Title: Back in Time
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50episodes
Prompt: 41, Sphinx
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"What are you thinking of, Doctor?" Ianto asked, looking curiously at his lover as he sat with his hands behind his head, contemplating the empty viewscreen that he was staring into. "You look as enigmatic as the Sphnix. I can't help feeling that you're planning something."
The Doctor turned his head to look up at his lover, his smile at once playful and mysterious. "I'm thinking of something that we might both enjoy," he said by way of explanation. "Somewhere that we could go that you might like to see, and somewhere that I haven't been for a while."
"And where would that be?" Ianto asked, curious as to what the Doctor could be thinking of. "Ancient Greece? Renaissance Italy? Rome in the time of the Medicis? Even though that last one would be kind of dangerous, wouldn't it?" he added, frowning.
The Doctor laughed softly, looking up at him, his dark eyes sparkling. "None of those, even though if you want to see them, then we'll definitely go there. No, this is a time in Earth's history that was one of my favourites, and one I think you'll like, too."
"It sounds like fun," Ianto told him, pushing back the little voice inside his head that told him to be wary. Often, the Doctor's idea of "fun" places ended up being somewhere that was in the midst of an upheaval, and could be more dangerous than carefree.
But whatever it was, he would throw himself into it wholeheartedly, and he was sure that he'd enjoy the experience. After all, without this extraordinary man, he'd never have been to any of the places he'd seen, and his life would be emptier and much less imaginative than it was.
"So, what is this incredible place and time we're going to see?" he asked, raising his brows in question as he sat down beside his lover and took the Doctor's hand. "I can only assume that it's some place I've talked about wanting to see before."
"You'll see when we get there!" the Doctor told him, a smile spreading across his face. "And we should be there in just a few minutes," he added, glancing over at the console. "Actually, it should be happening right about .... now."
Ianto felt the familiar displacement of time and space as the Tardis materialized somewhere in time and space; his heart lifted in anticipation, the excitement starting to pump through him at the idea of seeing a new time and place that he'd never visited before.
He couldn't think of any place that he'd told the Doctor he wanted to see that really stood out in his mind; there had been so many places that he was interested in going to. And there were still quite a few that he hadn't seen yet, so he had no idea where they could be.
"You'll love this, Ianto," the Doctor told him, leaping to his feet and leading his lover to the door of the Tardis. "You'll see so much that you've only read about! And the people you're going to meet! Wait until I introduce you to Will."
"Will?" Ianto was bewildered as to just who the Doctor could mean as the Time Lord opened the door of the Tardis with a flourish. The two of them stepped out into what seemed to be a back alley -- which made sense, considering the time that they'd stepped into.
Ianto looked around him, his jaw dropping and his eyes widening at the sight. Unless he missed his guess, the two of them had landed in .... Elizabethan England. There was no other place that this could be, not with the surroundings, the clothing, and the language.
"Will should be around here somewhere," the Doctor said, sounding thoughtful, as he turned around in a circle as though trying to get his bearings. "I'm fairly sure that we're near his lodgings -- at least, as best as I could remember where they were."
"Doctor!" A masculine voice cut through the sounds of the crowd, making both Ianto and the Doctor turn to see just who could be calling the Time Lord. Ianto's eyes grew even larger; the Doctor's stepped forward, a look of delight and surprise on his features.
"Will! I thought I'd find you around here somewhere. See, I told you I'd come back!" the Doctor told him, pulling Ianto forward as he approached the other man. Ianto still couldn't speak; his eyes were riveted to the man's face, so familiar and yet so surprising.
"Ianto, I'd like you to meet my friend William Shakespeare," the Doctor said, turning to him, that enigmatic look that reminded Ianto of the Sphinx on his face once again. "Will, this is my husband, Ianto Jones." The Time Lord beamed at Ianto, then looked from one to the other of them.
Will arched a brow, looking from Ianto to the Doctor with a curious expression. "So, you've managed to find a place where the love that dare not speak its name is sanctioned?" he inquired, sounding surprised. "And you haven't come running to tell me where it is?"
"I don't think it's a place that you'd appreciate living in, Will," the Doctor said with a laugh, slipping his arm around Ianto's waist. "I just wanted to visit you -- and to let you know that I've found happiness. I know you were worried that I'd end up alone. And I can assure you -- I haven't."
Will nodded, a grin spreading across his handsome features. "It's good to see that you've found someone, Doctor," he said, only a tinge of regret in his voice. Ianto couldn't help but wonder what caused that regret -- and then a thought dawned on him.
From the words that had just passed between Shakespeare and the Doctor, he could assume that all the speculation he'd heard about the great bard's sexuality must be true. It had certainly sounded as though the playwright hadn't been surprised to know that the Doctor was with a man.
"You certainly made a good choice!" Will told the Doctor, turning to the Time Lord with a smile. "I hope you realise just how lucky you are," he told Ianto, his gaze moving speculatively over the young man's face. "You really do have an incredible partner."
"I know," Ianto replied, his voice soft, looking at the Doctor with a smile on his lips and love in his heart. "I'm the luckiest man in the universe to have found him. And even luckier in that he wants to spend his life with me. I couldn't be more blessed."
"I should treat you two to a night on the pubs!" Will announced, sweeping them both a bow. "As I wasn't there for your nuptials, I need to make amends for that." He looked from one to the other of them again, his brows raised. "That is, if you intend to stay for a while?"
The Doctor nodded, then turned to Ianto with his brows slightly raised. "Of course we will -- that is, if you'd like to stay for a while, Ianto?" he asked, his dark eyes pleading with Ianto to answer in the affirmative. It was obvious that he wanted to be here.
Ianto hesitated for a moment, prompting Will to shake his head and place a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Don't worry, Ianto. I have no designs on your husband. He's an amazing man -- and really quite beautiful -- but I don't interfere in happy relationships."
"Will and I have never been involved, Ianto," the Doctor told him, as if sensing his lover's reticence towards the other man. "We've never even kissed. I appreciate his work, and he appreciates my genius. Well, and my good looks," he added, flashing a smile and a wink at Will.
Ianto couldn't help but laugh; it was just like the Doctor to defuse what could be a potentially tense situation with humor. "It's wonderful to meet you, Will," he said, extending his hand to the other man. "I admire your work. And I don't mind that you admire my husband."
Husband. The word came so easily to his lips; but that was what the Doctor was now, wasn't it? They had bonded in the Gallifreyan tradition; that meant that they were married. They didn't need a human wedding ceremony; their marriage was in their hearts.
Ianto looked around him, taking a deep breath and trying to take in everything that he was seeing at once. There was so much that he wanted to know about this time, so much that he wanted to experience! Oh yes, they would definitely be here for a while.
He was looking forward to being a part of this time in history, if only for a short time. And he hoped that they would indeed stay back in time for a while; the chance to talk with Shakespeare and get to know him personally was something too good for him to pass up.
"I think this is going to be fun," he whispered to the Doctor as they followed Will down the street to where a pub sign swung over a door. The Time Lord squeezed his hand and nodded, that enigmatic Spinx-like expression on his face again as they entered the pub together.***
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