally grow. But still, when he let thoughts of the Doctor fill his mind, he was almost sure that his emotions expanded, reaching outward to wrap his lover in a warm embrace.
He only had one heart, unlike the Doctor's two, Ianto mused. But that one heart was given completely to the man in his arms. He couldn't begin to imagine hmself being with anyone else, or ever loving another person in the way that he loved the Doctor.
At one time, he'd thought that he would end up spending his life with Jack. Ianto's lips twisted in a wry smile at the idea. Jack definitely wasn't the kind of man who would spend his life loving only one person -- even if he only had a normal human life span.
The Doctor, on the other hand, was the definition of fidelity. Ianto couldn't in his wildest dreams imagine this man straying from a lover in any way, or wanting more than one lover at a time. He was as different from Jack as night from day.
Did having two hearts make him more faithful? Ianto pondered that thought, yawning and raising a hand to cover his mouth as he did so. Probably not, he decided, but it was pleasant to think that the Doctor had given him not only one heart, but two.
His own heart would never stray from the Time Lord. Ianto was more sure of that than he'd ever been of anything in his life. His heart hadn't moved to others when he'd been with the other two people he'd been in love with -- and this was a stronger love than either of those had been.
When he had been with Lisa, he'd never looked at another woman -- though, if he was honest with himself, he'd looked at men. He'd never let on to her that he had an interest in men; it would have hurt her terribly, and he couldn't bear to do that.
But when he was with Lisa, he had been living a lie. Yes, he'd loved her, but he'd been desperately trying to be what society said he should be -- a man who liked women. He hadn't let himself explore the other side of his sexuality that had been crying for release.
Jack had been the first man he'd loved physically, and that relationship had taught him so much. Not only about giving his body, but about building up walls around his heart, keeping himself from complete emotional involvement to protect that heart.
Those walls had come tumbling down when he'd become involved with the Doctor. There was nothing that he needed to keep secret from this man, no emotion that he couldn't share. And this wasn't like the relationship he'd had with Jack.
When he had been with the immortal, he'd known in his heart that it wasn't going to last. Jack might have been fond of him, but the physical passion that they shared wasn't love. And it had burned out all the more quickly for only being based on sex.
Well, that was all it had been from Jack's side, at least, Ianto reflected, feeling a pang of regret. Jack had never been in love with him, not to the extent that he loved the immortal. He'd accepted that, though it had torn at his heart and his self-esteem.
But with the Doctor, everything was different. This man loved him to the depths of his soul -- he could see that whenever he looked into the Time Lord's eyes. The Doctor held nothing back; his love for Ianto was all-encompassing, in a way that no one else's had ever been.
He didn't have to worry about having his heart broken with the Doctor. This man would never hurt him emotionally; his heart would always be treasured and carefully kept, just as he would keep the Doctor's hearts safe from harm.
Ianto stroked slender fingers through the Doctor's hair, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. His heart seemed to expand again, wrapping the Time Lord safely within the comfort of the love they shared, keeping him cradled in a physical and emotional embrace.
He could give all of his heart to this man, with no reservations. There would be no pain here, no broken promises, no pretty words that were empty at the core. This man would always return his love, with just as much sincerity as it was given. Perhaps even more.
The Doctor stirred in his arms, bringing the smile to Ianto's face again. Once his lover had awakened, Ianto intended to show him just how much he was loved in the physical sense. It would be quite a while before they left this room, Ianto thought with an inward laugh. He would make sure of that.***
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