Title: At First Sight
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 2
Prompt: 15, First Glance
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
"Do you remember the first time we saw each other?" Jack murmured, sliding into bed behind the Doctor and pulling the slender Time Lord against his body. He wrapped both arms around the other man's waist, molding the Doctor's body to his, slipping one knee between the Doctor's silken thighs.
"Yes, I do," the Doctor said, sighing contentedly and closing his eyes. His voice was soft, reminiscent. "Of course, I was in a different body then, and I think I look much better in this one. So I can't honestly say if you were pleased with what you saw, or not. The jury's still out on that one."
"Of course I liked what I saw. But you're right -- I like this body much better," Jack said softly, lowering his head to nibble at the Doctor's earlobe. "When you regenerated into this body, I was a little upset at first, because I was used to you the way you were -- but that didn't last long."
"Ah, so you were thinking of me in a sexual way even then," the Doctor teased, a smirk spreading across his features. "I should have known, Jack Harkness. Is that all you ever think about, you terrible man?"
"Of course it is. You wouldn't expect anything less from me, now would you?" Jack couldn't help laughing, leaning forward to press gentle kisses against the Doctor's throat. "And you wouldn't want me any other way. Tell the truth, you love me exactly the way I am, hmmmm?"
"Yes, I do," the Doctor whispered, a shiver moving through his body as Jack's hands moved over his skin. Jack closed his eyes, letting his fingertips search and explore, gratified when the Doctor moaned softly and pressed himself back against his lover. What was it about the Doctor that could always affect him this way?
It wasn't just because the Time Lord was the most beautiful -- and desirable -- man he'd ever seen. He'd had scores of beautiful man over the time he'd been alive, and some of them might have been considered better-looking than the Doctor. But there was something about this man that exerted a fascination over him.
The Doctor hadn't done that to him in his former body -- they'd had a few encounters then, but there had never been anything binding between them. They'd had a good time together, enjoyed each other's bodies, and managed to keep their relationship to being merely friends -- with a few fringe benefits.
But now that he was in this body -- Jack had fallen harder for the Doctor than he ever had for anyone. Was it just because of the face and the body? No, there was some subtle change in the Time Lord's personality that had swept Jack off his feet.
He could understand why all of the Doctor's female companions seemed drawn to this latest incarnation of the Time Lord -- there was something vulnerable about him, an almost helpless quality that made people feel he needed taking care of. And in many ways, he did, Jack told himself, smiling inwardly.
In others, the Time Lord could be the strongest man Jack had ever known. When he was sure that what he was doing was right, this man wouldn't back down -- and he'd been willing to sacrifice himself on several occasions. Jack fervently hoped that something along those lines would never happen.
He couldn't pinpoint just when he'd fallen in love with the Doctor, but whenever it had happened, he hadn't been able to fight it. If he was honest with himself, he didn't want to. He wanted to make a life with the Doctor, the two of them together for as long as they could possibly be.
Anyone else who knew him would probably scoff at that thought; Jack Harkness settling down? That would never happen. He could hear the words as clearly as though they'd been spoken, ringing in his ears. Others wouldn't understand how he felt about the Doctor, how much he wanted to love and protect this man for the rest of his life.
Or maybe they would understand. It wasn't like he was the only person who'd ever fallen in love. But the Doctor was special, he told himself, special in a way that other people would never be able to fathom.
It would take someone special to capture him and make him settle himself down to only being with one person. With anyone else, that would have seemed like a major sacrifice, a hard choice for him to make. But with the Doctor, it had been natural -- not a choice, but an inevitability.
The Time Lord's voice brought him out of his thoughts, making him focus on what the other man had said. "I can still remember exactly how I felt the first time I looked at you, Jack. The way my stomach seemed to flip over .... I'd never felt that with anyone before. I knew then that you were the one."
"Did you?" he murmured, surprised by the Doctor's admission. He'd probably never have said something like this when he was in his last body; but then, he'd been much more stoic then. Not that he couldn't be that way now, but he'd softened, become somehow more vulnerable and more emotionally open.
Jack couldn't help but wonder just what had brought out those qualities in the Doctor; was it the experiences he'd been through since he'd regenerated? There had been so much that would have made a lesser man give up, but the adversity had only seemed to make the Doctor grow stronger.
"Yes. I knew that I loved you from the first glance. The first time our eyes met." To Jack's surprise, he could see a pink blush spreading over the Doctor's cheeks. Was the Time Lord actually embarrassed about something?
"I never would have thought I'd see you feeling embarrassed," he said softly, brushing the Doctor's hair back from his face and leaning down to press a gentle kiss against his cheek. "That's not something you have to blush about, you know. I'm flattered that you felt so strongly for me before we really even knew each other."
"The strange thing is, I still don't know why there was such a strong attraction," the Doctor murmured, sounding thoughtful. "It wasn't just physical, either -- it went far beyond that. There was .... I don't know, something in me that reached out to you. I'm still searching for the right way to describe it."
"You don't need to describe it," Jack told him, his arms tightening around the other man's slender waist. "It's enough to know what you felt. Words would just make the emotion less potent, wouldn't they?" He bent his head again, this time leaving a trail of kisses down the Doctor's bare shoulder.
"I don't think anything could make the way I feel about you less potent," the Doctor said, letting out a soft moan as Jack's lips made their way down his shoulder, the immortal's hands moving down the front of his body. He arched his back, pressing his firm bottom against Jack's crotch, bringing a moan to the immortal's lips as well.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" Jack asked, his voice hushed, husky with desire. After the last few moments, all he could think of was having his way with the Doctor -- and the Time Lord didn't seem to mind that idea in the least.
"No, but I have a good idea of what you'd like to do to me." The Doctor turned over onto his back, settling back against the pillows and smirking up at Jack, reaching out for him. "And you know that I wouldn't have any objections to that. So here I am -- do whatever you will with me."
"Is that an invitation?" Jack laughed, shifting his body so that one leg was laying over the Doctor's thighs, his arms on either side of the Gallifreyan as the Doctor's arms wrapped around his neck to pull him down for a long, heady kiss. "I know what I intend to do to you, that's for sure."
"Then get on with it," the Doctor murmured against Jack's mouth, his slim body arching upwards as Jack's hands slid down his sides, over his hips, fingertips stroking over the soft skin of his inner thighs. Jack gently pushed the Time Lord's legs apart, one hand moving up between his thighs to cup his balls.
Jack silenced the Time Lord with a kiss, swallowing the Doctor's soft moan. His hand was already stroking between the Doctor's legs, making the other man squirm under him, his gaze locked on the Gallifreyan's face. The Doctor was making soft mewling noises in the back of his throat, pushing his hips up against Jack's hand.
His mouth followed the downward trek of his hands, leaving a trail of fiery kisses down the Time Lord's throat, moving to his chest to nibble at each small nipple. Jack couldn't keep back a satisfied smile when the Doctor's nipples hardened beneath his tongue, a sure sign of the Time Lord's arousal.
Moving to the side, he leaned down to whisper into the Doctor's ear. "Turn over." His voice was deep, husky, a slight commanding tone to his words. "And stay on your knees. We've never tried it like that before."
The Doctor nodded, his face paling a bit, but obeying Jack's words. Jack could feel the other man trembling slightly, and once he'd positioned himself behind the Doctor, he slipped both arms around the slim waist, pulling the Time Lord back against his body and nuzzling his cheek against the other man's soft hair.
"Shhhh, don't be afraid, okay? I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered, smoothing both hands down the front of the Doctor's body, trying to alleviate his trembling. "I'd never do anything to hurt you, Doctor. You know that." He kept one arm around the Time Lord's waist, taking his hand with the other and twining their fingers together.
"I know," the Doctor whispered, his voice sounding shaky and tremulous. Jack kept stroking his stomach, kept pressing tender little kisses to the nape of his neck, until he felt the Doctor relax a little in his arms; then he moved his hips forward, pressing the tip of his cock against the other man's entrance.
Taking a deep breath, Jack pressed himself slowly inside the Doctor, keeping one arm wrapped around the Time Lord's waist. He was sure that the Doctor was still somewhat opened from their earlier lovemaking, so he'd seen no need to prepare the other man.
Jack had to hold himself back from thrusting deeply inside the Time Lord after the first few moments; it was so hard to go slowly when he was this aroused. He loved taking the Doctor from behind like this, all angles and curves and tight heat. Holding back was a test of his willpower, to see how good he could make it for both of them.
Finally, he was all the way inside the Doctor; the Time Lord was bent over on his knees, one small hand clutching the railing at the head of the bed, the other entwined with Jack's. Jack started to pull back out, slowly, wanting the Doctor to feel every inch, every thrust, every movement.
Forward again, burying himself in that unbelievably tight heat. His mind was starting to spin, his body almost burning with the need to thrust hard and fast. No, he wasn't going to. He was going to hold back, make this last, make sure that the Doctor came before he even thought about his own pleasure.
It was impossible. He couldn't hold back any longer; he had to move faster. With a soft cry, Jack thrust deep inside the other man, dimly hearing the Doctor cry out, feeling the Gallifreyan's muscles tighten around him. Then he was thrusting faster, harder, his rhythm starting to become disjointed and erratic.
He could feel it when the Doctor came; even if he hadn't heard the other man's cry and felt the orgasmic shudders shaking that thin body under his, he would have known from the sensation of having his own climax pulled out of him, almost before he knew what was happening.
Jack couldn't keep himself from collapsing forward, catching himself at the last moment. The last thing he wanted to do was lay too heavily on the fragile man beneath him; he'd already managed to leave a few bruises on the Doctor's body without meaning to, and he didn't want it to happen again.
He let himself fall to the side, wrapping his arms around the Doctor's waist and laying there for a few moments. He was still trying to catch his breath; he hadn't expected their lovemaking to be so intense. It usually was, but this time it had caught him unawares, reminding him of just how strong his feelings for this man were.
After what seemed like a long time, he reluctantly pulled out of the other man, burying his face in the Doctor's tawny hair and breathing deeply. The scent of sex, strong in the air around them, and something indefinable that he knew was the Doctor's own personal scent, a combination of something musky combined with vanilla shampoo.
He pressed his palm against the Doctor's chest, feeling the dual heartbeats under his hand. He loved the feel of both those hearts; he loved knowing that he was the man who the Doctor had chosen to give those hearts to.
"Did you know when you first saw me that we would end up doing something like this together?" he asked softly, stroking his hand down the Doctor's body and pressing a kiss to his lover's shoulder. He was surprised when the Doctor turned around to face him, snuggling into his arms and closing his eyes.
"No, but I certainly hoped for it," the Time Lord whispered, not opening his eyes. "I wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you, Jack Harkness. I never thought I would be lucky enough for you to feel the same about me. It may not have been love at first sight, but it was ..... something."
"Well, now you have me," Jack told him, running one hand through the Doctor's hair and closing his own eyes, barely holding back a yawn. "And I'm not going anywhere."
"That's good to know," the Doctor murmured sleepily, one thin arm sliding around Jack's waist. "Good night, Jack."
"Good night, beautiful," Jack said softly, closing his own eyes with a contented sigh. Within a few moments, both men were asleep, cradling each other protectively within the tumbled sheets of their bed.***
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