Title: Dizzy Heights
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 5, Drag
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"This feels strange," the Doctor told Ianto as his hands loosened his belt buckle and unzipped his jeans. "I'm used to having certain, err, parts of my body waxed -- but not my legs. I suppose that now I can say that I know what it feels like to be a girl."
Ianto couldn't help laughing, shaking his head and gazing affectionately at his lover. "You'll never be a girl, Doctor. Believe me, women are much more vain about their looks." He tilted his head to the side, as if he was contemplating his words. "Though you are vain, too ...."
"Ianto!" The Time Lord looked over at him with a mock scowl on his handsome features, and it was all that Ianto could do to keep from bursting into laughter. "Yes, I can be vain sometimes," the Time Lord admitted, "but not nearly as much so as a female."
The young man grinned and moved closer to his lover, pulling the Time Lord into his arms and running his hands down the Doctor's sides. "You certainly have a right to be vain," he said softly, his lips brushing the other man's cheek. "You're the most beautiful man I've ever laid eyes on."
"Do you mean that?" The Doctor was looking at him from under those incredibly long dark lashes, his expression almost coy. Where had he learned how to flirt like that?
It didn't matter where he'd learned to flirt, Ianto told himself with an inward smile. It was arousing when the Doctor acted like this, letting his more playful side come out. And he seemed to be a receptive mood, one that wouldn't object to something Ianto had in mind, something that was definitely a bit left of center for them.
Though it might seem a little strange, it was something he'd wanted them to do for a long time -- and now seemed the perfect time. The Doctor was relaxed and comfortable, and Ianto was fairly sure that he wouldn't refuse any request his lover made of him.
"Doctor, now that you're discovering all the pleasures of having such a beautifully smooth body ...." he began, moving his hands over the Time Lord's hips, "I've got a little proposition to put to you. It may sound a bit strange at first, but hear me out."
The Doctor raised one eyebrow, the smile still curving his lips. He looked curious, and Ianto hoped that the expression on his face wouldn't turn to one of doubt. "What was it that you had in mind, love? I'll at least be willing to give it a try."
That was one of the myriad of things he loved about the Doctor, Ianto told himself, pulling the other man against him and reveling in the feel of that soft skin coming into contact with his. The Doctor was a man who was willing to try a lot of new things -- and if he was a bit hesitant sometimes, he loved Ianto enough to push his fears aside.
"I want to ...." Ianto reluctantly released his lover, going to the chest of drawers near their bed and pulling open the drawer that he usually kept his underwear in. Rummaging in the drawer, he took a deep breath before he turned back to the Doctor.
The Time Lord's eyes widened when he saw what Ianto held. A pair of black silk stockings, delicately lacy around the top. His eyes met his young lover's, surprise in their dark depths -- surprise and a gleam of interest.
"I take it that you want me to wear these?" he asked, reaching out for the stockings and taking them from Ianto. "Any particular reason why?"
"Now that your legs are so smooth .... I just thought that it would be .... sensual," Ianto said, annoyed at himself for stammering. There was nothing so strange about his request, after all. At least he wasn't asking the Doctor to do full drag.
"Do you miss making love to women, Ianto?" the Doctor asked, his voice suddenly sounding sad and uncertain. "If that's the case, I'm afraid that I can't help you. I may be many things, but .... I"m not a woman, and I'm not going to dress up in drag so that you can pretend I am."
"No!" The denial came to his lips with all the force of an explosion. Ianto reached out for the Doctor, placing his hands on the other man's shoulders and looking directly into his eyes. "I don't want you to be a woman, Doctor. I'm not going to ask you to do drag for me -- I don't want a woman. I want you. I just thought this would be something different for us to try out."
The Doctor nodded, looking at the sheer black stockings in his hands. "I can't help wondering how these will feel against my skin ...." he said thoughtfully, his eyes meeting Ianto's again. "I think I should at least try them on and see what you think of them, hmmm?"
Ianto couldn't take his eyes off the Doctor as the other man moved to the bed, lying down on the dark blue velvet coverlet and stretching out. An idea jumped into Ianto's mind, and before he could stop himself, he was at the Doctor's side, leaning over him.
"Let me do that," he whispered, taking the sheer silk out of the Time Lord's hands. "I want to put these on you. I want to feel your skin under this silk." He gazed down at the Doctor, his voice hoarse with desire. "And I want to feel your legs in these wrapped around me when I make love to you."
The Doctor didn't say a word; he only nodded up at his lover, his dark eyes wide, his lips parted, his breath coming in shallow gasps.
Ianto didn't have to glance down between the Time Lord's thighs to know that his lover was already aroused; so was he, to the point where he knew it was going to be hard to hold himself back. But he would -- the holding back would make the pleasure even more intense.
He knelt on the bed, beginning to roll the silk over the Doctor's foot, marveling at how small and almost dainty the Time Lord's feet were. Then up his ankle, the sheer fabric seeming to cling lovingly to the other man's skin as it inched upward to his calf, then over his knee.
By the time Ianto's hands reached the Doctor's thigh, smoothing the lacy top of the stocking over the Time Lord's warm skin, his own breathing was hard to control; he was struggling to control himself, the urge to turn the Doctor on his stomach and spread his legs almost overpowering him. But he forced himself to go slowly, reaching for the other stocking.
This time, when the sheer fabric was all the way up, he bent forward to press a kiss to the softness of each inner thigh, smiling inwardly when the Doctor moaned his name. This was a silk of a different kind, far softer than the sheer black mist covering the Time Lord's smooth legs.
The Doctor's guttural moan drew an answering sigh from his own throat; Ianto moved his lips up the other man's body, pressing kisses along that velvety skin as he went, his teeth nipping at each tender nipple before his mouth moved up to the Doctor's parted lips.
Almost without thinking, he reached for the lube on the table by the bed, uncapping it and squeezing a generous amount onto his fingers even as his mouth devoured the Doctor's. All he could think of now was his need to be inside the Doctor, to be joined with him.
The Time Lord sighed softly as Ianto's lubed fingers slid inside him, spreading his legs wider and arching his back; Ianto could almost feel the pleasure coursing through his lover's body.
And he was giving the Doctor that pleasure, he thought to himself, raising his head and taking in the Time Lord's flushed cheeks, the dark fathomless pools of those beautiful eyes. Every line of his body evinced his desire for Ianto, a desire that the young man intended to fulfill.
He wasn't sure exactly when he entered the Doctor; it seemed as though their bodies had simply meshed together without conscious knowledge. It was always like this when he made love to the Time Lord; they had such a perfect symmetry, their bodies fitting together as seamlessly as if they were two halves of a whole, always meant to be interlock.
The sheer black silk of the stockings covering the Doctor's legs whispered against his sides as the other man wrapped those long legs around Ianto's waist, the feel of silk rather than skin odd and yet somehow familiar at the same time.
It was the Doctor's legs wrapped around him, the Doctor's body he was thrusting into. He could feel the warmth of the other man's skin, the closeness of not only their bodies, but their souls. There couldn't be any feeling in the world that would even begin to rival this.
This was where he was meant to be -- with the Doctor in his arms, thrusting hard and deep inside him, their bodies melded together in a primal, fiery embrace.
The Doctor's soft moans were music to his ears; he didn't think he'd ever heard his lover get this vocal. There must be something about those silk stockings that had aroused both of them more than they'd thought it would; their lovemaking felt more frenzied than usual, both of them pushing the other towards a dizzying height.
He certainly didn't need this man to be in drag, he thought as he thrust harder into the Doctor's body, rewarded by a soft moan. He loved the Doctor exactly as he was -- though he did have to admit that this was one of the more interesting things they'd ever done.
The heat of the Doctor's body clamped around him, as well as the warmth of the other man's skin through the thin silken fabric, was goading him forward, taking him to a pinnacle he'd never been able to achieve before. Ianto couldn't remember ever feeling so .... so alive.
His mouth came down on the Doctor's again, his arms tightening around his lover. He didn't know what it was that had pushed them to these dizzy heights, but he intended to enjoy every second of it, for as long as he could possibly make it last.***
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