Title: Common Ground
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Table: 3
Prompt: 36, Meeting the Family
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Dear Mrs. Jones,
I'm not entirely sure just how to start this. I probably shouldn't be writing to you -- Ianto will more than likely scold me for this. But I felt that we owed it to you to let you know that he's safe, regardless of how you may feel about our relationship.
I deeply regret that you had to find out about Ianto's relationship with me in the way that you did. I'm afraid that I rather lost my temper, and things didn't turn out the way that Ianto and I had planned for them to. I realise that it must have been a blow to find out that your son fancies men, but you would have been shocked at that realisation no matter how it had come about.
Does it really matter so much to know that Ianto is gay? He hasn't changed. He's still your son, still the little boy you remember. He'll always be your child, even though you may discover things about him that you hadn't known before. His love for you hasn't changed. Nor should yours for him.
There is nothing about my relationship with Ianto that should make you cringe and look away. We are just as any other couple are -- except, of course, for the fact that we are two men who love each other. I've no right to question that love, and in my mind, neither does anyone else.
Love doesn't ask why. It merely happens, with no explanations. I believe that I loved Ianto from the first moment I laid eyes on him. Something in my soul reached out to him; something in me was drawn to him, bound to him, from the second our eyes met. That bond has only grown much deeper and stronger in the time that's passed.
Ianto may not always have the most security in the world by loving me. There will be times when, out of necessity, I can't be with him -- and I can't let him go with me. But I will always return to him. I've promised him forever, and though it may not be an easy promise to keep, I intend to fulfill that promise to the best of my ability.
Eventually, you'll have to accept who Ianto is. Yes, he's still the same little boy you remember, but he's grown from a boy into a man, and you have to realise that he needs to live his own life. Openly and honestly, not living a lie and pretending to be something he isn't.
Ianto is a strong man. He has to be, to withstand some of the things he's gone through. But that strength is tempered with a vulnerability that he doesn't often let come through. His heart is easily wounded, even though he may try to cover up that fact. He's more hurt by the rift between you than even he may know, but to one who cares for him, it shows.
You should be proud of who your son is, Mrs. Jones. Ianto has the most loving, generous heart of anyone I've ever known. He is an exceptional man, and I couldn't be more proud to be the man who he's chosen to give himself to. No, he isn't perfect -- but I wouldn't change him in any way.
He has my heart and soul, for now and for always. Ianto is the other half of me, my soul mate. It may sound strange to you that we could have bonded so completely, but please accept that it's true. And please -- try not to turn away from him because of me.
The differences between us may seem unbreachable at the moment. But Ianto draws us together. I believe that in many ways, he's the focus of your world, just as he is of mine. I'm sure that you would do anything for him, in the same way that I would. If that's true, then do what's best for him. Accept him because of who he is, not in spite of it.
Don't push him away. Yes, he has me in his life, but he still needs you. He needs the love and support of his family, just as anyone does. He's still your son, still your own flesh and blood. You can't turn your backs on him for having the courage to be honest about who he is.
I've lost my own family. I don't want Ianto to lose his, not when there is still a chance for them to put aside their differences and accept him with open arms -- and open hearts. I don't ask (or expect) for you to accept me. But please don't turn away from your son.
There isn't such a difference between us. We both love Ianto. And he needs us both. More than you may realise.
I hope that if we're ever able to meet again, we may be able to reach across the barriers that exist now and meet on common ground.
Sincerely,The Doctor
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