Title: Bedroom Toys
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 2, Toys
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"I don't know about this, Ianto." The Doctor sat up in bed, surveying the disparate items strewn across the blankets. "Some of them bring back too many bad memories, things that I'd rather not have in my mind when I'm with you." He bit his lip, looking up apprehensively at his young lover.
Ianto shook his head, reaching out to take the Time Lord's hand in his own. "You know I'd never hurt you in the way that he did," he said softly, his other hand moving to caress the Doctor's cheek. "You're never going to get past those fears if you don't try, love. You can't let what the Master did to you in the past affect your future."
"I know," the Gallifreyan murmured, looking down again and closing his eyes. "I just -- I don't want to disappoint you, Ianto. I really don't. That's one of my greatest fears -- that I won't be able to make you happy and that you'll tire of me. I don't want to live in the past, either. But I can't just forget everything in my past. It isn't that easy."
"Don't think like that," Ianto said, sliding closer to the Doctor and wrapping his arms around the Time Lord's slender waist, drawing the other man close against his body. Already, he could feel the Doctor's thin body trembling; did he really think that Ianto was going to force him into anything he didn't want? He sincerely hoped not.
"It wouldn't be possible for me to be disappointed with you," he soothed, pressing a kiss against the Doctor's hair. "I just don't want to see you carry around these fears forever. It's not the objects that scare you, I know -- it's what he did with them. You know that I wouldn't hurt you like that, Doctor. I'd never do anything to you that you didn't want me to do."
The Doctor heaved a sigh, nodding and closing his eyes as he let himself sag back against Ianto's chest. "Yes, you're right about that. It's not these .... things that scare me," he murmured, waving a hand to indicate the various sex toys scattered across their bed. "It's knowing how painful they can be in the wrong hands."
"The last thing I would do is hurt you. You know that," Ianto told him, smoothing the tawny hair back from his lover's forehead. "If there's the least bit of pain, I'll stop. I'm not him, sweetheart -- I know he enjoyed making you feel pain, but there's a world of difference between me and him. You have to put the things he did to you out of your mind."
"That's easier said than done, Ianto." The Doctor winced, shifting his position slightly in Ianto's arms and getting more comfortable. "He had a penchant for shoving things inside me that were .... far too big. Saying it was painful would be an understatement."
Ianto could feel a shudder run through the slender body in his arms; he tightened his hold on the Time Lord, as if by doing so he could chase away the memories that still plagued his lover. He could feel anger rising within him at the Master, a black hatred that threatened to engulf him. He took a deep breath, consciously trying to calm himself down.
"If any of these look too large, you can always say no," he said soothingly, moving both hands down the Doctor's sides and letting them rest on the other man's belly. His eyes followed the movement of his hands, drinking in the beauty of the slender body in his arms; he still found it hard to believe that anyone could be so gorgeous.
The Doctor nodded slowly, focusing his gaze on the small assortment of objects. He didn't reach out to pick any of them up, though; it was almost as though he was afraid to touch them, thinking that they might somehow attack him. The idea troubled Ianto; he'd never seen the Doctor actively afraid of an inanimate object before.
"You know what the vibrator feels like," he murmured, reaching for it and holding it up. "It's not like we haven't used that quite a lot when I've been the one to give out before you have. And I don't think it's ever hurt you .... has it?" His voice was suddenly anxious; if he'd somehow hurt the Doctor without knowing it, he'd never forgive himself.
The Doctor shook his head, turning his head to press his lips against Ianto's throat. "Of course not," he said softly, hastening to reassure his lover that he hadn't been hurt by anything he'd done. "And you're right -- I'm certainly used to having that inside me."
"I promise, I'll stop if you're feeling any pain at all," Ianto said, bowing his head to kiss the slender column of the Doctor's throat. "You set the pace, love. I won't force you in any way." He dropped the vibrator on the blankets, reaching for the tube of lubricant close to his knee and popping the cap, leaning back as he did so.
He could feel another tremor shaking the Time Lord's thin body, but the Doctor nodded and seemed to rest more heavily against him. Ianto could sense the tightening of the other man's muscles, that body going tense and taut in his arms; he stroked one hand down the Time Lord's stomach, hoping that he could relax the Gallifreyan and calm his anxieties.
Moving his other hand down, he gently pushed the Time Lord's thighs apart, cupping the other man's balls in his palm as he let his fingers move lower to stroke across his entrance. The Doctor's body arched in his arms, a soft moan coming from the Time Lord's throat as he spread his legs further, his own hand moving between his legs to curl his fingers around his own cock.
This was good, Ianto told himself, looking down at the man in his arms. He wanted the Time Lord to be as relaxed as possible, to push his fears to the back of his mind and not dwell on them. The Doctor's muscles were still tense, but hopefully, he would be more relaxed and receptive within the next few minutes.
His hand moved lower between the Doctor's legs, fingers stroking teasingly over his entrance. The Doctor's eyes opened, that dark gaze fixing on him. Ianto couldn't look away; he was mesmerized by those eyes. It was almost as though he could see the passion slumbering in those dark depths, something that he was sure was there for him alone.
"That feels so good," the Time Lord whispered, his voice wavering slightly. He flexed his hips, his body arching up off the bed, allowing Ianto to slip his hand further under his bottom. One finger slid into the Doctor's body, followed quickly by a second; the Time Lord gasped, his eyes closing and his head falling back against Ianto's shoulder.
Ianto pushed his fingers deeper, gently scissoring them inside the other man, bowing his head to press soft kisses against the Doctor's throat, his jawline, his shoulder. The Time Lord's hand was moving on his cock, stroking slowly, almost in rhythm with the movements of Ianto's fingers inside him. That was good; he'd be relaxed when Ianto pushed the dildo into him.
Ianto scissored his fingers inside the Time Lord one last time before sliding them out of the other man's body, replacing them with the tapered, rounded end of the dildo pressing against the Doctor's entrance. He didn't push hard; he wasn't going to force the toy inside the Time Lord. If the Doctor couldn't relax enough for this to be comfortable, he wouldn't push the issue.
He could feel a shudder go through the slender body in his arms; when the glanced at the Doctor's face, his eyes were squeezed tightly shut, his lower lip caught between his teeth. Ianto stroked a gentle hand down his side, whispering into his ear.
"It's all right, love .... just relax, that's right," he whispered, pushing the dildo a little harder against the tightening resistance of the Time Lord's body. The Doctor whimpered softly, turning his head to the side, pressing his face against Ianto's throat. "It .... hurts," the Gallifreyan moaned, the word coming out on a sob. "Don't .... please ...."
Ianto stopped immediately, laying the toy down and slipping his hand between the Time Lord's thighs again. One finger stroked slowly over the tender area before slipping inside the other man, meeting no resistance when he did so. Ianto frowned slightly; it seemed that the Doctor's fears sprang from the idea of being entered with a foreign object, not from the act itself.
"Look at me, love," he said softly, raising his other hand to cup the Time Lord's jaw, making the Doctor look up at him. The Gallifreyan opened his eyes, his gaze meeting his young lover's. Ianto could see the fear in those eyes; he silently cursed the Master for having hurt the Doctor so badly that he was so afraid of something that should be pleasurable.
But that wasn't going to keep him from trying to help the Doctor move past those fears. He didn't want this man to be closed off to anything that they could share; and if it was possible to push those memories of the Master and the things he'd done to the Doctor into the background, or eradicate them entirely, then he was going to try his damnedest to accomplish that.
Sliding his fingers out of the Doctor, he picked up the dildo again, his heart clenching in his chest when he saw the Time Lord wince and squeeze his eyes closed again. "Doctor," Ianto said softly, bowing his head to brush a kiss across those trembling lips, hoping his words would have some effect on the other man. "Open your eyes, love. Look at me.
The Doctor obeyed him, those dark eyes opening and staring up at him. Ianto spoke softly, not wanting to alarm the Doctor, holding his lover's gaze with his own. He wasn't sure of what he could say to ease the Time Lord's fears, but he hoped he could manage to do so.
"This is me," Ianto whispered, one hand raising to stroke the Time Lord's hair. "This isn't the Master. This is Ianto, sweet love. This is the man who loves you, who'd never hurt you. You're with me, not with the Master. What I'm doing to you isn't going to hurt, I promise. Keep your eyes open, love. Keep looking at me. I want you to know that this is me, not him."
The Doctor gulped, nodding, his eyes not leaving Ianto's. The young man pressed the dildo against the Time Lord's entrance again, a little harder this time. The pressure met with resistance, but he kept speaking softly, murmuring encouraging words as he kept pushing the object steadily forward until the tapered tip was inside the other man.
Ianto kept pushing the dildo inside the Doctor, moving it slowly but inexorably forward. He breathed a sigh of relief when he could finally feel that it was all the way in -- and the Time Lord hadn't told him to stop. He hadn't taken his eyes from the other man's; the fear that he'd seen before was still lurking in those dark depths, but it didn't seem as pronounced now.
"Just relax, sweetheart," he murmured, moving his free hand to the Doctor's chest to tweak and tease the Time Lord's sensitive nipples, pressing soft lips against the other man's throat. So far, so good. The Doctor seemed fairly receptive, and he was certain that he wasn't causing his lover any pain. At least, the Gallifreyan wasn't clenching his muscles and crying out.
Of course, that didn't mean much -- the Doctor could be hurting and not saying anything, for fear of disappointing Ianto. The young man hoped that the Time Lord would let him know if there was even a twinge of pain. He had to know; he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he hurt the man he loved, however unintentional it might be.
"All right, love?" he said softly, raising his hand again to stroke the Doctor's damp hair back from his face. He was still watching the Time Lord's expression intently, hoping that the other man was starting to feel pleasure -- or at least, not in any kind of pain.
The Doctor nodded, gasping as Ianto slid the dildo almost all the way out of him, then pushed it slowly in again. "Yes, I'm f-fine," he managed to say before a soft moan overtook his words, his eyes closing as he spoke. He'd given up touching himself; his small, fine-boned hands were clutching at the tumbled sheets around them, holding onto them with a death grip.
Ianto teased his fingertips over the Doctor's nipples once more before lowering his hand, fingers curling around the Time Lord's cock and starting to stroke him. The Doctor's slender hips flexed, his back arching, another soft moan leaving his lips. He lifted one arm, his fingers twining through Ianto's hair and pulling his young lover's head down for a kiss, gasping against Ianto's mouth.
The young Welshman's own breath was coming more raggedly now; he was finding it hard to keep a steady rhythm with the dildo and match his stroking of the Doctor's cock with it. This was too much for him to concentrate on -- even though he was clothed from the waist down, he was more aroused than he'd thought he would be by what was happening.
The Doctor was whimpering now, gasping each time the dildo thrust into his body, a thin sheen of sweat making his skin shimmer in the dim light of the candlelit bedroom. Ianto couldn't take his eyes off the Time Lord; he was sure that he'd never seen anyone look so beautiful, and he knew that he'd never wanted the Doctor as much as he did at this moment.
It was only a matter of seconds before the Doctor came -- Ianto could sense it, see it in the tense lines of the Time Lord's slender body sprawled out before him. He could hear how close the Doctor was to his orgasm, hear it in the ragged breathing, the soft moans, the gasps that the Gallifreyan was letting out with each movement of Ianto's hands on his body.
Not long now .... Ianto gave a small gasp of his own when he felt the Time Lord's muscles tense and go rigid for a few seconds. Then the Doctor's thin body was shuddering in his arms, muscles jerking and spasming for long moments before he went limp in Ianto's embrace.
He couldn't speak for what seemed like a long time; all he could do was lie there, holding the Doctor against him, breathing heavily and watching the Time Lord recover from his climax. Ianto laid one hand on the other man's chest, smiling as he felt the dual heartbeats there. Those hearts were galloping under his palm, beating out a rhythm that matched the rapid throb of his own pulse.
Ianto eased the dildo out of the other man, gently stroking his fingers over the Doctor's entrance to check for blood, making sure that he hadn't been too rough. The Time Lord looked up at him, their glances meeting before the slender man turned his head and pressed a kiss against his young lover's throat, his voice throaty and a little choked when he finally spoke.
"Thank you." The Time Lord didn't say anything else, but those two words meant the world to the young man embracing him.
"You're welcome, sweetheart," he whispered in answer, bowing his head to press his lips against the softness of the Doctor's mouth. He didn't know if he'd managed to dispel all of the Doctor's fears, but he was fairly sure that he'd made a good start.
Ianto slid down until he was lying next to the TIme Lord, propping himself up on one elbow and tracing a gentle fingertip across the Doctor's lips, tracing their outline before kissing him again. The Gallifreyan smiled sleepily, turning onto his side and sliding an arm around his lover's waist, molding his slender body against the young man lying beside him.
"I didn't hurt you, did I, love?" Ianto asked anxiously, smoothing the Time Lord's hair back. The Doctor hadn't shown any sign of pain, not after the first few moments, but Ianto wanted to be sure that his love wasn't keeping anything from him. He didn't think the Doctor would do that, but there was always the chance that it had been more painful for him than he would admit.
But the Doctor shook his head, stretching out against Ianto and resting his cheek against the young man's chest. "No, love, you didn't," he said softly, raising his head slightly to look at his lover. "I'll admit that I was a bit uneasy at first -- but after the first bit, it didn't hurt at all. In fact, it was rather pleasant."
"That's good to know," Ianto said, smiling and pressing another kiss to the Doctor's hair. "I'd certainly like to be able to do that again in the future. But only if you'd like a repeat performance, too. I won't force it on you if you don't want it."
"I don't think that will be a problem," the Time Lord answered, suppressing a yawn and closing his eyes as he burrowed against Ianto's chest. "I think I'd like it, too." He fell silent, and the two of them didn't speak for long moments. It took Ianto a while to realize that the Gallifreyan had fallen asleep, that slender body relaxed and pliant in his arms.
He lay there for a long time, contemplating what had just passed between them and wondering if he would ever be able to help the Time Lord overcome all of his fears. Sighing softly, he finally pulled the covers over their bodies, pushing his worries to the back of his mind and giving himself over to the slumber that had already claimed the Doctor.***
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