Title: Dressing Down
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Dr. Who
Pairing: Jack/Ninth Doctor
Rating: R
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 132. MMOM Day 12. Happy Birthday donutsweeper Prompt: Jack, the Doctor and braces. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Here comes the mirror man; says he's a people fan.***
Jack faces the mirror. He likes to see himself as he imagines the Doctor did.
He removes the greatcoat and starts unbuttoning his shirt.
Not so fast, Jack.
Jack is getting hard, remembering how much his Doctor liked a good show, right down to the slow removal of his braces, one side at a time. Jack would give the Doctor his sultriest look, provoking a mocking rebuke, followed by genuine passion. It became a private ritual, something kept secret from Rose, and relished on the sly.
Now Jack strips for himself and jerks off to his memories of being watched.
Next story in series - Just One Look.
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