Title: Get Me To The Church On Time
By: Teddy
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Summary: 24 hour story prompt response - late, obligation, elevator.

Jack picked up the phone.  "Car's ready."

"Okay I'm on my way up."

He took one last look in the mirror.  Ianto had done a fine job on his uniform.  Though he suspected half the guests will think he was in fancy dress.  Everything was perfect.  He entered the elevator and it started moving,  just enough to get into the solid concrete shaft, before the power went out.  He elevator gave a shudder but the emergency breaks held.  It was pitch black.  Jack's hand lifted to his earpiece only to discover it wasn't there.  He had a vision of it sitting on his dressing table, where he had left it to head to the shower.

"Okay, car's waiting.  They'll miss me," he told himself.

Jack couldn't see a thing.
He could taste the dirt in his mouth.
He stretched out his hands to touch the side walls of the elevator.  It was a comfort to him to know where he stood.
He could smell the freshness of the dirt as it covered him.
With one hand out-stretched he began pacing, if you could call it pacing, from one side of the elevator to the other.
He could hear the dirt fall from the shovel.
The movement comforted him.
He could feel the dirt hit him as John buried him alive.
He turned, seeking out the back wall of the elevator.  It was longer between the back wall and the doors of the small enclosure.
Then came the terror.  Waking up to die.  His lungs wanted to take breath but there was none to take.
He didn't know how long he paced.  It seemed like forever.
He tried to think of good things.  The things that would be waiting for him when he got back to the Hub.
He stopped and lent his head against the doors.  How long would it take for Mickey to realise he was trapped down here?
Ianto. That though sustained him throught more lives than he could count.
He tried to calm down.  He knew that time was distorted by these situations.  He would percieve time passing much slower than anyone outside would.
Gwen.  He wanted to be there to play with her children, her grandchildren.  More lives and deths made bearable.
He sat down in the corner of the elevator, thankful that Ianto was such a clean freak that he wouldn't mess up his wedding outfit.  Every now and then he would reach out in front of him just to make sure there was enough space to move, to breath.
Owen.  He'd still had hope then to be able to save him.
Ianto would be angry that he was late.
Toshiko.  He wondered if she would stay with Torchwood when her time was up?
He realised that he was hyperventilating.  And forced himself to stay calm.  He couldn't tell if his eyes were open or closed.  
1881 years.  Buried.  Half dead, not nearly half alive.

Owen discretely checked out his watch, frowning as he confirmed the time.

Jack was late. Not politely late, Not politically correct late. No,Jack was rudely late.  An hour and fifteen minutes late.

"He's not coming." Ianto rasped, his lovely dark eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "He changed his mind and he's not coming."

Owen rushed across the room, sitting near the distraught man and taking his hands in his own. "Don't be stupid, Ianto. Jack loves you. He wouldn't miss this day."

"He loves Gwen."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"He does. I know he does. He let her go and..."

"He loves you. He wouldn't settle for anything less. Jack's too ...sensual to settle."

"Maybe...he doesn't think I'm enough. Do you think I did something wrong? Didn't do enough?  Maybe he thinks I can't keep him interested..."  And the tears fell, sliding down his pale cheeks in silvery trails. "He's...He's hours and hours late."

"It's only an hour..." Owen wanted to stuff his foot in his mouth at Ianto's horrified expression.

"He's not coming."

"Of course he's coming. You know Jack. He's probably got a emergency call and is out saving the world for you.

"He wold have called." Ianto sobbed. "He didn't call. He...isn't answering his phone."  An anguished groan pushed up from his toes. "I've lost him."

The door burst open, crashing into the wall and Tosh raced into the room. "Gwen just called from the Hub. There's trouble..."

Ianto didn't wait to hear more.  He rushed towards the carpark.  Owen was close behind and he had his keys out ready to drive Ianto to the Hub by the time Ianto got to the car.  
With an impatient driver waiting outside the Tourist Booth, Gwen was inside getting the rigging ready for someone to be lowered down to the elevator.  It was a long way down but there was no way up through the bottom of the lift.  
Ianto threw his jacket, tie and vest over the counter as he entered and then headed for the lift doors which Gwen had propped open.  They had been on the phone to her to find out exactly what the trouble was.  Ianto decided that he was going to be the one to go down to get Jack out.  
Jack looked up as he heard the something heavy drop onto the roof of the lift.  But really there was nothing to look at.  It was pitch black.  
"Jack?" Ianto called as he lifted the maintanence hatch.
"Yes," he replied, thankful to hear Ianto's voice.  "Could do with some light."
"Coming."  A torch flashed into the lift, onto Jack.  Ianto paused drawing  breath as the light lit Jack's face and he saw the tears.  "Are you hurt?"
"No, just can't see to get out."  
Ianto dropped throught the hatch and Jack half caught him to give him a soft landing.  Ianto's hand reached up to cup Jack's face and wiped a tear away with his fingertips.  "Scared?"
"No, what's to be scared of.  I knew you would come find me."
Jack drew Ianto into his arms and held him.  "Just bad memories," he told Ianto.  "I'm sorry about the wedding."
"So long as you're safe."
"Is the power out?"
"Only to the lift.  We'll have to get the repairman in."
"Or replace it."
"Ready to get married?"
Jack smiled.  "Everyone still at the hotel?"
"Just about."  Ianto put the harness on Jack and called up on his earpiece.  "I'll be right behind you."
"Oo...promises," Jack murmured.  
The End