Title: Coming Back
By: Mrs_Ianto_Jones
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Spoiler: Spoiler for DW episode 'Last of the Time Lords'.
Summary: Jack returns to the hub.


Jack waved at the Doctor and Martha before stepping onto the lift. He was happy to be back but was unsure of what his reception would be. Jack had, after all, seemingly abandoned them. Albeit for a couple of days in their timeline. He'd run without a second thought. Not even for Ianto. The Welshman was waiting for him, with a cup of coffee. He laughed at the expression on Jack's face. A mixture of curiosity and apology.

"I saw you coming, Sir." Said Ianto, handing Jack his coffee. "Welcome back Jack."

He took Jack's face and kissed him deeply.
