Title: Good Fortune
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Ianto Jones
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1, 50scenes
Prompt: 49, Fortune
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Tenth Doctor or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
Ianto raised his head from the book he was reading, looking over at his lover. The Doctor was sprawled out on the couch in the library of the Tardis, his eyes skimming over the lines of type in the book he was reading, apparently lost in whatever story held his interest.
The young man couldn't help but smile at the sight that the Time Lord presented; he was sure that he'd never seen the Doctor look so relaxed and comfortable, even in his sleep. This was how he loved to see the man he loved, as though he had no cares whatsoever.
They'd been under so much stress lately that Ianto had wondered if he would ever see his lover like this again; he was relieved to find out that the Time Lord hadn't forgotten how to relax. They both needed this quiet time, even though they were spending that time together.
He and the Doctor weren't the kind of people who needed to talk all the time, to keep up a steady stream of conversation to feel that they were comfortable with each other. They could read in companionable silence, without ever feeling any awkwardness between them.
Just knowing that the Doctor was near made Ianto feel more safe and protected than he ever had; he loved the feeling of security that he experienced just from being able to look over at his lover, to know that the Time Lord was so close. The feeling was unlike anything he'd ever known.
Of course, he didn't need to be protected -- especially not now, he told himself with an inward smile. They hadn't tested his immortality yet, but he was fairly sure that it would work in much the same way that Jack's did. There was no way of knowing -- not yet.
It had to be put to the test at some point, of course. And if it was tested by him managing to save the Time Lord's life by sacrificing his own, then he would gladly do so. He hoped that his immortality would hold, and that he would come back as Jack did -- but he wasn't entirely sure of that.
What if it didn't? Ianto sighed aloud, not wanting to think about the consequences if that were so. It wasn't a thought that he wanted to dwell on; he wanted to enjoy what he had while he had it, not think about the fact that his good fortune might not last.
He'd been fortunate indeed in the life that he'd led, he mused, putting his book down and giving up on trying to read any further. He'd had a job that he loved on Earth, and he'd had a man he'd loved. Though that love hadn't lasted, it had developed into friendship.
Now, he was even more fortunate than he'd been when he still lived on his home planet. He was with a man who was more than a lover, who was a part of his heart and soul. And he had immortality -- well, at least he thought he did. That might remain to be seen.
Ianto pushed that thought out of his mind as quickly as he could. He didn't want to think about dying, not when it seemed that he'd been granted a gift of life that would go on and on. He only hoped that was true, and that they hadn't made a mistake to think it existed.
He was so fortunate to have all that he did, and he was grateful for it. He would have been thankful just to be with the Doctor; all of the other gifts that had been bestowed on him were just the icing on an incredibly satisfying cake. It almost seemed as though he'd been given too much.
What would he have done if none of this had come into his life, if he'd never gotten the job with Torchwood and been with Jack -- and had never met the Doctor? A shudder went through his body at the thought; it wasn't something he wanted to contemplate.
No, that wouldn't have happened, he told himself firmly, shaking his head and closing his eyes as though to keep the thought back, to push it away from his conscious mind. Somehow, he would have met the Doctor, even without his association with Torchwood.
They were meant to be together. Ianto had known that from the first moment he'd looked into the Doctor's fathomless dark eyes, the first time they had touched. He knew that he belonged with this man; they were soul mates, destined for each other in every way.
Even if he hadn't had Torchwood to facilitate his introduction to the Doctor, they would have somehow found each other. Ianto refused to believe that a love like the one they shared could ever not be fulfilled; he'd have been with the Doctor at some point, no matter how long it might have taken.
He hadn't had to wait to meet the man he loved, Ianto thought as a smile curved his lips. He'd been lucky enough to meet the Doctor just when he'd needed the Time Lord the most, when he had been feeling alone and unloved and had been ripe to fall in love again.
He'd been in love before -- he wasn't going to discount the feelings he'd had for both Lisa and Jack. They'd been important people in his life, but neither of them had been the one that he was destined to spend eternity with. That person had always been the Doctor.
He had been fortunate to have people in his life who he'd cared for so deeply, even if they hadn't been the one that he was destined to spend his life with and to give his heart to completely. He had to admit that, even if those people had caused him a great deal of pain.
If he hadn't suffered through that pain, then he might never have met the Doctor and been with him, Ianto told himself firmly. That pain had made him stronger, made him able to deal with some of the situations he and the Doctor had been thrust into since they'd been together.
All that he'd been through before he'd met the Doctor had made him stronger -- even though he didn't think that it had made him worthy to be with the Time Lord. No, what made him worthy of that good fortune was the love that he had in his heart and soul for the Doctor.
No one could love the Doctor in the way that he did. No one else could feel the same way about this man; no one else in the entire universe had been born to be the Doctor's soul mate. That was his destiny; that was what made him worthy of being the man to be at the Time Lord's side.
He was fortunate to be where he was, and he knew it. But he didn't discount the fact that it wasn't merely good fortune that had brought him here; it was his destiny to be the man who shared the Doctor's life. This was what he'd been meant for, from the moment of his birth.
At one time, he might have believed that it was just a stroke of luck that had given him this life. But after all the time that he'd spent with the Doctor, all of the emotions that had grown and flourished between them, he thought otherwise. He knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.
He would never give this up, not for anything else in the world, Ianto thought as he looked around him at the paneled walls of the library, letting his gaze come to rest upon his lover. He loved everything about the life he led with the Doctor; he wouldn't change a single thing about it.
This might not be a perfect life, but it was the one he wanted. Even the danger that he had to face at times was more than worth it, if he could protect the Doctor and be with him. It was worth facing anything, even his greatest fears, to be by the Doctor's side for eternity.
He'd never expected this kind of good fortune in his life. Even when he had first come to Torchwood, he'd had to beg for his position there, and he had never really felt as though he fit in. But here with the Doctor, he not only fit, he was needed.
That was one of the many things that made this life so dear to him, only one of the myriad of things that he was grateful for. To have the good fortune of falling in love with his soul mate was enough -- but to have so much more than that was a gift he would always treasure.
Everything that he'd done had led him here, to this existence alongside the man he loved, Ianto thought, a smile still on his lips. And his life would continue on, with the Doctor right by his side. He had to believe that, had to trust that the gift of immortality was his.
Yes, his good fortune was something that he would always treasure, and always be grateful for, Ianto told himself as he stretched his arms above his head and yawned before getting to his feet. And at the moment, all he could think about was showing the Doctor just how thankful he was.***
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