Title: Another World
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 9 -- substituted for Table 3
Prompt: 5, Alien -- substituted for 9, Champagne
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto looked over at the Doctor inquiringly as the Tardis hurtled through space, noticing the Time Lord had a secretive little smile on his face. He looked as though he was greatly antitipating where they were going, and Ianto couldn't help wondering why.
It was obviously a place that the Doctor had been to before, and apparently enjoyed. Otherwise, he certainly wouldn't seem as though he was so anxious to get there, and to have Ianto with him.
The Doctor finally looked up at him, a wide smile breaking across his features. "I've wanted to show you this place for a while, love. And the creatures here. It may surprise you -- but then, you'll be surprised by a great many things you'll end up seeing with me."
Ianto nodded, returning the smile a little hesitantly. He hadn't bargained on seeing strange creatures, and he wasn't sure just how he would handle that experience. It would be very different from anything he'd encountered in his work with Torchwood, he was sure of that.
But if the Doctor wasn't cautious about whatever it was, then it couldn't be all that intimidating. Maybe.
The Time Lord headed for the door of the Tardis, taking Ianto's hand and pulling his young lover along after him. Stepping outside, he looped an arm around Ianto's waist as they stood there, looking around.
They were in a large cavern, the area looking as though it had been put together by a sculptor. Ianto gasped, his eyes taking in the beauty of their surroundings. There were crystalline formations all around them, surrounding a large body of water in the center of the cavern -- a body of water that, on second glance, seemed to be moving.
"Doctor ...." Ianto breathed, taking a step back. His eyes were focused on the moving water, his uneasiness growing by the second.
The Doctor shook his head, his arm tightening around Ianto's waist. "Don't worry, love. They'll surface in a moment."
"'They?'" Ianto inquired, wondering just who -- or what -- the Doctor was referring to. Surely these .... creatures, whatever they were, didn't exist underwater?
"Yes, they do," the Doctor answered his unvoiced question, his eyes on Ianto's face. "They're amazing creatures, Ianto. Don't be afraid of them -- even though they do seem a bit odd at first sight."
As though they'd been summoned by the Doctor's words, several tentacled creatures began to emerge from the water, slowly surfacing until they were directly in front of the two men. Ianto took an involunatry step backwards; to say that they were alien to his eyes would have been an understatement.
They resembled nothing so much as an earth octopus; no faces to speak of, just large, rounded bodies that seemed to sprout tentacles in every direction. Ianto's eyes widened, another gasp coming from him at the close proximity of something so .... alien.
"Ianto." The Doctor's voice was quiet, his arm still around Ianto's slender waist. "They mean no harm."
Ianto nodded, forcing himself to stand still as one tentacle reached for him, the tip brushing softly against his face. The touch wasn't unpleasant; the limb felt soft and yielding, like having velvet sliding over his skin.
Beautiful. The word seemed to echo in the cavern -- or was it only in his head? Ianto couldn't be sure; he couldn't tell if the creature was speaking, or even if it could speak.
"Yes, he is," the Doctor said softly, smoothing his own hand down Ianto's cheek. "More beautiful than any other sight in existence."
Ianto looked over at the Doctor with wide eyes. "They're .... talking about me?"
The Doctor nodded, the corners of his eyes crinkling when he smiled. "Yes, love, they are. Didn't you hear what they said?"
He is yours? The words -- or thought -- seemed to echo in Ianto's head again, filling the cavern with their resonance. The voice sounded calm and soothing, a voice suited to read a child's lullaby.
"Yes," the Doctor said again, keeping Ianto close to his side, his arm still protectively circling the young man's waist. "As I am his. We are bonded. Mated."
It is good. You have needed this.
"I have," the Doctor said softly, nodding. "So long .... I've spent a lifetime searching for him. Several lifetimes. He is everything I've ever needed -- or wanted."
Was it Ianto's imagination, or were those tentacles reaching for the Doctor, encircling him? The Doctor wasn't moving back, away from them -- instead, he seemed to be completely calm, even leaning into the embrace of that velvet softness.
"What ...." It was the only word he could get out before the Doctor placed a finger against his lips.
"Ianto .... I should explain something." His voice was hushed, quiet, but it sounded loud and clear in the still air around them. "These creatures are .... my lovers. They have been for centuries. I should have explained that to you before I brought you here."
"Lovers?" Ianto knew that he was gaping like a fish out of water, but he couldn't stop himself. The thought of these tentacled beings making love to the Doctor was an idea that he couldn't quite wrap his head around. He simply couldn't imagine it.
"They're pleasure-giving creatures," the Doctor told him, smiling as one of the velvety tentacles moved to caress his cheek. "And they're quite good at what they do. Ianto, you've nothing to be jealous of. There isn't any sort of real emotional attachment -- though I am fond of them."
"Do they want to ...." Ianto's words trailed off; judging from the way the tentacles were roaming over the Doctor's body, they did indeed want to.
He was shocked to realize that those velvety-soft appendages were also moving over his own body, sliding around his waist, curling up his legs, wrapping around his thighs. He almost wanted to step back, to flee back into the safety of the Tardis -- but the touch wasn't unpleasant, not at all. In fact, it was rather seductive.
Ianto gasped when one of the searching tentacles slipped between his legs from behind, pressing against his balls, rubbing gently against the prominent bulge in his jeans. A burning blush spread over his face; he definitely wasn't used to being publicly fondled, even by an increasingly seductive alien creature.
"They .... they rejuvenate me, Ianto," the Doctor said softly, his dark eyes fastened on his young lover's face. "Any time I've had to deal with the Master, I've come to them. I don't know exactly how, but somehow, they have the power to heal. Emotional wounds, more than physical."
Understanding broke as to why the Doctor had brought him here. These creatures could heal the damage that the Doctor's more recent encounters with the Master had done -- more quickly than he himself would be able to. The Doctor needed this, needed the comfort they could provide.
And he was asking Ianto to grant him the freedom to take that comfort. How could he say no?
"It has nothing to do with love," the Doctor whispered, his voice strained and anxious. "It doesn't touch what we have, Ianto."
Ianto moved closer to the Doctor, taking the Time Lord's face between his hands and brushing gentle lips against his lover's mouth. "Take what you need," he said softly, his voice a soft breath in the Doctor's ear. "As long as you let me be a part of it."
"You will be," the Doctor replied, nearly sagging against Ianto in relief, his thin arms wrapping around his lover's waist. "They want you, too, that's rather obvious."
It was definitely obvious, Ianto thought, glancing down at his body. Those velvety-soft tentacles had made their way under his t-shirt, brushing against his nipples. He groaned softly, a shiver moving over his body. It was a different sort of touch from anything he'd ever experienced before, but not something that he was willing to push away, at this point.
It was obvious that they wanted the Doctor, too -- judging from the fact that one tentacle had made its way into the front of his pants.
Another thought occurred to Ianto, something that he wanted to smack himself for not thinking of before. Given the Doctor's multi-orgasmic nature -- these creatures could more than likely give him what his body needed, even if they couldn't provide the emotional connection. With all those tentacles .... his mind stopped there, refusing to complete the thought.
And it would be incredibly sensual to watch them take the Doctor, Ianto thought guiltily, wanting to cringe away from the idea even as his mind -- and his body -- were aroused by the mental image.
Do not be afraid, the soft voice echoed in his head again, startling him out of his thoughts. No pain.
"It might help if you remove your clothes, Ianto," the Doctor told him, his voice soft. He was already following his own advice, pulling his t-shirt off over his head, kicking his jeans off as they fell in a tangle of fabric around his ankles.
Ianto couldn't take his eyes from the sight in front of him; the tentacles curling around the Doctor's naked body, the velvety texture of them against the silken softness of the Time Lord's porcelain flesh. The Doctor leaned back against the body of one of the creatures, letting the tentacles slide over his skin, closing his eyes and sighing with pleasure.
Slowly, hesitantly, Ianto's hands fumbled with the hem of his t-shirt before grasping it and lifting it over his head, then moved to the zipper of his jeans, letting them slide down his legs and kicking them off.
Immediately, the tentacles surrounded him, sliding over his sensitive skin in a soft caress that felt like a breeze against his bare body. Ianto followed the Doctor's lead, leaning back against the body of the creature behind him, surrendering himself to the intimate touch.
He kept his eyes on the Doctor, watching what those tentacles were doing to him. His eyes widened when one long appendage wrapped around the Time Lord's erect penis, stroking his length, watching the Doctor's slim hips flex in rhythm with the creature's movements. Another tentacle slid between the Time Lord's ass cheeks, stroking against his entrance, making the Gallifreyan writhe and let out a soft cry.
Ianto's eyes widened, his throat constricting. He'd never seen the Doctor look so .... well, so utterly desirable. No wonder these creatures wanted him; Ianto's own desire for him was sharp, clear, almost painful, like the cutting edge of a saber.
He is beautiful.
"Yes," Ianto whispered, answering without realizing he'd done so.
As are you.
Ianto gasped, arching his back as a velvety tentacle moved between his legs, wrapping around his cock and stroking. His vision swam; he had to close his eyes, look away from the spectacle of the Doctor abandoning himself to the tentacles that moved inexorably over his body. Ianto was sure he looked much the same way himself.
When he next opened his eyes, the sight presented to his eyes made him let out another gasp, almost not believing his own vision.
Two of the tentacles had wrapped themselves around the Doctor's slender thighs, spreading his legs, stroking up and down the Time Lord's soft skin at the same time that they held him down. Another long, thick tentacle had penetrated him, moving slowly within the Doctor's body as the dozens of other tentacles wrapped around his body stroked and pleasured him.
The Doctor's hips were moving in rhythm with the gentle thrusts into his body, his head thrown back, lips parted, face flushed, obviously deep in the throes of orgasm. Soft whimpers fell from his lips, his small fists opening and closing, his body completely opened to the caresses of the creatures wrapped around his slender form.
No pain, the soft voice whispered in his mind again. Do not be afraid, beautiful one.
A tentacle caressed his face, the sensation that of the softest velvet stroking against his skin. Ianto shifted slightly, eyes widening when he felt another tentacle, firmer and larger than the others, begin to press between his ass cheeks. It was obvious what the creature had in mind.
Ianto could feel his ass clench in protest; it had been a long time since he'd been the submissive partner. Jack had been the last man to enter him -- at least consensually -- and there were times when Jack hadn't exactly been gentle. He had to force himself to relax, make his muscles unclench and allow himself to be penetrated.
Ianto cried out as the alien slid inside him, filling him in a way that he'd almost forgotten. His slim body writhed and arched, slightly uncomfortable at first but settling into a deep, throbbing pleasure.
What is your name, beautiful one?
"Ianto," he gasped, opening his eyes and turning his head to look at the Doctor again. The Time Lord's eyes were open, the dark gaze meeting his own, his pleasure mirroring Ianto's own.
Beautiful Ianto. The soft voice reverberated in his brain, another tentacle stroking his cheek, moving down to his chest to circle his nipples, then still lower to curl around his balls.
Ianto let himself lay back, closing his eyes, fully expecting to be stroked to completion. He gasped as the appendage inside him began to move, sending waves of pleasure through his body, the rhythm matching the soft stroking of the tentacle wrapped firmly around his hard cock. There was definitely something to be said for alien sex ....
Abruptly, the rhythm stopped, the soft embrace around his body shifting. Ianto opened his eyes, startled, looking over at the Doctor. Was something wrong? What was happening?
His lover reached out a hand to touch Ianto, twining their fingers together across the short distance between their bodies. "They want us to make love," he whispered, his voice slightly hoarse, his breathing ragged.
"I don't have a problem with that," Ianto murmured, squeezing the Time Lord's fingers. "You know I always enjoy making love to you."
".... While they're still inside us," the Doctor finished, his voice raising slightly, coming out on a gasp.
"That's .... a little odd." Ianto didn't quite have any other words for what the aliens wanted from them. It was more than a little odd to think of being inside the Doctor alongside an alien tentacle. It was the strangest thing he'd tried to make himself comprehend -- and his fears that it would hurt the Doctor were first and foremost in his mind.
The Doctor shook his head; the fact that the Time Lord was reaching into his mind was a bit disconcerting. "Don't worry about me, Ianto. As long as you're both gentle, it won't hurt me. It may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but I'll get used to it. I'm not a stranger to double penetration."
Ianto filed those words away in his mind to ask the Doctor about later. One more thing that he didn't know about his lover .... He couldn't help wondering if the Doctor's experience had been something that he'd agreed to, or if it had been forced on him, like so many other things.
"It isn't important now, Ianto." The Doctor's voice was soft, soothing. "I'll be all right, love."
The young Welshman nodded, and as if his acquiescence was some sort of signal, the velvety body under him shifted, moving him closer to the Doctor, until their bodies were next to each other, their flesh touching. All Ianto had to do was shift himself slightly, moving so that his body was on top of the Doctor, supported by the tentacles still wrapped around him.
One of those tentacles guided his cock to the Doctor's entrance, even as the appendage inside him moved to brush against his prostate, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through his body.
Ianto took a deep breath, pushing his hips forward, gasping as he entered the Doctor. It felt odd to be inside his love with the firm, velvety tentacle alongisde his cock -- but the sensation was strangely pleasant. The Doctor had never felt so tight, his body seeming to pull Ianto in.
The Doctor cried out, his long, slender legs wrapping around Ianto's waist, his arms held above his head by the embrace of dozens of tentacles. Ianto leaned down, his mouth covering the Time Lord's, swallowing the Doctor's soft moans in a kiss that took his own breath away.
He couldn't keep his hands off the Doctor's body; his hands moved over that silken skin, his hips moving in a slow, steady rhythm, letting his orgasm build in the pit of his stomach. His own moans joined the Doctor's, his senses spiralling into a vortex that never seemed to end.
He wasn't sure just when he came; there was a sensation of release, the pleasure that had been building up inside him growing to unbearable proportions before he cried out and buried his face against the Doctor's shoulder, wrapping his arms around his love's body as his hips jerked with the strength of his climax.
Ianto dimly heard the Doctor cry out at the same time, felt the Time Lord's body tremble beneath him, his love's thighs squeezing his sides. He clutched the Doctor even more tightly, that slender, fragile body seeming to be the only real, solid thing in his world.
A few moments later, he could dimly sense the tentacle slipping out of the Doctor, leaving him settled inside the Time Lord, their bodies locked into an embrace that Ianto never wanted to end. He raised his head, opening his eyes and looking down at his love.
The Doctor gazed back up at him, a slight smile curving his lips, one thin hand raising to stroke Ianto's cheek. "You never cease to amaze me, my love," he whispered, pulling Ianto down for another kiss.
"There aren't words for what you do to me," Ianto murmured, wanting nothing more at the moment than to rest his head against the Time Lord's shoulder and let the Doctor's twin heartbeats lull him into sleep.
Beautiful. The soft voice reverberated inside his head again, the tone obviously approving.
Ianto's eyes flew open, a gasp coming from him. He'd nearly forgotten about the creatures who had started this -- even though the velvety tentacle was still inside him.
Or it was. Even as the realization struck him, he could feel the appendage pulling out, leaving him feeling strangely empty and bereft. He'd nearly forgotten how good it could feel to be the passive partner; maybe he and the Doctor would have to switch around a bit once in a while.
"I wouldn't be averse to that," the Doctor whispered, bringing a rueful smile to Ianto's face. When would he remember that his lover was a telepath?
He stretched out langorously on top of the Doctor, slipping one arm around his love's waist. The creatures certainly didn't seem to mind having the two of them entwined; there was a sense of warm contentment all around, as though the aliens were just as sexually satisfied as the two men in their midst.
"They are," the Doctor said softly. "They take from us, just as we do from them." He looked around, sighing softly. "But I think we do need to go soon. We don't want to overstay our welcome."
Ianto reluctantly raised his hips, letting himself slip out of the Doctor, propping himself up on one elbow. He felt sated, relaxed, oddly reluctant to leave this place -- wherever it was. The Doctor had never told him.
The Time Lord scrambled to his feet, his legs a little shaky. Ianto got to his own feet, slipping an arm around the Doctor's waist to steady him as the two of them picked up their clothes and pulled them on with slightly shaking hands. It was amazing just how long the aftershocks of a good orgasm could last, Ianto thought -- and that was one of the best he'd ever experienced.
The Doctor straightened up, slipping his feet into his Converse and turning to Ianto. "I think it's time we said our farewells, love. Quite a bit of time has passed in your world while we've dallied here. Time slows down here, to less than half the speed it goes at in your reality."
The young Welshman nodded, his gaze moving to the creatures, who'd been silent while the two men dressed. "How do we say goodbye?"
The Doctor smiled, wrapping one arm around Ianto's waist and pulling him close. "In the usual way. A simple 'goodbye' and 'until we meet again' will suffice."
Ianto raised a hand uncertainly, not sure just how he should make his farewells. Somehow, these creatures deserved more than just a desultory wave of the hand and a single word, but it was all he could think of. "Goodbye," he said softly, looking around at them "Until we meet again."
Goodbye, beautiful one. The words were again soft and almost seductive in his mind. Be safe.
"And you as well," he whispered, meaning his words with all his heart.
"Goodbye," the Doctor echoed, turning his head as a tentacle gently ruffled his hair. "We'll return again, never fear."
They entered the Tardis silently, Ianto turning once again to let his eyes sweep around the cavern. This place, the memory of what had happened here, would stay with him for quite a while.
The Doctor was silent as he set the controls of the Tardis for Ianto's time, his world. Ianto watched him, a question rising to his lips.
"They've helped you through a great deal, haven't they?" he asked softly, knowing the answer before he heard it.
"Yes," the Doctor murmured, turning to look at him. "They've literally had to put me back together again -- in more than one incarnation. I'm more grateful to them than I can put into words."
"So am I," Ianto whispered, taking the Doctor's face in his hands. "Without them, I might not have you. They've given me something -- someone -- infinitely precious."
The Doctor's only answer was to draw Ianto close against him, raising his face for a kiss that said more than any words.***
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