Title: Down In The Depths
By: karaokegal
Pairing: Jack/Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Captain Jack, Original Jack, Tosh, The Doctor
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Notes: Written for [info] Challenge 173-Notes. Unbeta'd. Takes place after Captain Jack Harkness.
Summary: Post Captain Jack Harkness angst.A toast to Captain Jack shared with Tosh was only the beginning of a titanic drunk that lasted three days.
He found himself on top of Stadium House at dawn, with a bottle and the Doctor’s hand, feeling excessively sorry for himself. Tosh had been able to write a note to the future in her own blood. What did he have to do to reach the Doctor?
He’d left Captain Jack to his fate, as he’d left so many others, but it was getting harder and harder to do the right thing.
How much longer did he have to wait?
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