Title: Candlebright
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 25fluffyfics
Prompt: 6, Candles
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Are you ready for a surprise?" Ianto asked the Doctor as he came into the control room of the Tardis. The Time Lord looked up from where he was leaning over the console, smiling at his lover and raising his eyebrows in question.
"A surprise? What sort of surprise? Don't tell me that something has happened somewhere in the Tardis." The Doctor's tone was curious, not alarmed; he knew that Ianto wouldn't cause anything to happen to his beloved ship.
"One that you're going to like," Ianto told him, moving over to where the Doctor stood as the Time Lord turned around to face him. "But you have to let me blindfold you before you see it. I want you to be completely surprised."
The Doctor frowned slightly, but after a slight hesitation, he nodded and let out a small sigh. "All right, Ianto," he murmured, his eyes meeting his young lover's. "You know I don't like to lose one of my senses -- but I trust you."
Ianto leaned forward to brush his lips against the Doctor's cheek, feeling a little guilty. He'd forgotten about that particular phobia that the Doctor had.
He couldn't blame the Time Lord for feeling hesitant about being blindfolded -- or bound in any way. He'd suffered through situations where he'd been a helpless captive too many times, and he himself would likely feel the same way.
But he wasn't going to do anything that would hurt the other man, and the Doctor knew it. He trusted Ianto implicity; that trust was one of the many elements of the bond that kept them together, a bond that strengthened with each passing day.
Moving behind the Doctor, Ianto pulled out the silk scarf that he'd stuff into the pocket of his jeans, shaking it out and folding it. "Don't worry, Doctor. I won't let anything happen to you -- and it won't be for long. Just until we get to where I have the surprise."
He could hear the Doctor's swift intake of breath as he fitted the black silk over the other man's eyes; he tied it behind the Time Lord's head, then wrapped one arm around his lover's waist and began to lead the Doctor from the control room.
"Nothing to be worried about, love," he murmured, trying to keep the other man calm. "I'll guide you, and I know where I'm going."
The Doctor stumbled slightly as the two of them made their way down the twisting corridors, frowning again as he turned his head toward Ianto. "Are you absolutely sure that you know where you're going? It's easy to get turned around in all this space."
Ianto nodded, forgetting for a moment that the Time Lord couldn't see him. "I'm sure, love," he said softly, hoping that his tone was reassuring. "I know exactly where I am. The Tardis seems to like me -- she helps me find my way around."
They were getting closer to their destination; Ianto could feel his heart starting to thump against his rib cage in anticipation. What if the Doctor didn't like the little surprise he'd arranged? He'd thought it was lovely, but the Time Lord might have a different opinion.
No, that was silly. For all of his surface brusqueness at times, the Doctor was a romantic soul -- if he didn't appreciate what Ianto had done, then no one would. He would probably even be surprised that Ianto had managed to find this part of the ship.
Of course, like he'd said, the Tardis had helped him find this room. She seemed to have a sixth sense about his romantic intentions towards the man he loved.
Ianto stopped just as they approached the door to the room he'd lovingly arranged, taking a deep breath. "I hope you'll like this, Doctor," he murmured, tightening his arm around the Time Lord's waist. "I wanted to do something special for you."
"Why?" the Time Lord questioned, sounding curious and also a bit wary. "I know it's not an anniversary or some special occasion that I should remember -- or is it?" His brow furrowed, as though he was searching his mind for some memory that wouldn't quite surface.
The young man by his side laughed softly, shaking his head. "No, love, it's not a special occasion. I just wanted to do something to show you how much I love you. Sometimes I don't think I do that enough," he added, his voice husky.
"Of course you do, Ianto," the Doctor told him his own voice soft as his head turned towards Ianto again. The Time Lord reached out hesitantly, placing his hand on Ianto's cheek. "You let me know how you feel just by being here with me."
"Hopefully, this will show you even more," Ianto told him, guiding him into the room and pulling the silk scarf away from the Time Lord's eyes.
He watched the Doctor's face as the other man stood there, gaping at the sight before him. Ianto had positioned an array of candles around the large room, arranging them around the bed that stood in the center of the room, looking soft and inviting.
The light from the candles made the silk sheets seem to glow; Ianto had thrown back the dark indigo coverlet to expose the sheets and pillows beneath, trying to make it look as tempting and as romantic as possible. He thought he'd done quite a good job of that.
Two roses rested on one of the pillows, their petals looking almost iridescent in the candles' golden glow. One red and one white, they seemed entwined, as if they'd somehow been drawn to each other and refused to let go once they were bonded together.
The Doctor walked over to the bed, picking up the roses and studying them for a few moments. He closed his eyes as he laid the soft, silken petals against his cheek, his voice a hushed whisper when he spoke.
"These represent us, don't they?" he asked in a hushed voice. "Bound together, holding on to each other through anything that comes their way."
Ianto nodded, swallowing hard. He'd wondered if the Doctor would realize just what he'd meant for those roses to say, but he should have known that the Time Lord would know. After all, this man knew him intimately; the Doctor understood the workings of his mind.
And of his heart. He'd known that from the day they'd met; he'd felt an undeniable pull towards the Doctor from the first time he'd looked into those unfathomable dark eyes. It was more than attraction, a feeling that went too deep to put into words.
What they shared was deeper than love, deeper than anything Ianto had ever felt. This man wasn't just his lover; the Doctor was his heart and soul, his life. This man was the air he breathed, the blood that coursed through his veins, the center of his universe.
Moving towards the bed, he slid his arms around the Doctor and pulled the other man into his embrace, whispering into the Time Lord's ear as he did so. He couldn't take his eyes off the Doctor's face; his lover looked luminous, almost ethereal.
The candles illuminated his handsome features in a way that made Ianto's breath catch in his throat; he was sure that this was the most beautiful sight he would ever take in.
All he wanted was to strip the Time Lord's clothes off and settle into that inviting bed with his lover in his arms. He wanted to forget that the rest of the world existed, lose himself in the Doctor, and give himself over to being one with the man loved.
"This is beautiful, Ianto," the Doctor whispered against Ianto's mouth, his words slightly muffled by the kiss. "It's definitely a surprise -- and a wonderful one. I feel like I could spend the rest of our lives in here, alone with you. Thank you for doing this."
"It's my pleasure, love," Ianto murmured, his hands already moving down the Doctor's back to tug at the other man's shirt and lift it over his head.
Ianto moved towards the bed, pushing the Doctor gently down against the cool sheets. He was already anticipating the moment when the bright warmth of the candlelight would bathe his lover's skin in their glowing light -- and he could fall into that light and leave the world behind.***
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