Title: Entranced & Entwined
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 4
Prompt: 43, Enthralled
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto blinked as he awakened, squinting at the brightness of the sun streaming into the bedroom window. One of the few bright days Cardiff had gotten lately, he thought hazily, reclining back against the pillows. Next to him, the Doctor sighed in his sleep, snuggling closer against his young lover's body.
Ianto couldn't help but smile as he looked down at the Time Lord, running gentle fingers through the Doctor's tawny hair. He loved watching the Doctor sleep; it was something the Time Lord hadn't done much of lately, and Ianto was grateful when the nightmares that usually plagued the Gallifreyan's sleep seemed to recede a bit.
His own nightmares were still at the forefront of his dreams -- but somehow, his close proximity to the Doctor seemed to make them fade away. He could fight them down, push them into the back of his mind and slam the door on them. Ianto knew they couldn't be locked away forever, but he was at least managing to keep a tight rein on them.
He slid both arms around the Doctor, pulling the Time Lord's slender body against his even more firmly, sliding one slim leg over the Doctor's thighs. Settling himself more comfortably against the pillows, Ianto tilted the sleeping Time Lord's face up to his, letting his eyes roam over the other man's features, studying him in the early-morning light.
What was it about that face that was so perfect? Taken singly, one by one, none of the Doctor's features would have added up to anything especially eye-catching -- but in this particular face, they added up to the most breathtaking man he'd ever laid eyes on. Once he'd taken a good look at the Time Lord, that day in his office, it had been impossible to look away.
And also impossible for him to push the Doctor out of his mind, he reminded himself, smiling at the memory. Those love letters and roses -- they'd been something right out of a schoolboy's fantasy. He'd thought that even as he was leaving them in the Tardis, but as long as they'd worked, he couldn't fault himself for choosing to win the Doctor's attention in that way.
Ianto laid a gentle hand against the Doctor's cheek, letting his fingertips smooth down the soft skin. His eyes followed the movement of his hand, silently attempting to count the freckles that dotted the Time Lord's skin. There were far too many of them to count -- small sun kisses that seemed to multiply whenever the Doctor was out in the sunshine.
He loved each and every one of those freckles, Ianto thought to himself, his fingertips tracing a line of them across the smoothness of the Doctor's cheek. There was nothing about this man's face -- and his body -- that Ianto didn't love. Every defined line, every muscle, every inch of him was perfect. He wouldn't change a thing.
He leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the Doctor's forehead, smiling to himself as his lips trailed down that soft skin. His lips traced the arch of the Doctor's brows, barely skimming along the line of his long lashes, over his closed eyelids. More freckles there, just waiting for Ianto to kiss and claim them.
He'd claimed everything about this man, he told himself fiercely, his arms tightening protectively around the Doctor's slim waist. He couldn't say just what it was that had drawn him to the Doctor in that first glance -- some kind of pheromones, possibly? -- but whatever it was, the attraction hadn't yet faded, and Ianto was sure that it was never going to.
He wasn't the only man who'd fallen under the Doctor's spell, he was sure. There was something enthralling about the Time Lord, something that drew people to him, both male and female. But yet, he was the one who the Doctor had chosen, the one that the Gallifreyan wanted to spend his life with. He was the man the Doctor had bonded with, his soul mate.
He was prouder than he could say to be the man who the Doctor had chosen, he thought silently, feeling tears rise behind his eyes. It was a huge responsibility to take on the cares of the universe as the Doctor had done, and Ianto wasn't sure that he was up to the challenge of being the Time Lord's sanctuary from those responsibilities. But he was going to try.
He turned onto his side, one arm still firmly wrapped around the slender waist of the man slumbering beside him. He couldn't take his eyes from the Doctor's face; no matter where he was, or what he was doing or thinking at the time, the sight of that face could always mesmerize and enthrall him, make his heart beat faster in his chest and his body ache with desire.
There was some quality about the Doctor that brought out the protectiveness in people, Ianto thought, lightly tracing the outline of the Time Lord's heart-shaped upper lip with the tip of one finger. He had such an aura of helplessness about him, as if he needed to be protected. Yet at times, he could be the most capable man Ianto had ever met.
Still .... that helplessness was part of what had drawn Ianto to him, that little-boy-lost quality that was so endearing. There was something about the Doctor that made Ianto want to wrap him in his arms and protect him, not let anything that could possibly hurt him get near. He'd never been anyone's protector before -- and he was finding that he liked the role.
Was that what Jack had felt for the Doctor? Or had what they shared when they were together been something completely different? Ianto closed his eyes for a moment, pushing the thought to the back of his mind. It had been different. The Doctor had told him many times that what he had with Ianto was something he'd never experienced with anyone else, in any of his lives.
And Ianto had never experienced anything like this, either. He thought that he'd been in love before -- but that had been nothing compared to what he felt for this entrancing, enthralling man now sleeping in his arms. The Doctor had opened up an entirely new world of sensations and emotions for him, and he never wanted to go back to the person he'd been before.
The Time Lord stirred, his eyes fluttering open and focusing on Ianto. A small smile crossed his features, his lips parting to speak. A moment later, Ianto's mouth covered his, swallowing the Doctor's words before he could speak, pulling him into a long, deep kiss that took both men's breath away and left them yearning for more.
"Good morning, my love," the Doctor whispered, finding his voice when Ianto finally released him from the demanding kiss. "That was a very nice way to wake up."
Ianto's hands were moving down the Time Lord's sides, making the Doctor squirm and drawing a soft moan from him. "I can think of even better ways to wake up," his young lover murmured, his lips already making a trail of fire down the Doctor's throat, moving down to tease his nipples as those nimble fingers made their way down his inner thighs.
"That would be lovely," the Time Lord managed to gasp out before the movement of Ianto's fingers between his legs took away any power of speech he might have possessed.
Ianto closed his eyes, his mouth following the trail of his hands down the Doctor's slender, willing body. Something told him that this was going to be a very satisfying beginning to the coming day.***
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