Title: Everyday Things
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 25fluffyfics
Prompt: 2, Hobbies
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"You know, as long as I've known you, I have no idea what you like to do in your spare time," Ianto said, looking up at the Doctor across the console. "You never seem to actually have any spare time. You're always running around doing something."
The Doctor glanced up at Ianto, laughing and shaking his head. "I have nothing but spare time!" He straightened up to his full height, gesturing around him at the interior of his ship. "It's not as though I have what you could call a job, you know."
"That's true enough," Ianto conceded with a laugh. "And I suppose that when you can travel to any place in the universe, in any time you'd like to be in, there's enough to keep you busy so that you don't have time to spare for much else."
"What exactly are you getting at, Ianto?" the Doctor asked, his tone curious. "Do you want to know if I have hobbies, things that I like to do when I'm not, well, attempting to get out of some sort of mess that I've managed to blunder into?"
"You don't blunder!" Ianto protested, his words said more forcefully than he'd intended for them to be. He was surprised by his own fierceness; the Doctor seemed to be, as well, raising his brows in question and stepping back from the console a bit.
"I don't?" he asked, his tone wry. "Believe me, Ianto, you're wrong about that. There are times when I make the mistake of opening my mouth and inserting my foot -- or, more accurately, my entire leg. You've seen me do that more than a few times."
"That's true," Ianto said with a sigh. "But I don't think you 'blunder' into anything. You might have an uncanny knack for finding trouble -- or else it seems to find you -- but I don't see where that constitutes blundering. You just seem to know where trouble is."
The Doctor threw back his head and laughed, his good humor obviously restored by Ianto's words. "You may be right about that, love. Anyway, that meanders from the subject we were on. I think you wanted to know if I have any hobbies, didn't you?"
Ianto nodded, curious as to what the Doctor would say his hobbies were. After all the time that he'd spent with his lover, he still didn't have any idea as to what the Doctor would consider hobbies -- after all, he never seemed to do much other than traveling the galaxy.
"I travel," the Doctor said after a slight pause, frowning a bit, obviously trying to think of what he would consider to be his hobbies. "You know that I like to read," he added, his gaze meeting Ianto's. "And ...." his voice took on a mischievous tone. "-- I like making love with you."
"Do you really think that making love can be considered a hobby?" Ianto asked, trying to hold back his laughter. "I don't know about that. But it's certainly a marvelous way to pass the time," he added, his tone reflective. "Come to think of it, I like doing that, too."
"I should certainly hope so!" the Doctor told him, placing his hands on his hips and giving Ianto a mock-scowl. "I'd be horribly insulted if you didn't. And now, if you please, what are your hobbies? I don't think I've ever discovered that."
Ianto wasn't prepared for the Time Lord to throw his question back at him; he actually had to think for a few moments before he answered, a slow smile spreading over his face. "Well, I like to travel. And read. And make love. All the same things you like."
"That's not an answer!" the Doctor told him, laughing in spite of himself. "Really, Ianto, I can't help but wonder what you did in your spare time when you worked with Torchwood." The Gallifreyan tilted his head to the side, his look inquisitive. "I'd like to know."
Ianto sighed, casting his mind back over those days that seemed a lifetime ago, even though they really weren't so far in the past. What had he done when he wasn't working? He almost couldn't remember; it seemed that Torchwood had consumed his life.
"I was very solitary when I was with Torchwood," he began, his words coming out slowly. "When I was seeing Jack, I spent most of my time with him -- but before that, I spent a lot of time reading. Or doing everyday things like watching the telly, or going out to films."
It occurred to Ianto that he'd enjoyed doing things like going out to clubs when he was with Lisa -- but he'd been a different person then. He'd still been young and impressionable, still growing and learning. He hadn't really known who he was then.
"What about your friends?" the Doctor asked softly, almost as though he didn't want to ask the question aloud. "Didn't you spend time with them?" He looked genuinely curious; Ianto had a flash of insight for just a moment as to why his lover might be asking that question.
The Doctor had obviously never had friends that he could go out with, friends that he could spend time with doing everyday, normal things. Maybe he'd had that when he was living on his home planet -- but that had been centuries ago, so far in the past as to be almost forgotten.
"I had friends -- but I didn't spend much time with any of them, especially after I started working for Torchwood," Ianto answered, his voice low and a little hesitant. "That took up most of my time -- and it wasn't as though I could really talk about what I was doing at work."
The Doctor nodded thoughtfully, moving aorund the console to stand beside his lover and slip an arm around his waist. "Working for Torchwood involves a lot of sacrifice, Ianto. I know that you've found that out -- and it's one reason I'm glad that you don't work with them any more."
Ianto nodded, silently agreeing with his lover. In an effort to change the subject back to their original topic, he slid his own arm around the Time Lord, leaning close to whisper in his ear. "You know, I think that we just might be able to indulge in one of our mutual hobbies right now."
"And just what would that be?" the Doctor inquired, looking at him with raised brows and a small smile quirking the corners of his mouth. Ianto was sure that the other man knew just what he meant, but he was waiting for it to be said aloud.
'Well, since we've both said that one of our hobbies is making love -- don't you think this would be a good time to spend a bit of free time doing just that?" he murmured, leaning close to the Doctor and nibbling at the other man's earlobe as he spoke.
"One of your other hobbies must be mind-reading," the Doctor teased, laughing softly as Ianto's warm breath tickled his ear. "Because that's exactly what I was thinking." He leaned forward to brush soft lips against Ianto's cheek, his arm tightening around the young man's waist.
"Then I don't think we should waste any more of our spare time standing here just talking about it," Ianto murmured, trying to keep the smile from spreading over his face. "I think we should make our way to the bedroom as fast as we can and get started."
"Oh, I completely agree!" the Doctor told him, laughing as he spoke. The Time Lord pulled away from him slightly, then grabbed Ianto's hand and nearly dragged him towards the corridor that led from the control room to the more private sanctum of the ship.
Ianto couldn't help laughing as he was pulled along, his steps quickening until he was almost running down the hallway. This was one hobby that both of them would obviously enjoy spending their time engaging in, Ianto told himself as he followed his lover to their bedroom.***
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