Title: Faith in Each Other
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 3, Faith
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"I don't know how we're going to get out of this, Ianto," the Doctor whispered, daring to peek around the corner again. "I had no idea that we'd run into a horde of Cybermen if we came here. This is all my fault. I should have been more careful."
"There wasn't any way for you to know," Ianto told him, wanting to grab the Doctor and jerk him back around the building so that he wouldn't be seen. It was sheer luck that they hadn't been caught yet; they'd already had one close call.
He had faith in the Doctor to get them through any crisis that they might face, but he'd learned that the Time Lord wasn't a conjurer. He couldn't pull the proverbial rabbit out of a hat, even though his facility for getting them out of bad situations was remarkable.
"I should have done," the Doctor muttered, inching closer to the corner again. Ianto grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back, putting a finger to his lips. The Time Lord looked astonished that his young lover should even consider stopping him.
"Don't take the risk of them seeing you, Doctor," Ianto told him, keeping his grip on the Time Lord's arm as he moved towards the other side of the building. With any luck, they'd be able to duck into it, and hopefully have time to think of some sort of plan.
He inched towards the far corner of the building, praying that there would be no Cybermen on the other side -- and that there would also be a door that wouldn't be locked, one that would afford them the relative safety of hiding for a while.
Taking a deep breath, Ianto peered around the corner -- and was relieved to find that there was no one staring back at him. And yes, there was a door; he held his breath as he moved toward it, hoping against the hope that it would be open.
Reaching out with a hand that shook slightly, he pushed at the door -- and found, to his surprise, that it was indeed open. But as he was about to step into the building, he felt a hand on his shoulder holding him back, heard the Doctor's voice hissing in his ear.
"Ianto, don't go in there. You don't know whether or not this could be a trap for us. Let me go first. And if it's a trap, then run. Do whatever you have to do, just get yourself and the Tardis out of here." The Time Lord's voice was firm, authoritative.
Ianto drew back, but only for a moment. "I'm not going to let you risk yourself," he told the Doctor, his muscles tensing as he stepped through the door. If there was any threat here, he'd rather be the first of them to face it.
But there was nothing. The room he stood in seemed to be a warehouse -- a large and very empty warehouse. If there had been anything kept here, it was long since gone; there was nothing more threatening in this place than a overabundance of dust bunnies.
He couldn't help letting out a soft sigh of relief; it seemed that they'd have a few minutes' respite here. Turning to the Doctor, he met the Time Lord's gaze, expecting his lover to be angry at him for ignoring his warning and going into the building first.
The Doctor didn't look angry; rather, he looked just as relieved as Ianto felt. The Time Lord reached out to cup Ianto's cheek, stroking his soft fingers over the young man's skin; Ianto couldn't keep himself from turning his head to kiss the Doctor's palm.
"I should have more faith in your instincts, Ianto," he Time Lord said softly, his dark gaze locking with Ianto's blue-grey one. "You've been with me long enough to know when it's right to be cautious, and when it's a good idea to walk into the unknown."
"We should have faith in each other," Ianto whispered, his gaze not wavering from the other man's face. "Even when it looks like we're in a situation we might not be able to get out of, between the two of us, we'll always find a way."
The Doctor nodded, leaning forward to brush his lips against Ianto's mouth. The young man couldn't resist drawing his lover into an embrace, wondering in the back of his mind if this hug might be the last one they ever shared.
No. He wasn't going to think that way, Ianto told himself firmly. He had to have more faith in their joint ability to get out of tight places; he'd just told the Doctor that they had to keep their faith in each other. He wasn't going to let his faith in the two of them waver.
"Let's find a way to get ourselves out of this," the Doctor murmured, and Ianto nodded as the other man drew away from him. This might seem like a bad spot for them to be in, but he had a feeling that their faith in each other would pull them through.***
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