Title: Desire Burns
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 28, Burn
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto rolled over in bed, sliding his arms around the Doctor and pulling the Time Lord close against the warmth of his body. The other man stirred but didn't wake, instinctively snuggling into his lover's embrace with a soft sight.
The young man couldn't help smiling as he rested his cheek against the softness of the Doctor's hair. This was how he liked to wake up every morning, he reflected. Quietly, with the man he loved clapsed in his arms, close to his heart.
Holding the Doctor this close always awakened his body, and this morning was no exception. Ianto could feel his heartbeat speeding up, his body stirring in ways that he hadn't intended. Ways that only the Doctor could bring out.
Even Jack hadn't aroused him this much. No one had ever made him feel this kind of primitive desire before; no one had captured his body, as well as his heart and soul, as completely as the Doctor had from the first moment they'd met.
All he could think of when the Doctor was in his arms like this was how much he wanted the other man; holding that slender body close to his own fired his passions in a way that no one else had ever been able to, no matter how attractive they'd been.
It was just more proof that he and the Doctor belonged together, Ianto told himself, trying to calm his racing heart as he raised a hand to smooth a few errant strands of hair back from the Time Lord's brow, brushing a kiss across that soft skin in the wake of his fingers.
And their bond wasn't only physical. They were joined not only by their physical desire for each other, but the emotional bond that only seemed to grow stronger with each passing day. The Doctor was so much a part of him that he thought of their hearts as one entity.
Of course, telling himself that the emotional part of their bond was what mattered most was a bit hard to do when the Doctor was naked in his arms like this, and he could feel his desire growing by the second, burning him from the inside.
His hands moved down the Time Lord's back, sliding over the curve of the other man's ass, then down the backs of his thighs. Ianto couldn't hold back a soft groan; his desire was cresting, becoming a wave that threatened to crash down over him at any moment.
Was his body burning, or was that just his imagination? No one had ever made him feel as though a flame was rising inside him, spreading out to every part of his body, overtaking not only his physical being but all of his senses as well.
He'd read about this kind of desire, but he'd never thought that he would feel it for himself. He'd always laughed it off as being a creation of romance authors who wanted to depict a "perfect" relationship just to sell books; he'd never believed that it could be real.
But this was real, more so than anything he'd ever felt before. He wouldn't have believed it if he wasn't experiencing it for himself -- a burning desire that started in his heart, then radiated out to encompass everything that he was.
Carefully, Ianto shifted his position, rolling the Doctor over on his back and leaning over him. He leaned down to brush a gentle kiss across the Time Lord's soft mouth to wake him -- at the very moment that the other man opened dark eyes and smiled up at him.
"Don't stop touching me," he murmured, his voice thick and husky with sleep. "I've been enjoying that -- there's no need for you to stop, is there?" His dark gaze was fixed on Ianto's face, and the young man could see the desire burning in those eyes.
"No need at all," he whispered, moving his hands down his lover's sides to rest on his slender hips. "So you've been awake all this time, have you?" he asked, a teasing note in his voice. Somehow, knowing that the Doctor hadn't been asleep only made his desire burn higher.
"Of course I have," the Doctor told him, looping his arms around his young lover's shoulders and pulling Ianto down for a kiss. Ianto could feel a rush of desire course through him as their lips met; much more of this, and he wouldn't be able to hold himself back.
But why should he need to keep his emotions -- or his desires -- in check? The Doctor was lying here beneath him, a small smile on his lips, obviously ready and waiting. And the the Time Lord's own desire was undoubtedly straining at its bonds as much as his own.
With a soft groan, Ianto wrapped his arms around the Doctor, lowering his head for a kiss that was as heady and sweet as the most potent wine. His desire burned through him, a roaring conflagration that wouldn't be denied -- a desire that would consume them both before the flames receded.***
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