Title: Forever Yours
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: VRD challenge - Orange, 5_prompts
Prompt: Sunset over the waves
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto looked around him as he sat on the beach, wondering where the Doctor had gone to. The Time Lord had decided to take a walk along the water's edge, and Ianto had given him his solitary time, knowing that his lover would come back soon enough.
It hadn't been often lately that they'd had times like this; the dreams that the Master had been sending into their subconscious minds at night had been growing more and more horrific, and the young man could sense that there was a confrontation with him in their future.
But for the moment, they were here, in a beautiful place where they hopefully wouldn't be disturbed. The tree-filled glade that the Tardis had found for them had also been a peaceful place, but they'd been wary of staying in one place for too long.
It would be too easy for the Master to track them down, especially if he had some subliminal way into their subconscious realm. He'd be able to find them anywhere, no matter how they tried to hide, and they didn't want to lose every place that meant something to them.
How were they going to be able to stop this? Ianto thought with a sigh. The Master had given no indication of whether or not he intended to confront them; maybe his intention was to let the dreams get worse and worse, until their minds snapped from the pressure.
That wasn't going to happen, Ianto told himself firmly. The Doctor would eventually find the Master, and even if that monster didn't plan on a confrontation, it would happen. And then they would find a way to get him out of their minds for good.
He looked up to see that the Doctor was heading back down the beach towards him, a smile on his face. Ianto held out a hand as the Time Lord approached, firmly pushing his disturbing thoughts to the back of his mind and locking them away.
The Doctor sat down beside him, leaning his head against Ianto's shoulder as the young man slipped an arm around his waist. As one, the two of them raised their faces to the spectacle of the sun turning orange and starting to slip behind the waves.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" the Doctor whispered as he watched, his attention obviously caught by the sight that was presented to their gazes. "This is the sort of place that I want us to get married, Ianto. Some place romantic and beautiful, that we'll remember for the rest of our lives."
Ianto nodded, his throat tightening at the Doctor's words. Ever since they'd spoken those words to each other that had bonded them in the Gallifreyan ritual, the Doctor had spoken more often of them having a wedding in his own human tradition.
"I'd love that," he whispered, unable to speak in a louder tone because of the lump that seemed to have taken up permanent residence in his throat. "I'll cherish those memories forever, Doctor. Just like I've cherished every memory that we've made together."
The Time Lord looked away from the sunset to regard him, those beautfiul dark eyes seeming to gaze right into his soul. "And I've cherished every moment I've spent with you, Ianto. Even when we've been in bad situations, they weren't so bad because of having you there."
"I would have thought that me being there would make those situations worse," Ianto murmured, his arm tightening around the Doctor's waist. "That it would make you associate what happened to you with me. I'm glad that isn't the case, love."
"The worst thing about those situations was knowing that you were trapped there along with me, and that you were having to live through them," the Doctor whispered, his eyes focusing on the sunset again. "I'll never forgive myself for putting you through that, Ianto."
Ianto shook his head, reaching out to place a hand against the Doctor's cheek and turn the Time Lord's face towards his. "Don't ever feel that way, Doctor. I would rather go through all the pain in the world than let you suffer alone."
"You shouldn't have had to deal with everything that the Master and John Hart have put you through," the Doctor told him, his voice breaking. "Forgive me for dragging you into those confrontations, Ianto. You've deserved so much better than that."
"I'm going to cherish those memories along with all of the other, more pleasant ones that we've made," Ianto said quietly. "Because I know just what you were going through, and hopefully I was able to take some of your pain away."
The Doctor nodded, gulping and closing his eyes. He rested his forehead against Ianto's shoulder for a long time, finally looking up at the sunset again as the orange ball of light began to turn blood-red and sink beneath the horizon out of their sight.
"I hate that you've had to go through so much because of being with me," he finally said, his voice low and husky. "But you're right, Ianto. Knowing that you were there with me helped me get through those bad situations. Thank you for sacrificing so much for me."
"Any time," the young man said, his voice choked. "I'd do anything for you, Doctor. You should know that by now. You're my destiny, my heart and soul. You're a part of me that I could never bear to lose. I cherish you with everything that I am."
"As do I, my beloved," the Doctor told him, sighing softly as he slid one arm around his young lover's waist. "I'll cherish you for the rest of our lives together -- and beyond. No matter what may happen in our future, Ianto, know this -- I'm forever yours."
The two of them sat there for what seemed like a very long time, watching the red glow of the sun sink below the horizon of the waves; and when they finally turned to each other, it was obvious to each of them that their bond had been strengthened by this quiet time together.***
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