Title: Fantasy Lover
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 5, 50episodes
Prompt: 21, Fantasy
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto cried out the Doctor's name as he thrust deeply inside the other man, his arms tightening around that slender waist and pulling the Time Lord closer against him. His heart was pounding in his chest, his breath coming in gasps, his senses reeling around him.
He could feel the Doctor's slim thighs tighten against his sides; they were both close to the edge, both ready to let themselves go, to take the leap from that high precipice they were standing at the edge of, jumping into a chasm that was holding out its waiting arms to receive them.
Every time they made love, the feelings grew more intense; he'd never known anyone who could arouse him in the way that the Doctor could. It was as though they were the perfect tinder for each other's spark; when they came together, it only took seconds to bring forth a roaring flame.
He had never belonged with anyone in the way he did with this man. The Doctor was the other half of him, the missing puzzle piece that had been conspicuously absent from his life for so long. At long last, he was complete in this man's arms.
Ianto's hips thrust forward again, into the tight heat of the Doctor's body, another cry torn from his lips at the intensity of the sensation. He would never have expected a man with such a low body temperature to be so hot, so inviting, almost seeming to pull him inside.
But there were so many things about the Time Lord that contradicted themselves, and Ianto knew that he could be with this man for several lifetimes and still not discover everything about him. There was far too much history from such a long life.
He had eternity to discover everything about his lover now. They were immortal, bound together for not only the life they led now, but for eternity. They would always be with each other; their hearts and souls bonded and entwined in a love that neither of them could ever deny.
Another thrust, another cry -- and he was falling, falling to the ground, locked in his lover's embrace, the wind rushing past his ears, all of their surroundings only a blur of light and shadow. But they wouldn't hit the ground with a thud; rather, they would land with the lightness of a feather.
He'd always fantasized about finding a lover like this, someone who could take him outside of himself, make him feel as though there was no one in the world but the two of them. He had never thought that he'd find that person, or that they could even possibly exist.
That was before he'd come to know the Doctor, before he'd discovered how perfectly he fit with this man. Their relationship might have had a somewhat uncertain start, but he had never doubted his love for the Time Lord -- or the other man's love for him.
The Doctor's arms tightened around his shoulders, the other man's sigh soft in his ear. Ianto pressed a kiss against those softly parted lips, slowly and carefully turning over onto his side while he was still buried deep inside the other man, not wanting to relinquish their intimate contact.
This was every fantasy he'd ever had -- to be with someone who could match him in every way, who was his equal, not someone who felt that they were either superior to him or that he was dominant over them. The Doctor wasn't just his lover -- the Time Lord was his partner.
"Is that comfortable for you, love?" he whispered, feeling the Doctor shift his legs slightly. "I don't want to make your leg numb by lying on it." He moved one hand down the Doctor's back, pulling the other man closer against him, trying to help him get comfortable.
"I'm fine, beloved." The Time Lord's voice was soft and husky in the quiet ot their bedroom, his body warm and pliant in Ianto's arms. "If this position gets uncomfortable, I'll let you know." He snuggled into Ianto's arms, closing his eyes and resting his head against his young lover's shoulder.
How could anyone ask for more than this? Ianto let his own eyelids drift closed, moving his hand down the Doctor's back again to cup one firm, rounded ass cheek, then moving his palm down the silken skin of the Time Lord's thigh before stroking back up his side.
This was better than any fantasy he could possibly have -- because this was real. This wasn't just some beautiful dream that he would wake up from; this was his life, the life that he had chosen to live, the life that he had embraced with every fiber of his entire being.
None of his fantasies could ever live up to the feeling of having this living, breathing man in his arms, safely tucked into his embrace, and the knowledge that they were going to be together for eternity. Nothing could ever feel as good as simply holding the Doctor close to him.
And the wonder of it was that the Doctor felt the same way about him; his love was returned a hundredfold by the man in his arms. The Doctor didn't expect anything from him but his love; there were no conditions, no regulations that he had to follow, no rules for their life together.
Wasn't that the fantasy that everyone had about their lovers? Ianto thought with a smile. Every person in the universe probably wanted a lover who would accept them exactly as they were, without putting any kind of expectations or restraints on them whatsoever.
Of course, he put his own restrictions on what he could and couldn't do within their relationship; he knew that he would never even consider being with anyone else, and that the Doctor wouldn't either. Why should they? Both of them had all that they wanted within each other.
"What are you thinking of, Ianto?" the Doctor asked, his voice sounding husky and a little sleepy. "You look so serious -- I can't help wondering if there's something bothering you, even though I don't really sense any feeling from you but contentment."
"That's because I feel completely contented," Ianto told him, laughing softly as he pressed a gentle kiss to the Time Lord's mouth. "I was thinking about you, actually. About us. How you're every fantasy I've ever had, all rolled into one. The perfect fantasy lover."
"But I'm not a fantasy, love," the Doctor whispered, raising a hand to stroke gentle fingertips down Ianto's cheek. "I'm real. You're not living in a fantasy, sweetheart. This is our life, not a dream. At least, I hope it's not a dream. I'll be very disappointed if it is."
"Well, I'm not going to pinch you to prove that it's not!" Ianto told him with a laugh, wrapping his arms more securely around the Doctor's slender waist. "I know you're not a fantasy, my love. You're better than any fantasy could possibly be -- even if every fantasy I've ever had came to life."
"Even if all of your fantasies came to life, you'd pick me over them?" the Doctor asked, raising an eyebrow, a teasing tone in his voice. "That's high praise, sweetheart. But I'd have to say the same for you. No fantasy could ever be as good as the real thing."
"I never would have thought I'd be someone's fantasy," Ianto said with a soft laugh, shaking his head. "I've never been one for anyone before. Not even for Jack, and I think that he was the closest I came to having a lover who put me on a pedestal in some ways."
The Doctor nodded, a wry smile curving his lips. "Jack does that with everyone -- for a while," was his only comment, and Ianto couldn't help wondering if the immortal had done the same thing with the Doctor -- and had then let that pedestal come crumbling to the ground.
But Jack wasn't the person he wanted to think about. He was with the man he loved, the man who was his heart, his soul, his destiny -- and every fantasy that he'd ever had rolled into one beautiful man. A man who was even now pliant and willing in his embrace.
He wanted to luxuriate in the feeling of being inside the Doctor, of being one with the man he loved. And he wanted to hold this man for the rest of the night, to fall asleep with the Doctor in his arms and wake in the same way. He wanted to lose himself in his lover, in the closeness that they shared.
Settling more comfortably against the pillows, he closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of being inside the Doctor while his lover's body was nearly wrapped around his own. This was the best fantasy he could possibly have, he thought contentedly. All the more so because it was real.***
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