Title: Game of Another Kind
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 3, 50episodes
Prompt: 32, Mischievous
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Ianto, let's go somewhere fun!" The Doctor turned to his lover with a mischievous expression on his handsome features, his dark eyes sparkling. "Let's go to Venice during Carnivale. Or an expo. Or to a local fairground. Let's do something childish!"
Ianto leaned against the console, wanting to laugh aloud as he watched the Doctor. He loved seeing the Time Lord in moods like this; there had been too many times lately when Ianto had wondered if the other man was ever going to be able to smile again.
But they were past those bad times now, he reminded himself. They had walked through the proverbial fire, and even if they weren't completely unscathed, they hadn't been more than a little singed when they finally made it past the dangers to the other side.
If the Doctor wanted to celebrate making it through those dangers, who was he to say no? Ianto could feel laughter bubbling up within him; it would be fun to go to Carnivale, or just to find some place where they could play games and have a good time.
"Or ...." The Doctor looked more thoughtful for a moment, raising his brows in question as he turned to look at Ianto again. "We don't particularly have to go somewhere to make our own kind of fun. I can think of several things to do right here in the Tardis."
"I could, too," Ianto told him, laughing. "I could take you to bed and keep you there for hours. Maybe even days. I think that would be one of the most fun things we could do -- unless, of course, you really want to get out and go somewhere."
"I know what we can do!" the Doctor exclaimed, his eyes widening. He backed away from Ianto a few steps, kicking off first one shoe, then the other. "We can play hide and seek!" He grasped the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it to the floor.
"Hide and seek?" Ianto asked, his brow furrowing in a frown. "Doctor, if that's what you want to do, then why --" He stopped, his own eyes widening as the Doctor unzipped his jeans. "Why are you taking your clothes off to play hide and seek?"
"Haven't you ever heard of naked hide and seek?" the Doctor asked, pushing his jeans down his narrow hips and letting them slide down his legs. "I get naked, and you try to find me. If you do, then you can take me to bed. Agreed?"
He stepped out of his jeans as they pooled on the floor around his feet, placing his hands on his hips and tilting his head to one side as he stared at Ianto. The young man couldn't hold back a smile at the playful look in those eyes, the mischievous expression stealing over the Time Lord's features.
"That sounds good to me," he replied, starting to feel excitement rise within him. This could be fun, he told himself, especially if he found the Doctor fairly quickly. "But you know the Tardis a lot better than I do, which gives you something of an unfair advantage."
The Doctor shook his head, holding up one hand. "I solemnly promise that I won't go into any part of the Tardis that you're not familiar with, Ianto," he said, still smiling. "After all, I want you to be able to find me eventually, you know."
Ianto nodded, laughing and closing his eyes. "All right, I'll count to .... fifty. Is that all right?" Without waiting for an answer, he began to count down the numbers, wondering what would be the most likely place for the Time Lord to hide.
"Three .... two .... one." Ianto opened his eyes, turning around slowly. Hmmm. Where would the Doctor think of hiding first? Well, he was naked -- so maybe the wardrobe room would be a likely place? Ianto turned to the stairs that led to that room, bounding up them two at a time.
But though he searched the wardrobe room thoroughly, he came to the quick conclusion that the Doctor hadn't chosen that room to hide in. Well, there were several more places to look -- and since the Time Lord was naked, maybe he would be in the shower, behind the curtain.
Ianto smiled as he left the wardrobe room and padded down the corridor towards one of the bathrooms that they made the most use of. This actually was fun; he hadn't remembered just how much he'd liked playing hide and seek as a child.
The Doctor wasn't hidden in that bathroom; a quick search of the other one proved that he wasn't there, either. Ianto frowned as he headed for the library, wondering if the Time Lord could have decided to take cover behind the couch.
But that proved a wrong guess as well -- and then, when he entered the kitchen, it was all too obvious that the other man hadn't hidden himself away in there, either. Ianto's frown grew as he considered what other places the Doctor had to hide that he himself was familiar with.
The only other places that he knew were the bedrooms -- and there were several of them. Then there were a few other rooms that they weren't in much, but they might be worth looking at, too. Hmmm. Where should he start? Probably with the bedrooms.
The Doctor wouldn't hide in one of those, surely. No, he must be in a larger room, one that would afford him more furniture to hide behind. Ianto hurried along the corridor that led from the kitchen to those rooms -- but stopped when he passed the door to the bedroom he shared with the Doctor.
A slow smile spread across his face as he stepped into the room; he should have guessed that his wily Doctor would do something like this. Why hadn't he thought to look here first? He knew well enough how his beautiful lover's mind worked.
The Doctor laughed softly from his reclining position on the bed, holding out his arms to Ianto as the young man entered the room and moved to the bed, looking down at the Doctor and laughing as he bent to press his lips to the Time Lord's.
"Why should I have known you'd be in here?" Ianto asked the Doctor, sitting down on the bed and pulling the other man into his embrace. "It should have been the first place I looked. You're naked, so heading right to the bedroom would have been the first thing you thought of."
"Well, I knew that we'd end up here eventually," the Doctor told him, giggling as he wrapped his thin arms around Ianto's waist. "So I thought I'd save you a bit of time by waiting for you. Though I have to say, it took you longer to figure out where I was than I thought it would!"
"I wouldn't have, if I hadn't happened to walk past the bedrooms and caught a flash of movement in here!" Ianto said with a laugh, shaking his head ruefully. "If I'd thought it out fully from the first, then I would have known you'd be here just waiting for me."
"What would you have done if I'd hidden somewhere else?" the Doctor asked, the mischievous grin still on his face. "Picked me up and carried me in here, I'm guessing?" His voice was starting to go soft and husky again, his tone veering from playful to seductive.
"I don't know," Ianto said, pretending to consider the options. "I might have just taken you right there, on the floor -- and then picked you up, carried you in here, and made love to you again. After all, you didn't say that I could only make love to you once."
"I suppose I could let you make love to me more than once, as a reward for finding me," the Doctor said, a dimple appearing in his cheek as he struggled not to laugh. Ianto, however, did laugh, bowing his head to kiss his lover again, more deeply this time.
"I think I might be a bit overdressed for the occasion," he murmured, getting to his feet and pulling at his t-shirt. It only took him a few moments to undress; then he was sliding into bed next to the Doctor, taking the Time Lord into his arms and kissing him passionately.
If the Doctor was going to do something like this every time he felt a bit playful, then it was to be hoped that his mischievous streak kept coming out, Ianto told himself, his hands moving down the Time Lord's back. Especially if it was going to lead to a game of another kind.***
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