Title: Bodies in Collision
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 50ficlets
Prompt: 13, Body
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto couldn't keep his eyes from the Doctor's body as he ran his hands over the other man's skin, his gaze taking in the beauty that was stretched out before him. This man was his to touch, his to kiss, his to love in every way possible.
How had it come to pass that the Doctor had given himself to a mere human? Ianto didn't know exactly what it was that had drawn the two of them together like lodestars to each other; he was only grateful that they'd found each other.
Whatever that cosmic force was that had decreed these two men should be together, he would always be indebted to it for giving him the love of his life.
The Doctor was everything he'd ever wanted, Ianto told himself, closing his eyes and moving his hands down the Time Lord's sides. There hadn't been a moment since the two of them had shared their first kiss that he hadn't been filled with bliss.
Especially at moments like this. He closed his eyes as the Doctor's head fell back onto his shoulder, bending his head to press his lips against the exposed column of the other man's throat, his lips brushing over that velvety skin.
Admittedly, he hadn't made love to a great many people before the Doctor -- there had been Lisa, of course, and a few other girls before her. But until Jack, he'd never had a relationship with a man, and he'd never been the more dominant partner with Jack.
He'd discovered so much of himself since he'd been with the Time Lord, facets of his personality that he'd never have believed were actually there.
No one else had ever made him feel the way that the Doctor did; this man's body fit with his own so perfectly. It was as though the Doctor had been created just for Ianto when he'd regenerated into this body, that their coming together was destined.
But it wasn't just the fact that their bodies were so in sync. It was their emotional connection that went hand-in-hand with their physical bonding; that was what made their relationship transcend anything that Ianto had dreamed of.
Though he certainly wasn't going to deny the fact that their physical connection was more intense than he'd have believed possible, Ianto thought, gasping as the Doctor arched his back and pressed his thin body back against his young lover.
How could any man to be this perfect? Ianto wouldn't have believed that someone like the Doctor could exist, if he didn't have the proof right here in his arms.
He'd been unable to keep his hands off the Doctor's body from the first time they'd looked into each other's eyes. He'd had to reach out and touch the other man's hand, despite Jack's raised eyebrow and the look he'd thrown Ianto, that frowning reproach.
He didn't care if Jack had tried to give him a pointed "hands off." The Doctor had made it clear with his words that there would be no renewal of his relationship with Jack, and as far as Ianto was concerned, all was fair in love and war.
The Doctor had never told Ianto exactly how he'd managed to win that battle -- though the young man was fairly sure that the Doctor had wanted him from the beginning. There had been no winner, not really -- the Doctor had simply made a choice.
Of course, he'd helped that choice along a bit with the flowers and love notes he'd made his way into the Tardis to leave, Ianto thought, smiling inwardly.
Even that had been a bit odd -- considering that he hadn't had a key to the ship, but that the door had been mysteriously open and inviting when Ianto had approached her. He couldn't help believing that the Tardis had heartily approved him as a mate for the Doctor.
Had she been able to read his feelings somehow? Well, good for her if she had, Ianto told himself, moving his hands down to the Time Lord's hips, then sliding them around the other man's slender waist. He was grateful to any entity that had helped the two of them to become one.
Their bodies joined as fully and completely as their hearts; they were made for each other in every way. He hadn't doubted that for a moment, not from the first. His heart had reached out for the Time Lord, and in time, his body had followed suit.
And at the moment, he thought as a smile curved his lips, he had every intention of making the most of the collision of their bodies.
Pulling the Doctor's body closer against his own, Ianto bent his head to kiss the Time Lord again, his hands moving down the other man's body as their lips met. Within moments, they were lost in each other, melding in a primal embrace that they both wanted to last forever.***
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