Title: Glow
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 11, 50episodes
Prompt: 3, Candlelight
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ah, how he loved pleasure planets, Ianto thought, stretching his arms above his head as he moved down the hallway towards the bedroom that he shared with the Doctor. They were wonderful places to rest and relax -- and to be with the man he loved.
Not that he couldn't be with the Doctor when they were in the Tardis -- but pleasure planets gave them a new setting, a place where they could be completely relaxed and not feel that they had to look over their shoulders for the trouble that always seemed to follow them.
In a place like this, the two of them could let their guard down, with no reservations. It was the same when they were traveling through space and time in the Tardis, but going to pleasure planets gave them different surroundings for a bit of a change.
And the Tardis was nearby, if they happened to need to run back to her for safety, Ianto told himself with an inward smile. It might seem silly, depending on the ship so much, but she was their home, and in a way, their protector as well.
Ianto frowned as he neared the bedroom; why was the light inside the room flickering like that? Maybe there was something wrong with the lights, or the Doctor could have the windows open to some sort of fireworks display, though that didn't seem probable.
After all, there were no noises from outside to indicate that something was happening. No, the flickering light must mean that something was wrong with the lighting system; if that was so, then they'd have to change suites, and he'd really rather not do that.
The suites they had been given had seemed to be in such a perfect place -- there was a terraced garden right outside the sliding glass doors along one wall, and Ianto had loved that at first sight. That garden was one of the most peaceful places he'd ever been in.
But if there was something wrong with the lights, they would definitely move to a different suite of rooms. Maybe there was another one that also had a garden right outside the door -- it wouldn't be inconceivable in a place of this size.
His footsteps quickened as he moved towards the bedroom door -- stopping in the doorway with his jaw dropping and his eyes widening in surprise. He didn't know just what he'd expected to see, but it wasn't the sight that greeted his eyes.
The flickering light was coming from dozens of scented candles placed all around the room -- some on the dresser, a few on the table by the bed, some on the desk against one wall. They filled the room with a soft vanilla scent, and luminescence that cast a gentle glow over their surroundings.
As his eyes adjusted to the soft candlelight, Ianto realized that the Doctor was lying on the bed, the flickering light illuminating his pale body against the dark indigo blue of the soft coverlet. The Time Lord was completely naked, looking as though he was waiting for his lover.
The Doctor smiled as he held out his arms to Ianto, beckoning the young man into the room. "I've been waiting," he said softly, confirming Ianto's thoughts. "Come here, love. I want to feel you in my arms. It's been too long since we spent time in a place like this."
Ianto certainly wasn't going to argue with the Time Lord's request; he moved into the room, pulling off his t-shirt as he went, then quickly unzipping his jeans and pushing them down his legs. It took him a few moments to kick them off, but he finally managed to rid himself of the confining fabric.
Laughing, he sat down on the bed, then stretched out next to the Doctor, taking the other man into his arms and pulling him close. When their lips met, Ianto couldn't keep himself from moaning in pleasure; he'd been waiting for this moment all day.
It seemed far too long since he'd touched the Doctor so intimately, which wasn't entirely true. They'd made love only last night, in this very room, but then they hadn't been surrounded by candlelight turning the aura of their bedroom into something out of a romance novel.
"You certainly know how to set a mood," he whispered, pulling back slightly to smile at the man in his arms. "This is lovely, Doctor. And you remembered that vanilla is my favorite scent, too." He closed his eyes, breathing in the soft scent of the candles.
"How could I forget?" the Doctor said, laughter in his tone. "Actually, I can remember so many things that you've told me, love. I don't think that I could ever forget a single thing that means a lot to you. They're all imprinted on my memory."
Ianto caught one of the Doctor's hands in his, raising it to his lips and kissing the Time Lord's fingertips. "Do you know, that may be one of the sweetest things that anyone's ever said to me," he murmured, his voice husky with emotion. "That shows how much you care for me."
"Oh, you know already how much I care," the Doctor whispered, resting his forehead against Ianto's. "I don't think you need a small gesture like scented candles and a romantic getaway on a pleasure planet to tell you how I feel."
"No, I don't," Ianto said softly, stroking a few errant stands of hair back from his lover's face. "But the romantic gesture is definitely appreciated. It's little things like this that make me love you all the more, Doctor. Most people wouldn't think of them."
"You know very well that I'm not 'most people,'" the Doctor chided him, a note of laughter in his voice. Ianto's arms tightened around his lover; he had to agree with what the Time Lord said. He knew more than anyone that there was no one else quite like the Doctor.
"Of course you're not," he answered, bowing his head to nip at the slender column of the Doctor's throat. "And there's no one who suits me better." His hands moved down the other man's sides, over his hips, then lower, gently pushing the Doctor's thighs apart.
Ianto propped himself up on one elbow, gazing down at the beauty in his arms. The candlelight gave a soft sheen to the Doctor's skin; he knew that velvety softness intimately, knew how this man's body felt pressed against his own, knew how it felt to be inside him when they made love.
What was it about the candlelight that transformed the Doctor into a creature of light and shadow, some beautiful dream that had materialized into reality? The flickering glow played across the planes and angles of his lover's body, making Ianto ache to touch him.
And he could touch this man. The Doctor was his; they'd bonded almost from the first moment they'd met. Even if neither of them had known it, that first glance, that first touch, had tied them together not only for the rest of their lives, but for eternity.
Ianto's lips followed his hands down the Time Lord's body, stopping his downward trek at the other man's stomach and looking up with a small smile quirking his lips. He wanted to look at his lover, to gauge the Doctor's reactions, to see those beautiful eyes darken with desire.
The Doctor groaned softly when Ianto raised his head, opening his eyes and gazing directly into his young lover's eyes. "Don't stop," he pleaded, the words barely whispered into the still air. "I need you, Ianto. Please, don't stop."
"Your wish is my command, love," Ianto breathed, lowering his head again and pressing a kiss to the soft skin just below the other man's navel. At the same time, he reached for the tube of lubricant he'd left lying on the table by the bed, fingers curling around it.
The young man raised his head again to look down at the man he loved, at that beautiful body spread out before him in the glow of the candlelight. The sight beckoned him to get closer, to wrap the two of them in an intimate embrace that neither of them ever wanted to end.
The candlelight flickered around them as he closed his eyes again, searing that image of the Doctor lying there into his mind's eye. He would hold that image in his mind and his heart forever -- along with the pleasant memories that he was sure the rest of this night would bring.***
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