Title: Anything For You
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 5, sound_of_drums
Prompt: 21, Everything
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto looked up as the Doctor entered the bedroom of his Cardiff flat, a smile on his face. He'd been waiting for the Time Lord to suggest that it was past time they left Cardiff for a while; his lover had been more than usually restless lately.
Not that he was bored here, or that he wouldn't miss it a bit when he left. Cardiff had always been his home, and it was a place that he knew he could always return to. There would always be a welcoming feeling that spread through him when he came back to this city.
But if he had to be away from here on a more permanent basis -- then he would accept that. When he'd become involved with the Doctor, he'd known that the Time Lord was a wanderer, and he had accepted the fact that he would more than likely be the same way.
Besides, the Tardis felt like home to him in many ways. Probably because he'd spent so much time there since he'd become involved with the Time Lord. It almost felt strange to be here on Earth now; he didn't quite feel as though he really belonged here any more.
Still .... everything he knew was here. It was a little frightening to think that at some point, he more than likely wouldn't have this flat to come back to, a secure, permanent place to call home. But he was willing to accept that, as long as he was with the man he loved.
The Doctor was worth giving up everything for -- and Ianto knew if he was faced with having to make that choice, he would turn his back on Cardiff in a heartbeat.
"What do you say to taking another trip?" the Doctor asked, leaning against the door frame as he spoke. "There doesn't seem to be any unrest here, and I know you're not too keen on going back to Torchwood and playing teaboy."
Ianto wasn't sure whether to laugh or not. Since he and the Doctor had become lovers, and he'd been spending a lot of time away from Earth, his responsibilities at Torchwood had changed -- and not in a good way.
Jack seemed to resent the fact that he wasn't there to make tea all the time, and to clean up after whatever mistakes the team happened to make. It was starting to feel as though that was all his job with Torchwood had ever been.
He'd been more accepted into the team for a while -- but now, it felt as though Jack's resentment of his relationship with a man that the immortal had been involved with in the past was relegating him to the background of Torchwood again, just as he'd been in the beginning.
It was ridiculous for Jack to feel jealous. Jack had blown his chance with the Doctor -- he'd walked away from the Time Lord, letting his ego and his need to be "the boss" of Torchwood override his emotions. He'd made his choice quite a while ago.
He had no right to be angry at Ianto for filling that void in the Doctor's life; he should be happy for the Time Lord, happy that he'd found someone to love him, someone who wanted to be with him in a way that the immortal had refused to do.
But no .... he was being a petulant child. The tension between them made Ianto uneasy when he was at the Hub, and at this point, he hated going there.
He sighed, nodding and sitting down on the bed. It was definitely time to get away from Cardiff for a while, to go off into the stars and forget about everything that was causing him anxiety here. It would be good to put all of that behind him.
Of course, he'd have to return to it -- but that was inevitable, wasn't it? He couldn't just leave all of his life behind and never come back. Having a chance to start over, to begin an entirely new life with the man he loved, was too much to ask for.
Or was it? Leaving everything behind him and starting fresh was something he'd often contemplated since his relationship with the Doctor had started; he'd wondered if he would be able to do it, but now, it was starting to seem that he'd have no choice.
"I think it may be time for me to think about leaving everything here on Earth behind on a permanent basis," he began, wondering if this was the best time to broach this subject with his lover. "I've been feeling that it's time for me to .... move on."
The Doctor came into the room and sat down on the bed beside him, taking Ianto's hand in his and twining their fingers together. "That's not a decision to make lightly," he murmured, his tone sober, his dark eyes worried when their gazes met.
"I know it isn't," Ianto said, looking down at their interlocked hands. "But it's been coming for a long time, Doctor. I've known in the back of my mind that i was inevitable snce I first met you. You're a wanderer, a traveler -- and by extension, so am I."
"You don't have to be," the Time Lord said softly, that dark gaze still on him. "I won't force you to make that decision, Ianto."
"You're not forcing me into anything, Doctor," Ianto replied, his voice husky with emotion. "I've known from the first that my home is wherever you are. I've always been willing to give up everything for you -- and I won't change my mind about that."
The Doctor nodded, bowing his head and dropping his gaze. Ianto could see him swallow, knowing that the other man was having a hard time holding back his own emotional reaction to his lover's words. He moved to take the Time Lord into his arms, needing the physical contact.
"It hasn't come to that yet," he whispered, closing his eyes and resting his cheek against the Time Lord's soft hair. "But if it does -- I'll leave this all behind willingly. There's nowhere in the world I want to be other than with you. I'd do anything for you."
"I hope you always feel that way, love," the Doctor answered, sniffling a little. Had the emotional charge of the last few minutes actually brought the other man to tears? Ianto was a bit startled by that; he hadn't expected the Time Lord to actually cry.
He was learning more and more about his lover every day, he thought to himself, tightening his arms around the other man's waist. The Doctor was full of contradictions and surprises -- but Ianto was discovering that he didn't mind those surprises at all.
In fact, he rather liked them. Life with the Doctor would never be dull and commonplace -- there would always be something new to learn, both about his lover and the universe they lived in.
Ianto could feel tears rising behind his own eyes; he had to blink them back, not wanting the Doctor to know that his emotionalism had affected him so much. He needed to be strong, to let the Doctor know that he had someone he could lean on.
But why? Ianto asked himself, taking a deep breath. The Doctor didn't always expect him to be strong. If he couldn't let his emotions out around this man, then when he ever do that? When he was alone, assured that no one else would see his innermost feelings?
That wouldn't be fair to the Time Lord. The Doctor deserved to know everything about him -- even when his emotions were something that Ianto didn't think anyone else would want to see, or have to deal with. His lover deserved that insight.
He let the tears fall, holding onto the Doctor, feeling the other man's arms wrap around his waist and pull him close. He had no idea how long they sat there, clinging to each other, their hearbeats feeling as though they were synched in a dual rhythm.
Yes, he was willing to give up everything for the Doctor. He'd been completely honest when he'd said that; there was nothing he wasn't willing to sacrifice for this man. He would give up his job, his home, even his life -- everything he held dear.
The one thing he would never give up was the Doctor himself. He could never make himself do that; this man was a part of him, so deeply imbedded into his heart and soul that to tear them apart would destroy them both.
It had taken him this long to realize that in addition to being willing to sacrifice everything in his life for the Doctor, he also had to be willing to open himself up to the Time Lord. He had to let this man see everything in his heart. He couldn't hide himself away.
That wasn't going to be easy for someone like him, a man who had always been used to hiding his feelings. But it was one more thing that he was willing to do.
He would do anything for the Doctor. Even if that meant changing everything in his life, turning it all upside down. Even if it meant baring his soul, revealing everything in his heart, even the things that he tried to look away from for fear that he'd hate what he himself saw.
The Doctor was worth everything .... and more.***
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