Title: Back Down To Earth
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 33, Earth
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto blinked as he lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling of the bedroom he shared with the Doctor on the Tardis. His senses were still reeling, his body only just beginning to come down from the incredible high of the experience he'd just shared with the Time Lord.
How could it be that every time they made love was more intense, more exciting than the last? Each time their bodies joined, they scaled ever more dizzying heights, until Ianto was absolutely positive that the two of them would never be able to come back down again.
Sex with anyone else had never been like this. He'd always known that it was enjoyable, but it had never taken him to the heights he'd achieved with the Doctor. Was there some special power that the Time Lord had to make him feel this way?
Ianto smiled to himself at the thought, shaking his head slightly. No, there was no enchantment at work here. It was just more proof that he and the Doctor were soul mates.
He still felt as though his body and soul were somewhere up in the clouds, floating slowly back down to Earth. Instead of the weariness he usually felt just after sex, his body ws tingling, sensitized -- and he felt as though he could go at it again.
Of course, he wasn't going to try that yet -- he had to deal with the refractory period of the human male, as he knew very well. But he was still much more invigorated than he usually was after making love, and he could only put that down to the special bond he shared with the Doctor.
Ianto raised a hand to thread his fingers through the Time Lord's hair, smiling when the other man let out a contented sigh and snuggled closer to him. Even cuddling with the Doctor after they'd made love was better than being close to anyone else.
"It gets better every time, doesn't it?" the Time Lord said softly, the question sounding like more of a statement to Ianto's ears. "You really are extraordinary, Ianto."
The younger man couldn't help laughing at those words. "Me? I'm hardly the extraordinary one, Doctor. I was just thinking of how I've never had experiences like this before I met you. So I believe I can honestly say that you're the extraordinary one."
"Let's not get into an argument over that," the Time Lord said softly, wrapping his arms around Ianto's waist and nuzzling his cheek against his lover's chest. "I think we should just say that together we're an incredible team, and leave it at that."
"We certainly are," Ianto agreed, ruffling his lover's hair with a gentle hand. He stretched lazily under the covers, still feeling that he was floating several feet above the ground. It was going to take quite a while for him to come down.
"Do you use some special kind of Gallifreyan sex hormones when you make love?" he asked the Time Lord, trying to keep back a grin and keep himself from breaking into laughter.
Of course, he wasn't serious. He merely wanted to see how the Doctor would answer the question -- and if the Time Lord would realize that he was only joking. But maybe it was possible that there was something about the Doctor that affected humans in this way ....
He was brought out of those thoughts by the Time Lord's snort of laughter; he blinked when the Doctor sat up and covered his mouth with his hand to stifle his giggles. Ianto had to smile at his lover's reaction to his question; it was more extreme than he'd expected.
"Gallifreyan sex hormones?" The Doctor was no longer trying to hide his laughter; it spilled out into the air as he threw back his head and nearly guffawed. "Ianto, are you serious? Something like that is more up Jack's alley than mine."
"Come here, you." He reached for the Time Lord, pulling the other man back down against him. "No, I'm not serious. But you have to admit, sex with you is absolutely amazing."
"It's not just because you're with me, Ianto." The Doctor's voice was soft as he settled next to Ianto and rested his head on his young lover's shoulders. "It's because you're with your soul mate, the person you're meant to spend your life with."
Ianto considered the Doctor's words. He'd never really believed in the concept of "soul mates" before he'd met this man, but his entire outlook on that subject had changed. He'd known from the moment he laid eyes on the Time Lord that this was the man he'd been made for.
"I've known that I was meant for you from the first second we met," he murmured, shifting slightly so he could pull the Doctor closer. "And I think the fact that we fit so perfectly together is only more proof of that. Nothing could convince me that I don't belong with you."
He was slowly starting to come back to Earth, he realized with a soft sigh. He should have known that he wouldn't be able to stay in those rarefied heights forever.
But they could achieve them again -- and again, and again, Ianto told himself with an inward smile. There was no limit to how many times they could take each other to those heights, and he intended to do it as often as possible.
He leaned back against the pillows, closing his eyes and letting himself relax. For now, he wanted to enjoy the last moments of falling back down to earth from those heights, with the man he loved clasped securely in his arms.***
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- Amazon.com - Torchwood: Children of Earth
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- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)