Title: Getting So Excited
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Table: 5
Prompt: 20, Excited
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Come on, Ianto!" The Doctor was nearly dancing around the control room of the Tardis as he waited for his lover to put on his shoes and be ready to head out of the ship. "This is a new place that you've never seen before!"
Ianto laughed as he pulled his shoelaces tight, looking up at the Time Lord. "Relax, Doctor. We'll be out there soon enough -- and I'm sure that whatever it is you have to show me, I'm going to love it. That is, unless it's something that could get us in trouble."
The Doctor shook his head, a pink blush coloring his cheeks slightly. "No trouble, Ianto. I promise. That's one of the reasons I brought us here -- to stay away from that."
A burst of laughter came from Ianto as he glanced towards the Doctor again; the Time Lord was nearly bouncing in his haste to be out of the Tardis, hopping from one foot to the other. Ianto couldn't recall having seen him this excited before -- at least, not often.
The young man finished tying his shoes and rose to his feet, taking the Doctor's hand in his as they headed for the door of the Tardis. "So, what's so special about this planet that you feel I have to see? You haven't told me much about it before."
"I suppose it's not really all that special," the Doctor confessed, his blush growing deeper. "It's just .... a beautiful place, Ianto. All this lush vegetation, waterfalls, lovely scenery .... it's a pleasure planet, a place meant for relaxing."
"Ah." Ianto nodded, his smile growing. "A pleasure planet sounds like the perfect place for us to be right now. I'm looking forward to this."
The Doctor threw open the door of the ship, revealing that what he'd just told Ianto was indeed true -- lush green vegetation greeted their eyes, with a shingled beach beyond that, the bright sun in the sky gleaming down on a sea so blue it almost made the young man's eyes sting.
"Is this supposed to look like Earth? Because it does, amazingly so," Ianto said, stepping forward, his eyes wide with wonder. "Or -- is it Earth that's copying this place? I get a bit confused about that, you know. I have no idea which planets are the oldest."
"This place isn't just like Earth," the Doctor told him, twining his fingers through Ianto's as they moved forward out of the ship, letting the door close behind them. "It's a .... sort of interstellar pleasure resort. I came to this part of it because I thought you'd be most comfortable here."
"And this is what you were so excited to show me?" Ianto turned towards the Doctor, the smile still on his face. "It's beautiful, Doctor. I think we'll enjoy our time here."
"That's what I was hoping you'd say," the Doctor beamed at him, suddenly releasing his hand and bending down to roll up the legs of his jeans. To Ianto's surprise, the other man was kicking off his shoes and heading down the beach, breaking into a run.
He couldn't stop himself from laughing as the Time Lord waded into the surf, yelping as the water -- which was apparently cold -- splashed against his bare legs. He turned around, holding out a hand to Ianto and raising the other to shield his eyes from the glare of the sun.
This place looked so much like Earth, the young man marveled as he looked around him. Of course, it had been intended to be a resort for humans -- and they were quite a bit into the future, though he hadn't asked the Doctor just what year it was.
He didn't really need to know. The most important thing to him was knowing that his word still existed, and that they had moved through the centuries to be able to enjoy places like this. The human race hadn't been destroyed, nor had the planet they inhabited.
Not that the thought had made him lose sleep -- well, not until he'd begun working with Torchwood. Then, the annihilation of the human race had seemed a very definite possibility.
Well, since his lover was getting so excited about being here on a pleasure planet, on a beach that looked absolutely beautiful -- the least he could do was join the Doctor in his happiness, Ianto thought, kicking off his own shoes and bounding down to the water's edge.
He caught the Doctor close to him, wrapping his arms around the other man's waist, not caring if there was anyone watching them. What did it matter? There was no one they knew here; he didn't care if every person on the beach stood and stared at them.
Seeing the Doctor so excited about being here touched Ianto in a way that he'd never experienced before; he was used to the Time Lord's exuberance, but the fact that he was like this about showing his lover a pleasure planet was .... endearing.
What was it about the Time Lord's childlike exuberance that could affect him in the same way? He'd never been excited about vacations and the like before he'd met this man.
"I've never seen you like this before," Ianto whispered into the Doctor's ear, laughing as he spoke. "And I have to admit -- I love it. It's wonderful to see you cast away all the worries you usually have to deal with. I wish this happened more often."
"I get excited about things!" the Doctor protested, twisting around in Ianto's arms until they were facing each other. "I got excited about taking you to 16th-century London .... and going to a Beatles concert .... and showing you new planets ...."
"All right, all right," Ianto laughed, holding his hands up in the air for a moment before he embraced the Time Lord again. "You do .... but not always in this way. It's wonderful to see you acting so -- so free. I don't see it often enough. And I adore seeing you like this."
"Do you know why I'm so excited about this place?" the Doctor asked, his voice going soft and husky as his dark eyes met his young lover's gaze.
"Why?" Ianto asked, raising his brows in question and drawing the Doctor closer against his body. He didn't want the two of them to move; he wanted to stand here all day, with the sun shining high overhead, the surf lapping around their ankles, and the Doctor in his arms.
"Because I wanted to bring you here," the Doctor whispered, his gaze still locked with Ianto's. "This place was meant for lovers -- and I've wanted to share it with you since we first met. I've never brought anyone else here -- it just feels like a place meant especially for us."
Ianto was too choked up to speak for a few minutes; all he could do was hold the Doctor close, closing his eyes and burying his face against the other man's throat. When he did speak again, he managed to keep his voice steady, though he was barely whispering.
"That's one of the most beautiful things anyone's ever said to me," he murmured, nuzzling his cheek against the Doctor's neck. "And even if I'm not showing it, I'm excited about being here, too."
"Then let's explore this place a bit, shall we?" the Doctor whispered into his ear, pulling back slightly and inclining his head towards the lush vegetation they'd emerged from. "If I recall correctly, there's a lovely little clearing with a pool and a waterfall back there -- a very private one."
"Now that sounds like an interesting place to start learning more about this planet," Ianto agreed with a smile, taking the Doctor's hands and twining their fingers together. As they moved back to where they'd left their shoes, he found himself hoping that they'd be on this planet for quite a while.***
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