Title: You Belong To Me
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 49, You're mine
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto threw an angry glance behind him at the bar that he and the Doctor had just left, unaware that there was still a ferocious scowl on his features. He'd rarely been so angry in his life, but fortunately, he'd kept himself from starting a fight.
What right did that man have to act as though he somehow owned the Doctor? Ianto seethed, his anger not abating. Yes, he'd known the Time Lord a long time ago; they were old friends. But that didn't give him the right to flirt.
Even Jack knew better than to act like that with the Doctor, and Jack was a notorious flirt. The Doctor had introduced Ianto as his significant other, even looping his arm through the young man's while he spoke. And that man had just ignored the gesture.
He'd touched the Doctor, little intimate touches on his shoulder and cheek that had infuriated Ianto, though the young man hadn't said anything. He'd merely stood there, feeling like an unwanted third wheel in a conversation that he couldn't follow.
The Doctor had noticed Ianto's discomfort, and had made some attempts to extricate himself from the conversation, but that man hadn't wanted to leave. He'd followed them around the bar, as though he was determined to attach himself to the Time Lord.
Finally, the Doctor had told him brusquely that the two of them had places to go, and he'd taken Ianto's hand and led him out of the bar. Fortunately, they hadn't been followed, but by now Ianto's anger at the unknown man had reached the boiling point.
"It's a good thing you got us out of there," he growled, glancing back at the bar one last time as they made their way down the street towards the alley they'd left the Tardis in. "If he'd kept touching you, I would have started a fight. I know it."
"I know," the Doctor said softly, casting a worried look at Ianto. "I could tell you were getting angry, and I don't blame you. I'm sorry, Ianto. I didn't realise that he would be there. If I'd known, I'd never have suggested that we come here for a drink."
"It's not your fault, love." Ianto's expression softened as he looked at his lover, sliding one arm around the Doctor's waist and pulling the other man close against him as they walked along. "He was the one who was making me angry, not you."
"I've never had any sort of a relationship with him -- not even a one-night stand," the Doctor told him, his dark eyes meeting Ianto's. "But that doesn't stop him from trying. He's known me for centuries, and even with all the changing bodies, he still wants me."
"Well, he can't have you," Ianto said, his frown deepening again. "He should have figured that out by now, if he's been chasing around after you for centuries and hasn't gotten anywhere. You belong to me, and he needs to get that through his head."
"I'm sure that he will, after tonight," the Doctor said with a soft chuckle. "The look on your face! If it had been possible, I think there would have been a thunderstorm pouring down on him. You look as though you wanted to strike him dead on the spot."
"I did!" Ianto exclaimed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth despite his attempt to keep frowning. "I wanted to make him disappear in every way possible -- and if he'd touched you again, I honestly think I would have tried."
"It's a good thing you didn't," the Doctor told him, shaking his head. "It woudln't have been a good idea to start a bar fight, Ianto. And you know that I'd never have done anything to encourage him. In fact, I'm glad he saw me leave with you. He should stay away from me now."
"He'd better," Ianto muttered darkly, his mood quickly swerving back to annoyance at the thought of that man, whoever he was. "You're mine. He's not going to have a chance to get his hands on you. Not now, not ever. He might as well give up."
"He has," the Doctor said, his tone soft and soothing. "I seriously doubt he'll ever bother me again, Ianto. He always held out hope that I was available to him, but now he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm not, and never will be."
"You belong to me," Ianto whispered, slowing to a stop and pulling the Doctor into his arms. "I want the whole world to know that. No one else will ever have a chance with you. You're mine, and that's the way it's going to stay."
"I've always belonged to you," the Doctor whispered, threading his long fingers through Ianto's hair and closing his eyes. The rest of the world fell away as the two of them lost themselves in their kiss, sealing themselves into their own private world.***
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