Title: Discipline
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Ianto Jones
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: R
Table: 3
Prompt: 47, Spanking
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Tenth Doctor or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
"But Ianto, I didn't know that the powder would just explode out of the bottle all over you!" the Doctor exclaimed, shaking his head and looking more than a little shamefaced. "I really didn't mean to cause such a stir. I'm sorry. But it was funny."
"No it wasn't!" Ianto fumed, scowling as he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the Time Lord. "I had powder all over my favourite suit! You know, I should be able to deny you sex for that," he muttered, the scowl on his handsome face growing more pronounced.
"You could -- but I hope you won't," the Doctor said softly, sounding more than a little subdued. "You can do whatever you want to me, Ianto, but don't deny me the luxury of being close to you. It's not the sex -- it's the companionship. I can't live without that."
"I'd never deny you that, love," Ianto said, his features softening as he took in the expression on the Doctor's face. The other man looked devastated; Ianto couldn't believe that he'd actually thought he might be denied the ability to be close to his lover. "I'm not that cruel."
"You're not cruel at all," the Doctor told him, shaking his head again, the words strong and firm. "You don't have that kind of malice in you, Ianto. Well, everyone has a dark side, but cruelty isn't part of yours. I would never have chosen you to bond with if you were like that."
"You really should be punished for causing me so much trouble, you know," Ianto answered, leaning against the console of the Tardis, a small smile quirking his lips as an idea started to grow in the back of his mind. "I should be able to discipline you, at least a little bit."
"Oh yes, I won't argue with that," the Doctor told him, a mischievous gleam in his dark eyes. "In fact, I think you should be able to discipline me any way you want to. May I suggest that you do it in bed? That would be something I'd remember for a long time, don't you think?"
Ianto couldn't help but laugh at the eager expression on his lover's handsome features. "So you want me to discipline you in bed, do you?" he answered in a mock-severe tone. "I think I just might do that. But first, I have something else in mind. Something we'll both remember for a while."
"And what would that be?" the Doctor inquired, tilting his head to the side and regarding Ianto with a smile curving his lips. "Whatever it is, as long as it doens't hurt, I'll go along with it. And since I know that you don't enjoy inflicting pain, I'm not worried about whatever it is you want to do."
Ianto shook his head, the playful mood evaporating. "I'd never hurt you, love," he murmured, relieved that the Doctor hadn't backed away from him in consternation when he'd mentioned disciplining him. The last thing he wanted was for his lover to think that he could be like the Master.
"I know you wouldn't," the Doctor whispered, his gaze still on Ianto. Backing away a few steps, he placed his hands on his narrow hips, giving his lover a roguish grin. "Well, then, let's get on with it," he said, the playful tone back in his voice. "Should I get out of my clothes, then?"
"By all means," Ianto told him, laughing. It was amazing how quickly the mood could be lightened when he was with the man he loved; the Doctor had a way of making everything seem all right with his beautifully sunny disposition. Ianto had never known anyone like him.
He looked towards the corridor that led to their bedroom, knowing that he wanted to do this in their bed -- and when he turned back, he was astonished to realize that the Time Lord had already started to strip off his clothes. He hadn't expected his lover to be that quick about it.
"I thought we might want to go to the bedroom first!" he said with a laugh, holding out his hand to the Time Lord. He headed for the corridor, knowing that the other man would follow him, out of curiosity as to what he had planned if for no other reason.
He could feel the Doctor right behind him as he moved down the corridor into their bedroom, going to the bed and sitting down before he looked up. The Doctor was calmly removing the rest of his clothes, stripping them off until he stood naked in the center of the room in front of Ianto.
Ianto held out his arms to the man he loved, a smile on his lips. "Come here, love," he murmured, knowing exactly what he was going to do, and hoping that the Doctor wouldn't be too startled by what would happen. "Lay down across my lap. Face down, if you please."
The Doctor nodded, doing as Ianto told him, wriggling a bit once he was settled on his lover's lap. "I'd say that you now have a fine view of my arse," he pointed out, turning his head to look up at the young man. "You have carte blanche to do whatever you want."
Ianto nodded, a smile playing around the corners of his lips. "I'm going to discipline you for misbehaving, Doctor," he said softly, his gaze meeting the other man's. "Look down at the floor, and don't look back up at me. Not until I say you can get up."
The Doctor did as he was told, his slender body tensing in Ianto's lap. Ianto knew that the Time Lord would be surprised by what was going to happen, but he had no intention of actually hurting his lover. He would stop once things seemed to be veering from pleasure to pain.
He raised a hand into the air, waiting for a few moments before letting it come down to land with a solid smack on the Doctor's bare ass. The Time Lord yelped in surprise, his body jerking slightly in Ianto's lap, but he didn't otherwise move or try to jump to his feet.
"You're going to get a good spanking, Doctor," Ianto told him, raising his hand again. This time, his hand connected with the Time Lord's bare bottom in an even louder thwack than the first time, and Ianto's heart seemed to bound forward at the sound.
He hadn't realized just how erotic this was going to be. He was pretending to "discipline" his lover, but this was really leading up to them making love, and they both knew it. It might seem like a strange new sort of foreplay, but he was enjoying it more than he'd expected to.
Thwack! His hand came down again, and yet again. He could feel the heat of the Doctor's skin under his bare hand; only a few more slaps and he knew that the skin would be turning pink, signifying that it was time for him to stop and move on to the next phase.
A fifth slap, and the Time Lord's backside was pinkening under his palm. Ianto raised his hand again, this time bringing it down less firmly than the last few times. He didn't want to hurt the fragile man in his lap; rather, he wanted them both aroused to the point of surrender.
The last slap of his palm against the Time Lord's ass seemed to resonate through the room; the Doctor let out a soft cry, squirming in his lap. His skin was turning a darker shade of pink; Ianto knew that it was time to stop the spanking, and move on to something much more soothing.
"You can get up now, Doctor," he said softly, waiting as the Time Lord got to his feet to stand naked in front of him. Rising to his own feet, Ianto wrapped his arms around the Doctor, pulling his lover into his arms and kissing him fervently, relieved to feel the Time Lord's response to his kiss.
"Take me to bed, Ianto," the Doctor whispered into his ear. "Take me to bed and make love to me all night. I think you've done enough on the disciplining side -- now it's time for us to relax and enjoy ourselves and let the rest of the world go hang for a while."
"Oh, I couldn't agree more with that," Ianto murmured, gently nibbling at the Doctor's earlobe. "I want you to wrap your body around mine, Doctor. I want to forget that the rest of the world even exists. I want it to be just the two of us for the next few hours, locked away in our own world."
"Your wish is my command, my love," Ianto answered with a soft smile. "I think it may be your turn to decide what we should do, especially when you have marvelous ideas like that." He released the Time Lord, nodding towards the bed. "Just let me get out of these clothes."
Doing so took him much less time than he had thought, and within moments, he was slipping under the covers to join his lover. Taking the Doctor into his arms, he pulled the other man close as their lips met, the kiss turning from gentle to searing within seconds.
Fleetingly, he wondered if the Doctor's ass was too sore to withstand the bout of lovemaking he was sure that they would engage in. But that only bothered him for a moment; the Doctor wouldn't have wanted them to make love if he hadn't been ready for that kind of exertion.
That thought went out of his mind in the next instant, as the Doctor rolled over onto his back and pulled Ianto down on top of him, his kiss becoming even more insistent. Ianto gave himself over to his lover's embrace, letting himself get lost in the pleasure that only the Doctor could give him.***
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