Title: Essence
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 42, Feel
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto closed his eyes as he thrust into the Doctor again, moaning out his lover's name. He could almost feel himself falling through time and space, existing in another world apart from the one he was used to seeing around him.
It was like this whenever he made love to the Doctor. They created their own private world, where only the two of them existed. He lost himself in the other man, to the point where he had no idea if they were still two separate people.
When the two of them joined their bodies, it was as though he literally became a part of the other man; as though the Doctor's essence mingled with his in every way. Ianto could swear that their bodies melded into each other, as did their hearts and souls.
He'd never been like this with Jack. Their lovemaking had been pleasurable, but he'd always known that it had been more along the lines of experimentation for the immortal. There had never been the kind of connection that he had with the Doctor.
Jack had, of course, been his first relationship with a man. Maybe he wouldn't be as experimental as he'd become if anyone else had been his first male lover, and he was glad of that. He could thank Jack for giving him a good deal of experience.
But Jack had been completely different from the Doctor. They had different needs, different desires -- and Ianto had to admit that he was more comfortable with the Doctor. The two of them fitted together in a way that he'd never dreamed anyone could.
He had never completely let himself go with anyone before, not in the way that he did with the Doctor. There had always been a part of himself that had been held back, a part that he'd kept within himself, reluctant to let it go.
But not with the Doctor. Never with the Doctor. This man had gone straight to his heart and soul; the Time Lord was the lover Ianto had always dreamed of having, but had never thought he would. This man was truly a part of him in every way.
Their lovemaking was always an adventure; he never knew exactly what was going to happen, but at the same time, he felt comfortable with this man. Comfortable and secure enough to open himself to the Doctor completely, to let his lover strip him to the bare essence of his being.
Ianto focused his thoughts on the present, looking down at the man below him. The Doctor's eyes were closed, his head thrown back against the pillow, his lips parted, his cheeks flushed. He looked beautiful -- and more desirable than Ianto could put into words.
He wanted to give this man everything. Not only his body and his heart, but his soul, his very essence. He wanted to surrender everything that he was and ever would be to the Doctor. He wanted to feel himself being given over to the Time Lord in every possible way.
That was what made his relationship with this man different from any other he'd ever had. With the Doctor, he could let himself feel in a way that he'd never dared to before. He opened himself completely, with no hesitation and no reserve.
He'd never done that before, he thought as he gazed down at the man beneath him. He'd never wanted to give himself so completely; he'd never wanted to submerge himself in another person, wanting to become a part of their very essence.
His hips thrust forward again; the movement brought a moan to the Doctor's lips and a gasp to his own. A tingle of electricity rushed through his body; he was close to the edge, and he could tell by the Time Lord's reactions that the other man was as well.
He shouldn't be thinking about anyone else in his past, Ianto told himself, pushing everything that had been running through his mind away. He needed to focus on the Doctor, on the pleasure he was feeling in the here and now.
Those thoughts had all run through his mind in the space of a few seconds, between one deep, slow thrust and the next. But they had no place in his mind -- not when he was here with the man he loved, not when all he needed to do was to let himself feel.
Every thought other than the pleasure he was feeling fled from Ianto's mind as the Doctor's long legs tightened around his waist. He closed his eyes, sighing in pleasure, pressing his hips forward again and feeling his muscles spasm.
Within moments, the pleasure that had been building within him crested, his soft cry mingling with the Doctor's as they shuddered in each other's arms, their hearts and souls entwining along with their bodies as they began the long descent from the heights they'd reached.***
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