Title: Bliss
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 20_est_relships
Prompt: 3, Pleasure
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto lay back against the pillows of the bed he shared with the Doctor, feeling sated and replete. Closing his eyes, he tightened his arm around the Time Lord, smiling as the other man snuggled close against him, resting his head on Ianto's chest.
"It gets better every time, doesn't it?" the Doctor asked, his voice soft and husky. He raised a hand to circle a gentle fingertip around Ianto's nipple, smiling as the small pink bud hardened. Ianto groaned and shifted his position slightly so that he could wrap both arms around the other man's waist.
"Yes, it does," he agreed, moving one hand down the Time Lord's back and over the curve of his bottom to cup that luscious ass and pull the Doctor's body against his. "And if you don't stop touching me like that, you're going to get even more of a workout."
"Do you think that's going to bother me?" the Doctor laughed, shaking his head. "You know I don't have one of those pesky refractory periods to deal with. If you were to want another go, I'm certainly not going to stop you. In fact, I'd urge you on."
"You're going to wear me out," Ianto teased his lover, laughing as the Doctor threw one slender leg over his own, tangling their limbs together under the covers. "But what a way to go," he sighed, settling into the downy pillows again with the Doctor clasped in his arms.
"Let's not talk about something like that," the Doctor whispered, burrowing into Ianto's embrace. "There are much pleasanter subjects to talk about after making love."
Ianto could have cheerfully bitten his tongue out at the Doctor's words. The last thing he needed to bring up after they'd just been intimate was anything that would make the Time Lord think of being alone again; he should know that by now.
Frantically, he searched his mind for some way to change the subject, something to bring up that would be pleasant for them both and not touch on any of the Doctor's fears. But his mind seemed to be just as emptied as his body was at the moment.
Sighing softly, he nuzzled his cheek against the softness of the Doctor's tawny hair. "Do you know how good it feels to hold you?" he whispered, not quite knowing where the words came from or why he had said them. They somehow seemed appropriate for the way he felt.
"Probably not as good as it feels to be in your arms," the Time Lord answered, a small smile curving his lips. "I don't think it's possible for me to feel any more pleasure than I do with you, Ianto. I've never known anyone like you before."
"I didn't think I was capable of being like this," Ianto admitted with a soft sigh. "When I was with Jack, he was the one who always took the lead. And he was the first man I was ever with, so I didn't have anything to compare him to."
"I think we both know that Jack can be very .... experimental," the Doctor said, laughing ruefully. "He always took the lead with me, too. He's hardly the submissive type."
"He didn't think I was capable of being anything but submissive," Ianto sighed, a frown creasing his brow. "I think he was a little shocked to find out that we were together, because he never saw me as anything other than the meek little teaboy."
"Ianto, that's not true," the Doctor admonished him. "Jack truly cared for you in the time you were with him. He sees you as a strong, capable man, I'm sure of that. He thinks very highly of you, you know, even if he might not have told you so when you were with Torchwood."
"He may think highly of me, but when we were together, he never seemed to see me as anything more than a temporary playmate," Ianto said, shaking his head, the frown deepening. "I know he never sees anyone as being permanent in his life, but it was still .... demeaning."
"Look at the bright side, Ianto," the Doctor said softly. "If he had seen you as being a permanent fixture in his life, then you and I might not have found each other. You would be happy with Jack, and I would still be alone."
"That's true," Ianto agreed, raising a hand to cup the Doctor's cheek. "I hadn't thought of that, love. You know I wouldn't give up what we have, not for anything. Not for all the pleasure Jack or anyone else might think they could give me."
"I'd like to think that since I'm your soul mate, I can give you more pleasure than anyone else could ever dream of," the Doctor teased, mock-pouting at his boyfriend.
"You can," Ianto laughed, pushing all thoughts of his former lover out of his mind. "Jack might have been avant-garde, but he's nothing as a lover compared to you. Maybe he's the end-all and be-all for other people, but for me, you're perfection."
"Really?" The Doctor's eyes widened, as though he was truly surprised by Ianto's words. "I know that you and and have a connection that goes beyond just the physical -- but I didn't think I was that good. Are you sure you don't have me confused with someone else?"
Ianto opened his mouth to deny the Time Lord's words, wanting to ask how his lover could think such a thing -- until he caught the sparkle of mirth in those dark depths and realized that his beloved Doctor was only teasing him.
"I could never confuse you with anyone else," he whispered, pulling the other man close and kissing his cheek, then his mouth. His lips drifted close to the Doctor's ear, his words barely audible, the soft whisper meant for his lover alone.
"No one could ever mean as much to me as you do," he murmured, his lips caressing the sensitive shell of the Doctor's earlobe as he spoke. "The pleasure you give me isn't just physical, Doctor. It's a complete fusion -- heart, body and soul. And I could never get that from anyone else."
The Doctor's thin arms tightened around his waist, holding him closer; the Time Lord's grip was almost fierce, possessive, not wanting to relinquish him.
"I've never gotten the kind of pleasure from anyone else that I get from you," the Doctor told him, his own voice as low and husky as Ianto's. "Either physically, or in any other way. You're the man I'm mean to be with, Ianto. Don't ever forget that."
"It took you centuries to find me," Ianto said softly, pressing his cheek against the Doctor's hair. "And now that you have, I promise that you'll have me forever, Doctor. Or at least for as long as I'm allowed to be with you."
Dammit, he thought as soon as the words were out, he'd done it again. Alluding to that far-off time in the future when he would no longer be here, and the Doctor would be alone again. Would he ever learn to stay away from that subject?
But the Doctor wasn't pulling away from him, and the familiar expression of sadness wasn't sweeping over his features. Instead, he was looking at Ianto with only tenderness written on his features as he raised a hand to place it against his young lover's cheek.
"I would give up all the centuries I've lived for just one moment of being in your arms," the Doctor said, his voice catching in his throat. "That's the most perfect bliss I've ever had, and if anything is worth giving up centuries of my life for, that would be it."
Ianto quelled the Doctor's words with a fierce, possessive kiss, one that seared through to his very soul and took his breath away. He meant to give the Doctor that perfect bliss, over and over again, until they were both reeling from an overload of every pleasure they could experience.***
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