Called: Dreams Again
Author: Rianick
Characters: Doctor (Nine), Jack
Rated: AO
Word Count: 506
Summary: Jack dreams about the Doctor.***
Since you’ve been gone. Since you left him behind. His heart has broken. All the goodness and light that you brought out in him has been smashed and receded into a small safe that he locks with a key, deep within his heart. He knows he will find you again and when he does?
He knows something major must have happened for you to leave him behind, but in his dreams all he sees is the Tardis fading away. In his dreams he screams to you to stop and come back for him. In his dreams he finds you and he lets you come out with some stupid excuse as to why you left him behind. In his dreams he says everything will be ok and he makes love to you.
In his dreams he hears the sounds of the Tardis, the sounds of his world falling apart. And he wakes in cold sweats. In his dreams he can forgive. In his dreams he sees life moving on.
In life he does not sleep, listening out for that sound that will mean you are back. In life the anger and the darkness he had hoped he had overcome work to keep him on the edge of insanity. To keep him always ready for the next challenge.
Whilst he waits for you.
When he hears that noise, he is not alone. His heart stops beating for a moment and he feels sick. But he stands and watches the Tardis materialise in front of him, in his place of work. His colleagues are all coming around swiftly, guns and weapons held ready for the next alien invasion. And he holds his hand out to them to tell them to hold back. He stands in front of them, waiting for the door to open.
Then you open the door and walk to stand in front off him. The one you left behind by mistake. His eyes flicker to the new body, accepting it. And you see the anger in him, can't blame him for being angry, you would have been in his place. You can see in your periphery vision guns pointed at you, and he is just stands there looking you straight in the eyes, asking why.
You step forward, put your hand to his cheek, caress it and softly say his name. You see the anger drain away. You bring your lips slowly to his. And you kiss him. He remembers the light. He responds to you. In front of his colleagues you take that first step back to each other.
In that kiss forgiveness is asked for and received.
In that kiss love is reawakened and pulled out of the safe kicking and screaming in ecstatic happiness.
In that kiss life becomes the dream.***
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