Title: Forget Time
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 22, Time
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto glanced down at his watch, frowning as he noticed the time. It had said the same thing a few hours ago, he thought, sighing. Somehow, he seemed to be able to make any watch stop, even when it was nearly brand-new.
The Doctor had jokingly told him that he could make time stop, but Ianto had seen the twinkle in those dark eyes when he'd said those words. He knew that his lover had been joking, but it was still annoying to find that all of his watches died on him.
Still, he didn't need a watch here on the Tardis, did he? Ianto reflected as he pulled the watch from his arm and tossed it onto the bureau. Time moved differently here; even though the Doctor wore a watch, he didn't seem to use it to actually keep track of time.
But then, his lover was a Time Lord, the young man thought with a rueful smile. The Doctor could see the progression of time; he could actually feel it, from the very dawn of the beginning of time to the end of eternity itself.
The Doctor certainly had no need of a watch, though he wore one. Ianto had been surprised by that at first; he hadn't thought that the Time Lord would be anyone who concerned themselves with the vagaries of time. He'd thought that the Doctor could almost control time.
He'd found out differently after he'd been with the Time Lord for a while; the questions of how the Doctor dealt with time, how he looked at it, had been pushed to the back of his mind. But at times like this, they all came flying back to him.
What was it like to be able to literally see time in all its formations, from the beginning to the end? He couldn't even begin to imagine it; the thought of literally being a part of the flow of time, as the Doctor was, made his mind spin in circles.
He'd never really asked the Doctor how he felt about that -- but maybe he should. There were times when he was sure that being a Time Lord could be a strain, and Ianto wanted to help soothe his lover and make his life easier in any way he could.
Ianto sighed, heading for the door of the bedroom. He would make his way to the control room and talk to the Doctor, tell his lover that somehow, yet another of his watches had stopped running. And the Doctor would tease him about it, as usual.
The thought of that teasing made Ianto smile. He really didn't mind it; that had become something of a private joke between the two of them. And really, he didn't need to wear a watch, not here. The Tardis kept track of time perfectly well.
He frowned as a thought slowed his steps. He would have to wear a watch when they went out of the Tardis, wouldn't he? Otherwise, he wouldn't have any idea what time it was. That was never a good idea, especially if they had to be somewhere at a certain time.
But he could depend on the Doctor to always know what time it was. The watch that he always wore would tell him that -- and if he knew what time it was, then it stood to reason that Ianto wouldn't have to. Didn't it? Ianto pondered the question.
Well .... that would be true but for one small snag. If they had to separate for any reason, and arrange a time to meet each other, then he would have to know what time it was. Without a watch, that could prove to be problematic.
Ianto sighed, continuing on along the passageway leading to the control room. He would cross that bridge of needing a watch when and if they got to it. If he needed a new watch, then he'd simply have to buy another one.
Ianto paused in the doorway of the control room, admiring the sight in front of him. The Doctor was bent over the console, studying something intently; the young man couldn't help but focus on the delectable rear that was presented to his gaze.
Moving behind the Time Lord, Ianto slipped his arms around the other man's waist, laughing softly when the Doctor let out a startled exclamation and straightened up, then relaxed and leaned back against him. "Sorry, love," he apologized. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's all right," the Doctor answered, his voice soft and husky. "I was hoping you would come in here. I have a proposition to put to you." The Time Lord turned his head slightly to meet his lover's gaze, a devilish glint in his dark eyes.
"Oh? And what would that be?" Ianto asked, raising one eyebrow and smiling at the other man. "I'm sure I'll say yes to it, whatever it is. You know that I can't resist you when you're looking at me like that. You could get me to agree to anything."
"I was wondering ...." The Doctor paused, one hand moving to rest on Ianto's hip. "I thought you might like to spend some time in our bedroom. There's not any place that we particularly need to go, and I'd like to forget about time and the universe for a while."
"I think that sounds like a marvelous idea," Ianto murmured with a smile, lowering his head to nibble at the Doctor's earlobe. Forgetting about time for a while sounded good to him -- and making love was one activity that definitely didn't require a watch.***
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