Title: Another One
By: Mrs_Ianto_Jones
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: character death
A/N: I apologise for doing this, but I had to.
Summary: Another addition to the Torchwood dead.


"Any sign of Ianto?" Jack asked as he entered the hub.

"Haven't seen him," Gwen replied. "It's not like him to be late."

Jack wasn't unduly worried. Ianto had been working hard lately, finishing up any projects Tosh and Owen had left when they died. He was allowed a lie in once in a while.

When there was still no sign of him by 11 o' clock, Jack started to become concerned. He allowed another half hour before he decided to phone him. The captain tried the younger man's mobile and home phone several times. Turning to his computer, Jack opened a tracking program to locate Ianto's phone and car. The results were not what he was expecting. Both the objects were located at Ianto's flat. Grabbing his coat, Jack headed to the SUV, telling Gwen on the way that he was going out.


After ringing the doorbell for five minutes and receiving no answer, Jack resorted to using the key Ianto had given him.

"Yan?" he called out as he closed the door behind him. "Are you here?"

There was no answer, so Jack began to search the flat. Opening the bedroom door, his heart froze in his chest.

Ianto was lying motionless on the bed. He was dressed in an impeccable black suit with a red shirt and tie. His shoes were polished to an amazing shine, and in his hands were his beloved stopwatch and an envelope. The image was spoiled by his deathly grey skin.

Jack was almost afraid to go near him. Ianto was obviously dead. A quick glance at his bedside table told him that he had taken an overdose. Very carefully, with tears streaming down his face, Jack took the envelope from the Welshman's hand. He could barely see Ianto's precise, neat handwriting but what he read broke his heart even further.


I'm so, so sorry. I've always known that people at Torchwood die young. I lost everyone in London but the loss of Tosh and Owen has hit me harder. I can't sit and wait for death to come for me and I can't see myself living the normal life.

I love you Jack, more than you could know, but my love for you isn't enough to keep me here. I don't want to hurt you, but I know you'll be crying as you read this. Please forgive me. Thank you for everything Jack, and say goodbye to Gwen for me.

My love always
Ianto xxx

Fighting the urge to scream, Jack took his coat off and slid onto the bed. He manoeuvred Ianto's body into an embrace and held him there. Jack stayed like for almost five hours, crying the whole time and whispering his grief to his dead lover.

Jack had lost many people in his life, but Ianto was one of those who hadn't needed to go so young. Torchwood had taken another one and this time it was very personal.
