Title: Finding You
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 4, 50episodes
Prompt: 45, Romantic
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"You know, it's been a while since we went to a pleasure planet and had a romantic evening," the Doctor said, glancing over at Ianto as he shrugged out of his dressing gown. "We should think about doing that sometime soon."
"A romantic evening out would be nice," Ianto agreed, smiling as he pulled off his t-shirt over his head and moved across the room to sit down on the bed. He leaned back against the pillows, crossing his arms behind his head as he watched the Doctor unbutton his shirt.
He loved watching the Time Lord undress, loved seeing every inch of that beautiful body revealed to his gaze. At first, that had made the Doctor a little uncomfortable -- but now, he didn't seem to have a problem with having Ianto watch him disrobe.
How many other people had watched the man he loved shed his clothes? Ianto wondered, then pushed the thought away. Whoever had been able to see this would never look on the sight again. The Doctor's nudity was for him. Only for him.
Besides, there hadn't been that many people who had seen the Doctor naked in this body -- at least, not people who had mattered to the Time Lord. So it didn't matter, really. The Doctor would never choose to be naked with anyone but Ianto.
The Doctor slid the pajama bottoms over his slender hips, letting them fall to the floor and stepping out of them. Ianto admired the long legs, the curving hips and slender thighs; he couldn't take his eyes from the Time Lord as his lover approached the bed to lie down next to him.
It never failed to amaze Ianto how their bodies seemed to fit together like two puzzle pieces that could interlock perfectly. When the Doctor rolled over beside him, pressing that lean body against his own, he could feel a flame spring to life within him.
"What were you saying about going to a pleasure planet for a romantic evening?" he murmured as he slid his arms around the Doctor's waist and pulled the Time Lord close against him, molding their bodies against each other. "I think we can be just as romantic right here in our own bed."
The Doctor groaned softly as Ianto's mouth came down on his; the young man moved his hands down his lover's back, over the curve of the Time Lord's ass, cupping his firm cheeks and pressing that thin body even closer against him.
"When I mentioned a romantic evening, I didn't mean just sex," the Doctor protested in a breathless voice. "I meant going out to dinner, getting dressed up in tuxes, slow dancing to romantic music. You know, an evening out."
"That would be lovely," Ianto said softly, bowing his head to press a kiss to those softly parted lips. "But I think we can be just as romantic without having to go out. I like taking you out and showing you off -- but I like having you to myself even more."
The Doctor smiled at his words, a pink blush suffusing his pale cheeks. "No one's ever told me that before," he murmured, long lashes lowering over his eyes. "Jack was always more than ready to go out. So was everyone else I've ever been with."
"Jack only cares about looking for who's next in line," Ianto replied, realizing that he sounded a little bitter but not caring. "The entire time he's with someone, he's looking around for who his next fuck will be. He knows nothing about real romance."
"You're right about that," the Doctor said with a sigh. "But you, however ...." He placed a hand on Ianto's chest, gently tweaking his lover's nipple. "You know more about romance than I've learned in over nine hundred years. I think you're just innately romantic."
"Oh, really?" Ianto couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed; no one had ever told him that. "I've always been made to feel that being romantic isn't something that 'real men' do," he said with a sigh. "So I've tried to repress that side of myself."
"You don't have to do that with me," the Doctor told him, raising his head and looking down at his lover. "I love that romantic side of you, Ianto. I love that you can be strong and protective, and yet be soft and gentle when we're together like this."
"I've never been able to let that soft side out much," Ianto confessed, his voice soft and a little wistful. "When I was with girls, they wanted a strong man. And when I was with Jack -- well, what he wanted was very different, but he didn't want romance."
"Well, I want romance," the Doctor said, his voice soft but firm. "I want to be held and touched and kissed and loved. I want to know that I'm the only one in your bed, in your arms, and in your heart. I want the soft and gentle side of you."
"And at the same time, you want a strong man," Ianto murmured, smiling as he turned over and pinned the Time Lord beneath him. "You want someone who'll take you -- someone who'll be gentle at the same time that they're dominant."
The Doctor nodded, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Yes, that's what I want," he whispered, the muscles in his arms tensing as Ianto held his wrists down against the pillows. "But more than that -- I want you, Ianto. You and only you."
"And that, my love, is what I call romantic," Ianto whispered in the Doctor's ear. "Knowing that you don't want anyone else, that I'm the one who owns your hearts -- to me, that's romance. Having that kind of complete fidelity and love."
"Too few people believe in that any more, human or otherwise," the Doctor sighed, nodding at his lover as he relaxed back against the pillows. "I never thought that I'd find a love like that. I'd almost given up looking -- until you burst into my life."
"I'd given up looking for it, too," Ianto said softly, taking the Doctor's face between his hands and gazing into the Time Lord's eyes. "But finding you -- that brought that need for romance out, I think. I took one look at you and knew that you were the man who I could lavish that love on."
"I'm glad you took that chance with me," the Doctor told him, his dark gaze locking with Ianto's. "If you hadn't .... you know, I still think that we would have eventually found each other. What we share could never have been given to anyone else. It's only for you."
"I would have found you, no matter how long I had to keep looking," Ianto whispered, the words bringing a lump to his throat. "I might have given up now and then on finding love, but I would have known that you were out there somewhere. I'd never have given up for long."
"I would never have given up on finding you, either," the Time Lord said, blinking back tears. "I might have given up on believing in romance at some points of my life, but you've brought that part of me back to life. And it would have kept looking until I'd found you."
"You can't honestly think that you're not romantic, if you have thoughts like that!" Ianto teased, raising a hand to wipe at the slight wetness under the Doctor's eyes. "Don't cry, sweetheart," he whispered, his own eyes a little misty. "Romance shouldn't be sad."
"I'm not sad," the Doctor protested, shaking his head. "Just a little emotional, that's all." He looked up at Ianto, affecting an innocent look but unable to completely hide the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You know, you could help with that."
"I could?" Ianto asked, feigning innocence along with the Doctor. He tilted his head to the side, trying to keep his lips from curving into a smile of his own. "And just how could I do that, hmmm? Explain it to me, and I'll do my best to help."
"You could show me just how romantic you are by making love to me," the Doctor whispered, raising a hand to cup Ianto's cheek. "Slowly and hard -- and take all night to do it. Don't stop until we're both completely sated .... and exhausted."
"Considering that you're multi-orgasmic, I think I'd give out long before you were sated," Ianto told his lover, his blue-grey eyes sparkling as he looked down at the man he loved. "But since that's what you want, I'll do the best I can to give you what you need."
He lowered his head to capture the Doctor's lips with his own, moaning softly as he felt the Time Lord's long legs wrap around his waist. Who needed to go out? he told himself as he wrapped his arms around the Doctor's waist. He had all the romance he needed -- here in his arms and in his heart.***
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