Title: Book of Love
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: "If you were" challenge, 5_prompts
Prompt: If I was a book I know you'd read me every night
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto ran a gentle hand down the Doctor's bare arm, admiring the curve of his lover's shoulder. The Time Lord was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen; clothed, he was incredibly attractive, but naked, Ianto thought he was absolutely magnificent.
How could such beauty possibly belong to him? It didn't seem as though it could be true that this man had fallen in love with him and taken him off into the stars, and that by some benevolent quirk of fate, both of them now had immortality, and eternity to love each other.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?" he whispered, knowing that the Doctor would probably shake his head and murmur that he didn't look all that good -- though Ianto knew from experience that his lover did have a bit of an ego at times when it came to his good looks.
"You're even more so," the Time Lord responded, those fathomless dark eyes meeting his own. "Every time I look at you, I wonder how Jack could have been so foolish as to turn his back on you. But I'm glad he did, Ianto. If he hadn't, then we might not be together."
"That would be a tragedy for all concerned," Ianto murmured, bowing his head to brush his lips across the softness of the Doctor's mouth. "If I wasn't with you, I'd probably still be with Torchwood, feeling like an unappreciated coffeeboy and nothing more."
"And I'd still be alone, wandering around in the galaxy and wishing that I could find a companion who wanted to stay with me," the Doctor told him, a slight smile hovering around the corners of his lips. "We'd both have been miserable, wouldn't we?"
"Well, maybe not utterly miserable, but I'd have been less than satisfied," Ianto told him with a smile. "I'd never have been truly happy working with Torchwood, not after my relationship with Jack was over. I would have always felt that there was something missing."
"And it would have hurt to see Jack with other people, even if they didn't own his heart, wouldn't it?" the Doctor asked, his voice soft and husky. "I know what that's like, Ianto. And you'll never have to worry about it with me. I'll never stray from you."
"I know that, sweetheart," Ianto whispered, surprised that the Doctor would be saying this now. Had he done or said something to make his lover think that he was worried about either of them straying? He didn't think so, though he wondered if it was possible.
The Doctor sighed contentedly and snuggled into Ianto's embrace; the young man moved a hand down the Time Lord's back, closing his eyes and letting his fingertips roam over that expanse of warm, silken skin. He loved touching the Doctor; his skin was like the softest velvet.
"I love how you touch me," the Time Lord sighed, stretching out his long, lean body next to his lover's. "I would know your touch anywhere, Ianto. Even in the deepest, blackest darkness, I would know your touch in an instant. I'd know it anywhere, any time."
"And I'd know your body," Ianto replied, his voice husky with emotion. "I know exactly how your skin feels. I know every curve of your body. I can read you like a book with my fingertips, Doctor. It's like being able to read braille. Your skin is my shorthand."
The Time Lord laughed softly, tilting his head back slightly on the pillow to look up at his lover. "I don't mind you reading my body at all, love," he breathed, moving closer to the young man under the covers. "In fact, I'd encourage it. I think you should touch me all over."
"Do you?" Ianto murmured, moving his hand down to cup the Time Lord's ass. The Doctor nodded, closing his eyes and moaning softly as Ianto's hand stroked over his sensitive flesh. "Would you know me when I touch you here?" he asked, moving his hand once again.
The Doctor moaned as Ianto's fingers closed around his cock, starting to stroke gently up and down his swelling shaft. "If you touch me there, I can guarantee you that I'd know you," he whispered, his dark gaze slightly unfocused when he looked at his lover. "I can never mistake that touch."
"I can read your body like Braille -- even with my eyes closed," Ianto managed to say, his own breath starting to come more quickly. "All I need to do is touch your skin, and I know it's you. No one else could ever feel the way you do, love."
"Keep reading me," the Doctor gasped, rocking his hips against Ianto's hand. "Don't stop, love." His voice was almost pleading; Ianto didn't need to be told twice to continue with what he was doing. He himself was enjoying it far too much to think about stopping.
Touching the Doctor like this was making his own libido rise again; all he could think of was being inside the Time Lord, joining their bodies, becoming one. But he would have to put that on hold for a while; he wanted to satisfy his lover in this way first.
He loved watching the Doctor's face while the Time Lord was being pleasured; there was something almost ethereal about the way his lover looked when he was approaching orgasm. Ianto couldn't take his eyes from those handsome features; he didn't want to miss a moment.
His hand moved faster, up and down the Doctor's shaft, reveling in the feel of the velvety soft skin covering that steely hardness clasped within his fingers. His own cock was hardening; Ianto knew that it wouldn't be long before he had to take the Doctor.
It was over within a few more seconds; the Doctor cried out his name, burying his face against Ianto's shoulder his his slender hips bucked forward. His body shuddered and spasmed, his cock jerking in the young man's hand, his breath coming in gasps.
Ianto blinked, feeling slightly disoriented, almost as though he'd had an orgasm himself. He hadn't thought that they would be so connected, just through the medium of touch. It was amazing how a simple hand job could make him feel so close to his lover.
The Doctor's arms slid around his waist, pulling him close, the Time Lord's face still pressed against his shoulder. Ianto could feel the warmth of the other man's breath, the heaving of his chest, the softness of his lover's velvety skin against his own.
Yes, he could read this man's body like a book. He would know this body anywhere, even if there were hundreds of others pressing against him, trying to confuse him. He would never mistake anyone else for his lover. There was only one Doctor.
"I hope you want to read me like that every night," the Doctor murmured, his words breaking the silence. "And in other ways, too," he added, raising his head to look up at Ianto, an unmistakable gleam in those dark eyes that the young man couldn't deny.
"Oh, I think I know of other ways to read your body that I'd like to put to good use right now," he breathed, rolling the Doctor over onto his back. The Time Lord laughed softly, pulling Ianto close against him, obviously ready for his lover to read yet another chapter in their book of love.***
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