Title: Collared
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 30_sex_scenes
Prompt: 11, Collar
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Are you sure that you want to do this, Doctor?" Ianto asked, worry in his voice. He still felt at odds with the idea of the Time Lord wearing a collar, but the Doctor didn't seem to mind it at all. In fact, he seemed quite eager for Ianto to collar him.
The Doctor nodded, raising his brows in question as he turned to look at his lover. "I don't have a problem with this, Ianto," he said, his tone gentle. "What is it that's making you hesitate? If there's something about it that bothers you, I wish you'd tell me."
"I just .... I'm not sure that I feel comfortable with the idea of owning you, of putting a collar on you," he blurted out. He hadn't meant to say it so crudely, but there it was; the words were out in the open now, and he couldn't take them back.
The Doctor wrapped his arms around his young lover's neck, leaning forward to press a kiss against Ianto's cheek. "But you do own me, my love. You own my hearts, body and soul. You have from the first time we met. I thought you knew that."
"But the idea of you wearing a collar -- like a dog," Ianto protested, shaking his head. "It just doesn't feel right. Not for you. Not for a Time Lord."
The Doctor looked surprised at his words, a frown furrowing his brow. "I don't see it that way, Ianto. I'm certainly not a dog. I won't roll over and play dead, or do tricks on command. A collar is simply to show that I'm taken, that I belong to you in every way."
"You don't need a collar for us to know that." Ianto's protests were growing weaker; he knew that in the end, if this was what the Doctor wanted, he would give in to his lover's desires. He always did. And if he was honest with himself, he was growing intrigued by the idea.
There was something incredibly exciting about picturing the Doctor in his mind's eye, naked, kneeling before him, a collar around his neck that signified his .... well, ownership of the Time Lord. It was a heady image, one that almost made him giddy.
"Besides, there is a collar in that, errr .... 'toy box' in the bedroom," the Doctor told him, his voice soft and husky. "And I've never worn it before, other than trying it on. No one has ever collared me before, Ianto. I've never wanted anyone to. Not until you."
Ianto was surprised at that; the Doctor was over 900 years old, and he'd had many relationships in the past. Yet he had never been with anyone who he wanted to give himself to completely, in all of his long life. Ianto couldn't help but feel honored that he was the one.
He might as well admit it to the Doctor, as well as to himself, he thought wryly. A part of him wanted to see the Time Lord collared, to know that the other man was undoubtedly his.
"I think we might want to get that collar out now -- just to make sure that it fits properly," Ianto said, his words tumbling out. He wanted to see how that collar looked on the Doctor -- to know how it would feel to see the physical proof that the Time Lord was somehow bound to him.
"No sooner said than done," the Doctor murmured, turning towards the large chest at the foot of the bed. He knelt and opened it, rummaging around in it a bit before closing the lid and standing up, holding out the object in his hand to Ianto.
It was a simple black leather collar, with a lock at the back that, at the moment, held a key. Ianto could feel a flutter in his stomach at the idea of fastening that collar around the slender column of the Doctor's throat, locking it, and keeping the key to himself.
Once the Time Lord was collared, he belonged to Ianto in every possible way. It would be a physical manifestation of the bond they had between them -- a bond that was not only based on love, trust and respect, but was also extremely sexual.
Of course, he belonged to the Doctor just as much, Ianto told himself. He'd surrendered himself to the other man from the first time he'd looked into those eyes; it wasn't just a physical bond between them. His heart and soul belonged to the Time Lord, and always would.
"What do you say to doing the honours now, and putting this on me?" the Doctor whispered, his eyes meeting Ianto's. "Though I think that I should be naked when you do. It would be much more .... symbolic if I was, don't you think?"
"Oh yes," Ianto answered, his mouth suddenly dry. "Yes, I definitely think you should be naked. And on your knees as well."
The Doctor took a few steps away from him, smiling and reaching for the hem of his shirt. Ianto's eyes widened as the Time Lord pulled the fabric over his head and tossed it aside, then began to unzip his jeans and push them down.
In just a few moments, the Time Lord was naked in front of him, kneeling, his head bowed. Ianto let his eyes roam over that perfect body, feeling desire rise in him. But that wasn't his first order of business; he could satisfy his desire once the collar was on.
Moving behind the Doctor and kneeling himself, he pressed a kiss on the other man's shoulder, feeling the Doctor's sudden tension. "Shhh, it's all right," he whispered, wanting to reassure the other man. "I love you, Doctor. I'm not going to hurt you."
"I know that," the Doctor replied, sounding surprised. "One thing I've always known, Ianto, is that you'd never hurt me. No matter what I give you the freedom to do to me -- it would never be deliberately painful. You're not that kind of man."
Not like the Master, were the unspoken words. Ianto's throat tightened at the thought; at one time, he'd been sure that the Master might have tried something like this with his beloved Doctor, which only made him all the more glad that he was the first to do it.
He drew the collar around the Doctor's throat, making sure that it wasn't too tight, admiring the way the black leather looked against the Time Lord's pale skin. Every time he saw this, he would remember that this man was his, that the Doctor wanted this.
Ianto could feel the Doctor swallowing hard; he bent his head to press his lips against the other man's throat, just below the leather, feeling the warmth of his skin.
He'd thought that it might feel strange to collar his lover, to know that the Doctor felt subservient to him, at least in the confines of their sex life. But it didn't feel odd in the least; instead, it felt natural, another step forward in their relationship.
"Does that feel comfortable, love?" he murmured, running his fingers over the leather. It somehow felt right for the Doctor to be submitting to him in this way, entrusting himself to the man who loved him. Ianto could feel his heart swelling within his chest, filling with love for the Time Lord.
The Doctor nodded, closing his eyes and letting his breath out in a small rush of sound. "Yes," he whispered, raising one thin hand to let his fingertips trail over the leather. "It's a bit of an odd feeling to know that I won't be able to take it off -- but then, I don't think I'll want to."
"If you want it taken off, just let me know," Ianto told him, caressing the Doctor's cheek with soft fingers. "I'm not going to force you into wearing a collar if you're not comfortable with it, Doctor. You might not be able to take it off, but you're not some sort of slave."
"I'll ask you to take it off if I don't feel comfortable with it," the Doctor agreed. "But I don't think that's going to happen, Ianto. This is a binding vow between us that I belong to you. And I want a physical presence that assures me that vow will be kept."
"Well, now you have that," Ianto said, smoothing his fingers over the leather again as he turned the key in the small lock at the back of the collar, then standing up and stepping back, admiring the sight of the black leather around his love's neck.
He'd never seen the Doctor look so .... sensual. Or so desirable, either; he could feel his need for the other man rising to a fever pitch, unable to be held back.
The other man rose to his feet and turned to face him, still looking downwards rather than at Ianto's face. The young man reached out to tilt the Time Lord's face upwards, his eyes meeting his lover's before he leaned forward to kiss the Doctor, their lips meeting and clinging.
Ianto couldn't remember ever wanting the Doctor so much; all he could think of as he pulled the other man close against him was how desirable the Time Lord was -- and how much he loved him. His voice was soft as he raised his head to look into those unfathomable dark eyes again.
"What do you say we head for the bedroom?" he inquired, his tone husky, the words coming out breathlessly. "I want to see you on top of me while you're wearing that collar," he whispered into the Time Lord's ear, "I want to watch you riding me and moaning my name."
The Doctor didn't answer; he only smiled and nodded, slipping his hand into his young lover's and moving towards their bed. Ianto's eyes closed as their lips met again, his senses whirling into a vortex that he knew he wouldn't emerge from for some time to come.***
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