Title: Bouncing Off Clouds
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 50_smutlets
Prompt: 15, Shower
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto couldn't help smiling as he leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom on the Tardis, squinting a little through the steam that rose from the shower. He'd strip off his clothes and join the Doctor in a few minutes, but for now, he was enjoying the view.
He never got tired of looking at the Time Lord, admiring the way that his slender body was put together. Could anyone else possibly be so beautiful? He didn't think so. This man was one in a million .... no, more than a million. He was one of a kind.
And this man belonged to him. Ianto could almost feel his heart swell in his chest with that knowlege, threatening to break out.
Almost without his realizing it, he was starting to strip his clothes off, leaving them lying in a pile on the floor as he made his way across the room to the shower. He couldn't keep himself away from the man he loved any longer.
Pulling back the shower curtain, he stepped into the shower, moving close to the Doctor and wrapping his arms around the other man from behind. The Time Lord gasped, turning slightly to look at him before leaning back into his arms.
"This is a nice surprise," he murmured as Ianto lowered his head to press his lips against one bare shoulder. The young man smiled, nuzzling his cheek against the Doctor's wet hair, then raising his own face to the warm spray.
His arms slid around the Doctor, his hands moving down the other man's hips to rest there, simply holding his lover close against his own body.
But he wouldn't be satisfied with that for long; Ianto could feel his pulse racing, his heartbeat starting to speed up. He wanted the Doctor, though this hadn't been what he'd planned when he'd first pulled back the curtain.
There was something about this man that invited him to touch, to taste, to .... to take. And the Doctor always gave himself to Ianto unreservedly; he held nothing back, surrendering himself completely with no second thoughts.
Without saying a word, he moved back a little, turning to the side and pressing the Doctor up against the slick tiles, one hand moving down the other man's back. The Doctor turned his head to rest his cheek against the wall, his eyes closed, his lips parting, though he didn't make a sound.
He didn't have lube, but that didn't seem to matter; the Doctor was pushing his hips back, seemingly as eager for Ianto as the young man was for him. One finger pressed inside the Time Lord, followed by another, stretching the other man, preparing him.
Within moments, Ianto's hips were pressing against the Doctor's bottom, his breath rasping in his throat, wanting nothing more but to be sheathed inside his lover.
Sinking into the Doctor was like bouncing off a cloud, nestling into welcoming softness but feeling a slight resistance that he had to push past. But his hips pushed forward of their own accord, breaking down that resistance until he was luxuriating in soft warmth.
His hands slid up the Doctor's arms, capturing his hands and pressing him against the wall. Ianto's breath was already becoming ragged, his heart seeming to jerk in his chest with each thrust; he knew that neither of them would last long, at this rate.
The Time Lord was pushing back against him, his breath coming in gasps, Ianto's name on his lips. Ianto bent his head, pressing his own lips to the back of the other man's neck, feeling his climax starting to well up inside him, on the verge of breaking free.
With one last thrust, he let himself go, releasing inside the Time Lord. Ianto sagged against his lover, dimply realizing that the Doctor's body was shuddering in his arms from the force of an equally intense orgasm.
His heartbeat slowed, his body relaxing, the glow of pleasure spreading through him. Ianto whispered the Doctor's name, nuzzling his cheek, not wanting to move.
Both men leaned against the wet, slick tiles of the shower wall, their heavy breaths mingling, their fingers still entwined. Finally, Ianto stepped back slightly, pulling out of the Doctor reluctantly; he hated to leave that welcoming warmth, but they couldn't stay like this forever.
When the Doctor finally spoke, his voice was husky; he had to clear his throat and cough before the words came out clearly. "That was unexpected -- but certainly not unwelcome. Whatever came over you, Ianto? You're usually not that insistent."
Ianto shook his head, smiling. "I don't really know. I just .... saw you in the shower, and stood there watching for a few minutes. And then, when I got under the water with you -- I had to have you. It was as if a primal part of me took over."
The Doctor turned around to face him, leaning against the wall and regarding him with a slight smile on those beautiful lips. "I don't mind having that primal side come out. Though now the water's cold, and if we don't get out of here, we'll both turn into prunes."
The young man nodded, leaning over to turn off the water. "That's easily fixed," he said softly, as he pulled back the shower curtain and stood aside to let the Doctor step out.
He couldn't keep from admiring the other man's slender body as the Doctor bent to pick up a towel, letting his eyes roam over the Time Lord. It still amazed him that this man chose to be with him, that the Doctor was his.
And he was the Doctor's, he thought with a smile, moving to take the Time Lord in his arms and pull him close. He didn't know if the Doctor was up for another bout of lovemaking once they made it to the bedroom, but he was certainly looking forward to finding out.***
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