Title: When the Stars Go Blue
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 41, 50scenes
Prompt: 47, Stars
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Look up there," Ianto told the Doctor, raising a hand to point up at the night sky as they walked through the small park near Ianto's apartment in Cardiff. "A star. I wonder if it's one that you've actually been to?"
The Doctor smiled fondly at the young Welshman, squeezing the hand that his fingers were twined through. "It could very well be. At this point, I don't think there are many that I haven't at least visited briefly. Though there are new ones being formed all the time, you know."
"So I've heard," Ianto murmured, unwilling to admit that he hadn't been a very good student when it had come to things like that. He'd usually been daydreaming in class, only coming to life when the professors were talking about something that really interested him.
"Close your eyes and make a wish," the Doctor whispered, tugging at Ianto's hand to draw him close. "Perhaps it will come true."
"My wishes have already come true," Ianto said with a soft smile, his eyes fastening on the Doctor's faced. "They came true the first time I kissed you." He moved closer to the Doctor, slipping one arm around the Time Lord's slender waist and pulling him close as they walked, his gesture possessive and protective.
The Doctor blushed, looking down at the toes of his Converse. "I wouldn't have thought that I was capable of making all your dreams become a reality."
"You are. You're more than capable of that," Ianto told him, stopping in his tracks and moving both hands to the Doctor's face. He tilted the Time Lord's face to his own, his blue-grey eyes meeting the Doctor's dark ones. "I do still have a few left, but the most important ones have been fulfilled -- and you're at the center of them all."
"What can I do to make the rest of them come true?" the Doctor whispered, his gaze locked on Ianto's. He couldn't look away from that face, those lips, those eyes. That beautiful face that held so much promise, so much desire -- focused right at him.
"Just be who you are," Ianto murmured, caressing the pads of his thumbs across the soft skin just under the Doctor's eyes. "Be with me. Let me love you. That's all. I don't ask for anything else."
His mouth lowered to the Doctor's, their lips meeting with a sweet promise that took the Time Lord's breath away. When they finally broke away from the kiss, the Gallifreyan was breathing erratically, his dark eyes huge and a little unfocused, clinging to Ianto as though he needed the young man's help to stay on his feet.
"It may not be a good idea to do that in public," he said, his voice shaky -- whether with surprise or desire, he couldn't have said. "It could lead to both of us being found in a compromising position."
"Oh?" Ianto asked with a lift of his brows, a small smirk crossing his features. "Do you intend to drag me under the trees and ravish me? It wouldn't be hard for you to convince me to let you have your way with me, you know. Quite easily done."
"Actually, I was planning to let you have your way with me," the Doctor replied, a small laugh bubbling up after the words. "Making love under the stars .... it's quite a romantic idea, isn't it?"
"I'd prefer a bed," Ianto laughed, looking up at the sky again. "The stars are starting to come out in full force now. I don't think I can find the one we were looking at a moment ago."
The Doctor looked up at the night sky sprinkled with stars, squinting and seeming to search the heavens. After a few moments, he pointed upwards, taking Ianto's hand and guiding it to the place that his eyes were fixed on.
"There," he said softly, curling his fingers around the young Welshman's. "The one that seems as if it's glowing blue. That's our star."
Ianto swallowed hard, his eyes not leaving the small pinpoint of blue light high in the sky above them. "Maybe someday you'll take me to those stars with you," he said softly, a lump forming in his throat at the idea of the Doctor having to leave him, to go back to those stars and leave him behind, here on his own planet, in his own time.
"I will, sweetheart," the Doctor whispered, one slender arm moving around Ianto's waist and pulling the young man close against his body. "I will, never fear. One day."
Ianto resolutely pushed the thought of the Doctor's leave-taking away from him, not wanting it to cloud the time he had with the Time Lord. Every moment was precious, and he didn't want to waste a single one of them.
"Let's go home," he murmured, starting to walk along the path again, his arm still around the Doctor's slim waist. "That is .... if you can call my apartment your home."
"It's more of a home than I have anywhere else," the Doctor murmured softly, not wanting to get into a discussion about the Tardis. Ianto wouldn't understand. Not now. Maybe sometime in the future .... but this wasn't the time or the place.
"It's there for you, for as long as you need it," Ianto said, his voice low and husky. "As am I. Whenever you need me."
The Doctor paused for a moment, raising his head again to look up at the sweep of stars that now dotted the midnight-blue sky. "If I could take those stars down and present them to you, then I would," he said, surprised at his own words. He'd never been given to that kind of thing before.
But then .... he'd never felt this way about anyone before, either. Not in all of his years, all of his bodies, all of his lives. No one else had ever been his soul mate, the other half of him. No one else had ever .... completed him in the way that Ianto did.
"Just take me to those stars with you," Ianto answered, leaning over to place his lips on the Doctor's again, murmuring against the velvety softness of the Time Lord's mouth.
"I will, my love," the Doctor whispered, closing his eyes as Ianto's arms clasped him close. Somehow, nothing in the stars or beyond could begin to compare to what he'd found here.***
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